Display of object class in page frame for visual foxpro 6 - visual-foxpro

I've bundle of control save in .vcx file but I need to activate it to display it when i switch to different activepage in pageframe.
Could anyone guide me how to code and which kinds of event should i make on page frame switch, click or whatelse UIENABLEEVENT.

First, you might want to click on Help -> Tour for site etiquette and start voting / checking your answers so people know what worked or not that help you and others with similar issues.
Now, back to you question... If you have a form with a pageframe, make sure you have the "Properties" sheet open, it helps to ensure which object you are actually working with until you get more familiar with the IDE.
Once you click on the pageframe control, if you right-click and then select "Edit", that will bring you to the individual PAGE level of the pageframe. Once the PAGE is the basis of the focus you can put any control on it from either the toolbar, or if your project is open and you expand your .VCX class library, you can grab any control and put in on the page.
If you have multiple pages, once you click on the alternate pages, you will see that the first page (or whatever page) is no longer visible and the new page is available for you.
The actual handling of the pages on the pageframe for clicking / focus is automatically handled for you unless you want to do something extra.


Lock Firebug to a specified page

Is there a way to keep Firebug on a single page, so that when I switch pages it remains on the page I want it set to?
For example, I'm working on a project and I get an error that I want to search for on Stack Overflow, but when I navigate here, the console changes to reflect this site. I'd like to stop that from happening.
There is no option to "pin" a page's data in Firebug (as of version 2.x). As far as I know this also doesn't work in any of the browser built-in dev tools.
Though the simple solution for your problem is to open the other page in a separate tab or window. Doing so keeps all the data of the page saved when you switch back to the tab containing your project's page.
Note that Firebug's activation model is based on URLs following the same origin policy. I.e. if you open it for your project's page, it will always get opened for your projects page, even on other tabs, but not for any other site.
I've found it useful to split the tab of interest off into a new window and to activate Firebug on that window. That way I can continue using my original tab collection/window without it changing as I link-hop.

Joomla! 3 menu drop-down behavior without showing new article possible?

The Joomla! 3 administrative console in my installed version (Joomla! 3.1.5 Stable) plus at least a Joomla! demo web site showcase menus that don't switch to an article if you press them, but present only the drop-down menu at first. The rendered article (i.e. the content below the menu) only changes once a menu-item is selected/clicked.
For instance, visit demo.joomla.org. The content below the menu reads "Joomla! is a free, open source content management system ..." Now if you press e.g. "Joomla!" inside the menu, a drop-down list appears, but the cited text does not change yet. Only if you press a particular menu item it changes (currently e.g. to "Joomla! 2.5.16 Released ...").
I would like to accomplish the same behavior in a Joomla! 3-powered web site but haven't yet been able to do so. On my site (sorry, not yet available to the public) clicking a menu of this kind brings up the article, and so far I have found no way to prevent that. I'm referring to articles because my menus are of type "Single Article". I've looked at other menu item types too but they did not seem to offer a solution either.
So can the behavior the demo site's menus be accomplished (without installing further extensions), and if so how? After all, the demos are surely hosted on Jooma! servers :) Perhaps this is a matter of choosing an appropriate template? But then, the solution does not seem obvious and googling reveals different opinions as to whether this is/was possible at all.
UPDATE The following is a depiction of what I get when changing the menu item type for "Open Source" from "Articles | Single Article" to "System Links | Text Separator": it now looks odd and no longer seems to function as a menu (no drop-down effect). In the HTML source the CSS classes assigned to the three menu items are "item-x current active", "item-y divider parent", and "item-z parent" respectively. (Why isn't "Open Source" marked active?)
UPDATE I am using the protostar template (marked as Default for Site under Extensions | Type Manager).
Create the top-level menus as System - Separator; this means they have no link attached, but only serve the purpose of organizing (sub)menu links.
Then when you click them, based on the setup of your menu module, they will show the sub-items. Beware, the most common behaviour is not to wait until clicked, but simply show the submenu items when hovered (when you bring the mouse over them). But the event they respond to depends on the module (mod_menu), its template override, and other scripts your template may load.
If you're using mod_menu, in the module list it will be listed as Menu; if you were using another menu module, I guess you would remember installing it :-)
I am not a protostar / twitter bootstrap fan so I can't help you much on it, but dropdown menus are definitely supported, I just tried putting the menu in the position navigation, with
"Menu Class Suffix" = " nav-pills nav-dropdown"
and it worked correctly with dropdowns on hover. As per having dropdowns on click instead of hover, look at this guide

