Getting 400 bad request error on cypress chrome while working fine manually - cypress

The problem is I have a website which i run on local to test cypress scripts and it is not working as expected in cypress first of all when I go to desired URL gives me 400 bad request error but when i go to somewhere else then desired url it works fine.
Like this
Cy.get('button','products'). click ();
This works fine but if I direct starts with second steps from merchants then i got 400 bad request error in console
But in manual it's perfectly fine. I don't get it where i m wrong


Data appear in Chrome but not in Cypress test runner

My problem is that when im opening website on my computer by chorme everything works fine. But when im using Cypress cy.visit() to reach this endpoint by Cypress test runner, the data not appear..
in runner i always get Null response and have no idea why.
ill try to wait for page to load but its not working. click for module im interested, post and get endpoint. nothing works, table in test runner still opens empty

Cypress not opening URL and throwing error

I am trying to open a URL using cypress but it is giving error in response
Not sure what this error is.
I am using cy.visit("") to launch the URL. I tried this on different browsers but it is giving this error. Please help me with same

IIS 10 Failed Request 500 - General_Request_Start Failed To Complete

I'm trying to understand why after deployment my server is returning 500 - Internal server error for a simple GET request that checks the server's status which is supposed to return 200 (when I run it locally with unit tests I wrote, it works fine). I retrieved the failed request log, but can't quite seem to understand what the problem is.
In several events the severity column shows: Failed To Complete
The Request summary shows:
These are the Errors and Warnings shown:
Does anyone know why I might be getting theses errors, or why I might be getting a 500 Internal Server error response?
I will add that I already have a GET request that is working: which returns 200.
and when I try: I get a 404 Error.
It seems to me like it has to do with something in the configuration, but I can't seem to understand what.
Thanks in advance.


I get this error on my chrome console
When i comment these two files out in the code, the site loads perfectly (looks weird, of course)
Also I can see in the developer console that the file does get loaded fine on the frontend with status code 200 OK.
Why would this length mismatch be happening?
This is a flask-socketio app hosted on heroku (using gunicorn). The site works perfectly fine locally.

Invalid http response 634, 638 - Github webhook

I have a github webhook, it send a post to the url I have set which is not a problem. I have this weird error which I cant find anywhere. It says
Invalid HTTP Response: 634
There is no definition for Response code 634 anywhere? Anyone have any idea about this?
I'm using ruby sinatra to fetch the post and ngrok as my server on localhost itself. Initial requests worked fine.
Once I added code to write the post received to a file in my ruby script, it started giving me this 634 response code, however, it works fine. I'm just curious as to what does the error code imply. I have no issues with my code, it works fine.
Let me know if you need more information.
Earlier one was the response I received when I pushed some changes done to a text file.
Based on mudasobwa's comment, I tried again. This time I checked in a .java file and weirdly I get a different Invalid response 638 this time
I'm not sure whats going on. My server is able to receive the post anyway though.
