Update user interface suggestions - user-interface

I have an intranet system that uses the DHTMLX UI Framework as user interface, but I'm looking for more modern interfaces that suits the current interface. The current version of DHTMLX I'm using only supports jQuery 1.x, that is a serious security problem. I already asked to update the version using the same UI, but there is a lack of documentation on its updated product. I.e., if I Googled for specific method or some way to run specific task or behavior, I'm always being redirected to elder documentation, or it simply doesn't exist!
I sketched here the current main UI I have: https://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/visualDesigner/live/?preview=true&id=967kh4
Explaining the behaviors: I have the layout separated by tabs, but the Tab 0 is the main record, and "sub tabs" are records according the selected row on grid of Tab 0. If there is no selected row, all sub tabs are disabled by default. If I add a new record on specific tab, automatically it adds a new row to equivalent tab.
This front is not so usual, but allows user previewing quickly the dependencies.
Question is... Do some of you have something similar to this layout? I'm disposing layouts that has to click on the main record, have to load an entire screen just to preview its dependencies.
The image below shows the current system interface
Any suggestion will be appreciated.


Outlook VSTO ribbon add-in tab not showing on load

I’ve created an add-in that consist of a ribbon and three tabs.
Background to build:
The ribbon is built using designer and not xml. The primary use of these is to allow quick opening of various email templates.
Tab0 adds a couple buttons to the built in TabMail
Tab1 is a new custom tab with various buttons that do various things.
Tab2 is a reduced version of Tab1 for use by users of our subsidiary company but pointing to alternatively branded templates.
In the coding, Tab1 and Tab2’s visibility is set based on user AD group membership on ribbon load event. This has been tested and works.
Tab0 always is merged with the built in Home tab shows as expected.
Developers and template admins like me should see all tabs. This also works using same methods.
Current issue:
Recently and I think after a certain office 365 update (but not 100% which), Tab1 no longer shows for anyone that should see it on load. However the tab has loaded somewhere. The reason I know this is because to fix this bug all I have to do is minimise the ribbon the re-maximise. Both additional tabs are instantly visible.
Please note, I do not have to disable and the re-enable the actual add-in.
I can also confirm that the Ribbon Type is set correctly (Microsoft.Outlook.Explorer) so please, no reply along those lines either.
I have trawled the web and cannot seem to find an explanation or fix for this behaviour. I'm hoping someone has seen this before and might point me in the right direction.
To replicate, I've seen it happen by just creating a new simple ribbon project and creating a new custom tab. Then create a second tab by copying the first, giving it a diff ID.
Ribbon on App Launch/Load - Tab01 Missing
Ribbon on minimise - Tab01 Appears
Ribbon on maximised- Tab01 still visible
Still have no idea why this happens but i have found a work around for those that have experiences the same issue.
The issue seems to affect the first custom tab only. So if you add a new blank custom tab and set its visibility to false, this inherits this bug allowing the other to function properly.
Its a bit of a dirty fix but work well.
Would still be interested in an actual fix if anyone knows one though.
This happens because you had added control to your ribbon perhaps a property to the Control which you should not.
An example is when you add a Ribbon Gallery control to your Ribbon and change its "PositionType" property from Default to another value.
This results in the Ribbon not showing.
Or perhaps you should check the last code you added to your project

Display of object class in page frame for visual foxpro 6

I've bundle of control save in .vcx file but I need to activate it to display it when i switch to different activepage in pageframe.
Could anyone guide me how to code and which kinds of event should i make on page frame switch, click or whatelse UIENABLEEVENT.
First, you might want to click on Help -> Tour for site etiquette and start voting / checking your answers so people know what worked or not that help you and others with similar issues.
Now, back to you question... If you have a form with a pageframe, make sure you have the "Properties" sheet open, it helps to ensure which object you are actually working with until you get more familiar with the IDE.
Once you click on the pageframe control, if you right-click and then select "Edit", that will bring you to the individual PAGE level of the pageframe. Once the PAGE is the basis of the focus you can put any control on it from either the toolbar, or if your project is open and you expand your .VCX class library, you can grab any control and put in on the page.
If you have multiple pages, once you click on the alternate pages, you will see that the first page (or whatever page) is no longer visible and the new page is available for you.
The actual handling of the pages on the pageframe for clicking / focus is automatically handled for you unless you want to do something extra.

