Is it possible to create multiple "mj-column" using a for loop? - mjml

I would like something like below
{% for item in list %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}
But after giving it a try and convert to HTML via the official editor, the HTML file cannot find item.


Get blog post from postlist array october cms?

I am creating a blog page, the post list page is in the form of different sized images. I need to be able to style each post list item individually so need to be able to access the post list array with twig and get posts.
So for example, when accessing a featured image from a post you can use:
I would like to do this but to select the first post in list of posts.
Whatever you want to do with the first post you can access the first post using the iteration variable in the loop.
There are few iteration variables in Twig, I usually use loop.index variable.
For example:
{% for post in posts %}
{% if loop.index == 1 %}
{{ post.title }}
{# this is the first post title #}
{% else %}
{{ post.title }}
{# this is others posts title #}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
And as you go if loop.index == 2 so you can access the second post. If it equals 3 you can access the third post etc.
Another alternative would be loop.first.
{% if loop.first %}
{# It goes here if it's the first record of the loop #}
{% endif %}
{% if loop.last %}
{# It goes here if it's the last record of the loop #}
{% endif %}
To learn more about Twig's loop variables:

Selectively rendering Liquid templates?

Is there a possibility to selectively render specific tags in a liquid template and leave the rest for a second render?
I have pages containing snippets(includes) and variables. The snippets are stored in the database and expensive to render. The variables are available only at runtime (via the URL request in the scenario of a landing page). I want to cache the page content with the snippets rendered but with all the rest of the liquid markup untouched.
So, If I have
{% snippet header %}
{% if vars.first_name %}
Welcome, {{ vars.first_name }}
{% endif %}
{% snippet footer %}
I would want the cached page content to be:
The header content
{% if vars.first_name %}
Welcome, {{ vars.first_name }}
{% endif %}
The footer content
At runtime this would be picked up from the memcached store and rendered:
The header content
Welcome, John
The footer content
Any idea on how to achieve this?
Update: Here's what I have in place already:
(It works, but I am looking for a cleaner, ideally liquid-only-based solution.)
A "vars" tag which produces a variable with the given name:
{% vars first_name %} #=> {{ vars.first_name }}
And, I use modified liquid markup for everything I don't want rendered the first time:
{* if vars.first_name *}
So, currently the initial page looks like this:
{% snippet header %}
{* if vars.first_name *}
Welcome, {% vars first_name %}
{* endif *}
{% snippet footer %}
Which gets rendered once and cached as:
The header content
{* if vars.first_name *}
Welcome, {{ vars.first_name }}
{* endif *}
The footer content
Then at runtime I retrieve the cached version and replace {* with {% etc. to get
The header content
{% if vars.first_name %}
Welcome, {{ vars.first_name }}
{% endif %}
The footer content
Which I render with liquid again to get to the desired outcome.
This does the job but is not pure liquid and I was wondering if there is a cleaner solution.
Is there?
{% snippet header %}
{% raw %}{% if vars.first_name %}
Welcome, {{ vars.first_name }}
{% endif %}{% endraw %}
{% snippet footer %}
This should get you the rendering that you want to cache, and then if you re-render it through Liquid I would think it would process the runtime variable.

django-registration: Cannot translate email and subject

Any .html template for django-registration module works fine with {% blocktrans %} and {% trans %} template blocks. With {% load i18n %} in place, of course.
But I cannot make use of i18n tags in activation_email.txt and activation_email_subject.txt templates. Strings marked for translation just don't appear in .po file after makemessages.
Also, when wrapping a text with {% blocktrans %}{% endblocktrans %}, all variables such as {{ site.domain }} and {{ }} are not processed.
Can you suggest what I am doing wrong?
That was my bad, I just improperly used makemessages. By default it processes only .html files.
In my case makemessages -a -e html,txt
does all the work.
As for variables, {% blocktrans %}{% endblocktrans %} cannot process variables inside object, so we have to retrieve them before translation:
{% blocktrans with as site_name and site.domain as site_domain %}
Good examples of templates for django-registration are given here.

