Can I configure max tries for Spring Cloud Stream with RabbitMQ using DLQ - spring

I'm working with Spring Cloud Stream and Rabbit, and I used the config defined here to set up a dead-letter queue (DLQ) and it works very nicely.
What I'd like to do is set a maximum amount of times a message goes to the DLQ before being discarded - is is possible to set this via config? If so, how? If not, what should I do to achieve this behaviour?
I'm looking for a code sample for the best answer, preferably in Kotlin (if relevant)

That depends whether you're using qurorum queues or not. I don't believe there's a default config for that without quorum queues. However, you should be able to store the redelivery count within a custom header or in the message itself.
Then if you set a MAX_REDELIVERY_COUNT constant in your application, you can check if the message exceeds the maximum number of redeliveries.
If you're not using quorum queues, I'd take a look at this answer:
How do I set a number of retry attempts in RabbitMQ?.
This answer has quite some good options.
However, when using quorum queues, you can set the delivery-limit option. More info on that can be found here:
Edit 1: using custom headers
In order to publish a message with custom headers:
Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>();
headers.put("latitude", 51.5252949);
headers.put("longitude", -0.0905493);
channel.basicPublish(exchangeName, routingKey,
new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder()
As found on
The problem is that the headers can't be simply updated. However, you could do this with a workaround. Let's say you want a maximum of 5 retries per message. If the message can't be processed, send it to a DLX. If the message doesn't exceed the maximum retries, read the original headers of the message, update the custom retry count header and resend it to the original queue.
If the message gets in de DLX and does exceed the maximum retry count, send the message as is to the DLX with a different routing key, which is bound to a queue for the "definitive" dead messages.
That'd mean that you would get something like this in a simplified diagram:
This is just an idea, I don't know if it'll work for sure, but it's the best that I can think of in your situation.
Edit 2: using the autoBindDlq
It seems like the Spring Cloud Stream Binder for RabbitMQ has this option. In the docs as found on, it says the following:
By using the optional autoBindDlq option, you can configure the binder to create and configure dead-letter queues (DLQs) (and a dead-letter exchange DLX, as well as routing infrastructure). By default, the dead letter queue has the name of the destination, appended with .dlq. If retry is enabled (maxAttempts > 1), failed messages are delivered to the DLQ after retries are exhausted. If retry is disabled (maxAttempts = 1), you should set requeueRejected to false (the default) so that failed messages are routed to the DLQ, instead of being re-queued. In addition, republishToDlq causes the binder to publish a failed message to the DLQ (instead of rejecting it). This feature lets additional information (such as the stack trace in the x-exception-stacktrace header) be added to the message in headers. See the frameMaxHeadroom property for information about truncated stack traces. This option does not need retry enabled. You can republish a failed message after just one attempt. Starting with version 1.2, you can configure the delivery mode of republished messages. See the republishDeliveryMode property.


Apache.NMS.AMQP setting prefetch size

I am using Apache.NMS.AMQP (v1.8.0) to connect to AWS managed ActiveMQ (v5.15.9) broker but am having problems with setting prefetch size for connection/consumer/destination (couldn't set custom value on either of them).
While digging through source code I've found that default prefetch value (DEFAULT_CREDITS) is set to 200.
To test this behavior I've written test that enqueues 220 messages on a single queue, creates two consumers and then consumes messages. The result was, as expected, that first consumer dequeued 200 messages and second dequeued 20 messages.
After that I was looking for a way to set prefetch size on my consumer without any success since LinkCredit property of ConsumerInfo class is readonly.
Since my usecase requires me to set one prefetch size for connection that is what I've tried next according to this documentation page, but no success. This are URLs that I've tried:
After trying everything stated above I've tried setting prefetch for my queue destinations by appending
?consumer.prefetchSize=50 to queue name. Resulting in something like this:
All of above attempts resulted with effective prefetch size of 200 (determined through test described above).
Is there any way to set custom prefetch size per connection when connecting to broker using AMQP? Is there any other way to configure broker than through query parameters stated on this documentation page?
From a quick read of the code there isn't any means of setting the consumer link credit in the NMS.AMQP client implementation at this time. This seems to be something that would need to be added as it currently seems to just use a default value to supply to the AmqpNetLite receiver link for auto refill.
Their issue reporter is here.