Partial refresh/reload in a repeatcontrol of a xpage

I've created a customcontrol with a repeatcontrol showing a panel for each related document (of a notes doccollection). The xpage arround the cc is bound to a maindocument.
The panel in the repeatcontrol contains some inputfields, a fileuploadcontrol, a filedownloadcontrol and an action-button.
If the user select a file in the fileuploadcontrol an press the button, then the document bound to the panel is saved and an notesagent replace the old attachment with the new selected.
After that, the current panel should be refreshed, so that the filedownloadcontrol shows the right attachment for download. But only the current panel should be refreshed, not the complete xpage or other panels in the repeatcontrol (context.reloadPage is not the solution I need).
Any idea?
I suggest you put all your code in the button and then partial refresh the panel in the button.
But I suspect that the question refres to that you cannot save a file attachment using partial refresh. which is true. there are a few solutions to this, like using an iframe. do a google search on that
An example for using iframes is described at the Domino development wiki. The mentioned approach is used in the Lead Manager X example at OpenNTF.
However, depending on whether or not that fits your needs, you may also consider using the XPages Exension Library, specifically the Dynamic Pages therein.
did you try giving the partial refresh id for the panel containing the document? If that doesnt work.. get the handle of the particular panel in clientside and refresh it. Panel inside repeat can be identified with its index.

Sharepoint 2010 - create page with cropping image field

I'm using Sharepoint 2010 (as a beginner). I need to find the best way to allow a user to create a new page inside a sharepoint site. The page must have an image field which the user can crop when he creates the page.
I have 3 problems concerning this:
How can I allow my user to create the page in a single step. The default behaviour is: create page with Title, Url and Content type and the edit the page layout or the page properties. Is there a way to do this in a single step?
What view should my user use when editing the page? The "Edit page" view, or the "Edit properties"? I don't like the "Edit page" view because... it doesn't look like the right way to do it... BUT, I like the fact that I can use my custom BaseFieldControls in this view. The "Edit properties" look great, BUT, customizing it looks like a nightmare. And, of course, I cannot ask the user to use both views...
One of my requests is to allow the user to upload a sharepoint image for the page, and then to crop tree different sizes using the base image. The big question is: where should I allow my user to do this?
In a webpart inside the "Edit properties" window? - Not very easy to integrate it. It seems almost impossible.
In a custom BaseFieldControl in the "Edit page"? Would be great, but, I don't want the user to use this view.
Create my own Asses Picker aspx page for the "Upload image" field, and replace the default one - _layouts/AssetImagePicker.aspx? Is this even possible?
I dont have an answer for everything but for number 1, maybe:
Check out SPServices. It is a Jquery project which is designed to help people use Jquery on Sharepoint sites. It is really useful for accessing, editing, and writing data is less lines of code than ever before... Unless you are a genius and have SP figured out which most do not.
To be honest, the only way to do things in "1 step" is with javascript anyway...
Hopefully you have heard of Jquery:

Firefox plugin to build custom links for the right click menu

In Firefox, I'd like to be able to highlight a word or number, then right click and have options that would open various custom links such as:
View User Profile -> http://mysite.com/user/HIGHLIGHTEDWORD
View User Admin Page -> http://mysite.com/admin/user.php?user=HIGHLIGHTEDWORD
View Order Page -> http://mysite.com/orderdetailspage.php?order_id=HIGHLIGHTEDWORD
Something like that would save me and my team a lot of time.
Does anyone know is such a plugin exists, and if not what would be involved in developing one?
This page has some options for Menu customization extensions:
Maybe you could use one of those extensions with keyword searches?
I believe in you!
I know you're trying to save yourself some time with due diligence researching whether it's been done, but with the power of copy and paste, you could "write your own" almost as quickly as asking the question.