Drupal Display Suite Custom View Modes stopped appearing

I have recently noticed something odd with Display Suite. I am rather new to Drupal so if its something on my mistake please do not make fun of me.
But I have noticed that no new custom display settings (view nodes are being added to either node or field collection) previously it worked perfectly but now if I create a new view mode and attaching it to the node / field collection it seems it does not apply to it.
See the photos attached. Any suggestion?
P.S. I have cleared drupal cache but it still keeps not working.
Thanks in advance
Fist I'd say that if you're a new user to Drupal, using Display Suite is really jumping into the deep end. It's a really powerful module and creating View Modes is just the tip of the iceberg of what it can do. Second, when you create a new View Mode, you're doing it for an Entity (such as Content Types, Users, Comments, File - but not so much a single node, nor a field). You can find more info on what View Modes and entities are here. You don't need Display Suite to activate other View Modes but if all you're wanting to do is create a custom view mode, the lightweight module to use for that is Entity View Mode. Lullabot does a nice job of explaining this module here.
Anyhow, modules aside, note that the controls for turning View Modes on and off are only found on the 'Default' view mode for a given content type, ie: when on the Manage Display page of whatever content type you're working with, at the top right under the main tabs, you'll see your activated view modes. If you select 'Default' then you will see the control to turn on/off other view modes.
Now, maybe you're wondering how do you see what a particular View Mode looks. To do this, you're best off using Views as it ties in nicely with View Modes.
Hope that helps.

Partial refresh/reload in a repeatcontrol of a xpage

I've created a customcontrol with a repeatcontrol showing a panel for each related document (of a notes doccollection). The xpage arround the cc is bound to a maindocument.
The panel in the repeatcontrol contains some inputfields, a fileuploadcontrol, a filedownloadcontrol and an action-button.
If the user select a file in the fileuploadcontrol an press the button, then the document bound to the panel is saved and an notesagent replace the old attachment with the new selected.
After that, the current panel should be refreshed, so that the filedownloadcontrol shows the right attachment for download. But only the current panel should be refreshed, not the complete xpage or other panels in the repeatcontrol (context.reloadPage is not the solution I need).
Any idea?
I suggest you put all your code in the button and then partial refresh the panel in the button.
But I suspect that the question refres to that you cannot save a file attachment using partial refresh. which is true. there are a few solutions to this, like using an iframe. do a google search on that
An example for using iframes is described at the Domino development wiki. The mentioned approach is used in the Lead Manager X example at OpenNTF.
However, depending on whether or not that fits your needs, you may also consider using the XPages Exension Library, specifically the Dynamic Pages therein.
did you try giving the partial refresh id for the panel containing the document? If that doesnt work.. get the handle of the particular panel in clientside and refresh it. Panel inside repeat can be identified with its index.

how to display a html page inside dynamically created silverlight child window

I want to a html page inside a dynamically created silverlight child window without telerik control.
The telerik control isn't doing anything you can't do yourself with enough effort - it's all just transparent user code.
So, you could create <div> and position it carefully just like the telerik control does - but of course this can be a lot of work (that's why folks would want to pay for their control).
This also only works when the plugin is windowless, which has lots of trade-offs (see MSDN - for example, accessibility support is greatly reduced or gone entirely, I can't recall which).
In out-of-browser mode, you can use the WebBrowser control, in case that helps should you wish to make your app available OOB later.
try one of these links:
1. http://forums.silverlight.net/forums/t/51784.aspx or
2. http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/archive/2010/05/10/integrating-html-into-silverlight-applications.aspx
It can help