Translatable content and HTML tags

I use Twig and I want to make the following content translatable :
{% trans %}
You have actually <span class='messageNumber'>{{messageNumber}} message(s)</span> in your mailbox.
{% endtrans %}
But when this translatable content will be parsed by POEdit and sent to translators, they will see the <span> tags and attributes. What can I do to avoid this ?
I thought about doing this way :
{% messageNumberFormatted = "<span class='messageNumber'>"~messageNumber~"message(s)</span>" %}
{% trans %}
You have actually {{messageNumberFormatted}} in your mailbox.
{% endtrans %}
But isn't it a bit heavy or even bad practice for the translators ? In that case, they can't even see the word "message".
First, you should use transchoice with explicit interval pluralization, like this :
{% transchoice message_count %}
{0}You have {{no messages}} yet|{1}You have {{one message}}|]1,+Inf]You have {{%count% messages}}.
{% endtranschoice %}
Then maybe you could use replace to replace {{ with the opening tag, and }} with the closing tag. I don't know whether you can directly chain like this
{% transchoice message_count | replace('...') %}
Or if you must store in a variable by using set first.
You can use the trans twig filer with keys representing your sentences.
{{ you.have.actually|trans }} <span class='messageNumber'> {{ messageNumber message|trans }} </span> {{ in.your.mailbox|trans }}

An easy way to support tags in a jekyll blog

I am using the standard jekyll installation to maintain a blog, everything is going fine. Except I would really like to tag my posts.
I can tag a post using the YAML front matter, but how do I generate pages for each tag that can will list all posts for a tag?
Here is a solution with alphabetically sorted tags on a single page.
It uses Liquid only, which means that it works on GitHub Pages:
{% capture tags %}
{% for tag in site.tags %}
{{ tag[0] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign sortedtags = tags | split:' ' | sort %}
{% for tag in sortedtags %}
<h3 id="{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</h3>
{% for post in site.tags[tag] %}
<li>{{ post.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
You can see it in action here.
There's also a way to generate a separate page for each tag without plugins (which will work on GitHub Pages).
I have a more detailed explanation on my blog:
Separate pages per tag/category with Jekyll (without plugins)
First, you need a new layout file:
layout: default
<h1>{{ page.tag }}</h1>
{% for post in site.tags[page.tag] %}
{{ | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}: {{ post.title }}
{% endfor %}
With this layout file, you can add a new tag page by adding a new file with just two lines of YAML front-matter.
Here's an example for the jekyll tag:
layout: tagpage
tag: jekyll
The only disadvantage of this approach: each time you use a new tag for the first time, you have to remember to create a new two-line file for it.
To generate the root index file (i.e. the list of tags that links to /tags/jekyll/index.html etc.), you can use a similar solution like the one on top of this answer where I generate a single page with alphebetically sorted tags:
{% capture tags %}
{% for tag in site.tags %}
{{ tag[0] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign sortedtags = tags | split:' ' | sort %}
{% for tag in sortedtags %}
{{ tag }}<br>
{% endfor %}
This will generate a list of links like this:
Note that this solution uses a blank to split tags, so it doesn't work when your tags contain blanks and Yevgeniy Brikman's comment applies here as well.
This gist will generate a page per category for you:
It uses a Jekyll Generator plugin, plus a Page subclass.
Have a look at sites using jekyll. There are a few custom forks which have implemented tagging functionality, hopefully also in the way you want :-)
I had the same question, and stumbled upon this:
It's a rake task which generates a tag list. I modified it slightly, and my version is at:
Whilst this doesn't give you a page per tag, you can use anchors, which is half way there!
I use the great Jekyll Tagging plugin that automatically generates a tags cloud and tag pages. Easy to install and use.
Here is a page for the "photo" tag on my blog (in french), and you can see the tags cloud in the bottom.
Based on Christian's answer above I made a bash script that does what he described.
Be sure to have the accompanying 14 line vim script in the /non_website_resources/ directory
Make the /_layouts/tagpage.html shown in Christian's answer above but rename it to /_layouts/tag_pages.html
File structure should be like this:
├── _posts
├── _layout
│ ├── tag_pages.html
Run from the root directory ./
If you get permission denied error be sure to run chmod 777
If you look at scripts comments its fairly simple:
Uses sed to find all the tags in every .md file in _post directory
Uses sed to massage the data to proper format
Takes all the unique tags and makes a directory and a index.html for each
This way, if you have any new tags, just run the script to rebuild the pages before pushing to github
A nice simple non-plugin way to do tags
Removed dependency on other files. Just need the one script!
I do these with CSS. First lists an element and use the tag name as its id.
<span id="{{ site.posts | map: 'tags' | uniq | join: '"></span><span id="' }}"></span>
And then lists all the post and use its tags as a value for the "tags" custom attribute.
{% for post in site.posts %}
<article class="post" tags="{% for tag in post.tags %}{{tag}}{% if forloop.last == false %}{{" "}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}">
{% endfor %}
And then in CSS, hide all the posts by default, and only show posts with tags matches the url id/ hash
.post {
display: none;
{% for tag in site.tags %}#{{tag[0]}}:target ~ [tags~={{tag[0]}}]{% if forloop.last == false %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} {
display: block;
The compiled version will look like this
#tagname:target ~ [tags~="tagname"], #tagname2:target ~ [tags~="tagname2"] {
display: block;
I made an article about this here.