HornetQ message splitter

I'm new to JMS and HornetQ.
I'm wondering if there is a way to implement Message Translator Pattern using HornetQ to split data from a message in a set of smaller data and send them. I explored Bridge and Divert solutions but I can't get how to do it using org.hornetq.core.server.cluster.Transformer and org.hornetq.core.server.ServerMessage. Where can I find some docs about it? Am I looking in the right direction?
In short no(I've no Idea on camel). You cannot modify the jms body once sent until its consumed by a client(body is immutable). However you can change message headers and message properties. The org.hornetq.core.server.cluster.Transformer interface is used for modifying the headers/properties. Hence you are left with two options.
Consume the message, chunk the message based on your algorithem and send to other queues or put back to the queue(but be careful to avoid loop, by having suitable selector).
Other approach is chunk the message then send with message property to differentiate the message. And use the diverter with filter based on the message property(you can use exclusive/non exclusive strategy to send only/send copy of message to the other queue.)

Spring integration - Keep messages after delivery

1) I'm interested to learn if it is possible to keep the messages that were delivered using Spring Integration. I'm already using the mongo persistent storage (ConfigurableMongoDbMessageStore), but only failed messages remain in the collection. Ideally, I want all messages to remain with the functionality to list them and retry them.
I would use a field "status" or similar to identify queued, succesful or failed messages. Not sure if this field exists already, but I'm guessing something similar must be in place.
2) Also, when a message fails and is persited, there is a lot more data in the message. This data is serialised, so I'm curious how I can extract the original message and retry it.
3) The goal is to create an interface in the webapp where all queued messages can be seen, and retried. Not only failed messages, but also succesful deliveries (useful for testing).
I looked everywhere for an answer to this, but could not find it.
I'd say it isn't good design for queue component.
Right it returns failed messages to the queue back for the future redelivery, but good message should be removed from the queue to avoid duplication on the next poll from queue.
No, there is no "status" field on the message, because you use store as a queue.
BTW Spring Integration provides separete implementation for queue channels: MongoDbChannelMessageStore.
You can achieve it with separate parallel Mongo collection and store your message twice: for the queue and for the future analysis. Here you can introduce "status" field and control it, when message successful or not.
From here you can introduce you UI to manage that collection and provide actions like send, retry. Remove the message from here and send it again to those two collections.

ActiveMQ LIFO ordering?

Is there any option to change queue order without using out of box "Resequencer"? Maybe it can be done using JMS client to get last message in queue instead of first?
I think that you should give more info about what you're trying to achieve...
Anyway if you read the specs of some JMS implementation like MQ you'll see that the FIFO order is not guaranteed at 100%.
That means that if you relay on the order of the messages received, you can get easily in trouble.
It's good practice to add a progressive number to the message header and use it to handle the messages as you please. If you adopt this solution you have 2 options to achieve your goal:
1) modify the receiver business logic to check the the header of the message;
2) (probably the cleaner approach if you're using MQ) use something called MESSAGE SELECTOR.
Message Selectors allow content based retrieval of specific messages using SQL92-query functions. MQ spec states:
The JMS message provides a facility to provide user-defined metadata
to the JMS message header (outside the actual body of the message).
JMS programs can take advantage of this facility to select a subset
of messages based on a selection criteria or, in other words, a JMS
client can choose only those messages that it is interested in.
Here some more info about the implementation of the two solutions...
The property that you're probably interested in and that you should set before sending the message is JMSCorrelationID that will be set to 1 for the first message, 2 for the second one and so on.
1) Since you're more interested in the message selector, you can skip to the next bullet. Anyway just for reference, if you decide to adopt the solution 1 you can find some good reference in:
2) Message Selector.
Your message selector will be an sql string like: JMSCorrelationID = max(JMSCorrelationID)
If you wanna implement a message selector in java the syntax is:
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination, messageSelectorString, true);
ActiveMQObjectMessage objMsg = (ActiveMQObjectMessage) consumer.receiveNoWait();

Configure a JMS (ActiveMQ) queue so that it only contains the last message

We have quartz process that polls a ActiveMQ JMS queue.
We know that we could get several messages a minute would like to only respond to the most current message at a configured polling rate of a minute or more.
We don't need to process any of the previous messages.
Is there a way to configure the queue to get this behavior?
Its seems like a topic has the ability to do this via the subscription recovery policy using a count of 1. We would like to do this using a queue to guarantee (more or less) a single delivery of the message.
Or is there a conceptual flaw in our assumptions...
In my opinion there is no standard operation for this, so you will have to write some code....
One possible solution would be to use a QueueBrowser together with a QueueReceiver:
Through the QueueReceiver you would get an Enumeration of the messages in the queue. For each message you can now perform a receive with a MessageSelector on the JMSMessageID as long as hasMoreElements() returns true. The last message will be the one you want to have....
When using activemq, you can use "image caching" on topics. One of the settings there is to always keep the last mesage sent..
Take a look at the Subscription recovery Policy settings:
