Visual Studio equivalent of Eclipse's Control+Q shortcut - visual-studio

is there an equivalent of Eclipse's control Q shortcut (go to the last edit) in Visual Studio 2015?
I've tried control shift backspace but doesn't work
I'm using it quite a lot and it's really tedious having to do without it.


How can I select a word on Visual Studio 2017 with a shortcut

I remember I can do that in the previous version of Visual Studio, but now I can select a word using a shortcut. It helps me to be more productive.
My Keyboard setting looks ok, but the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+W doesn't work.
I have Resharper (version 2018.1) installed, but it doesn't look is affecting the shortcut:
I really don't know what happened to my Visual Studio, but to solve this problem I had to go to Tools > Options > Keyboard and chose all the keyboard mapping scheme and made sure the command was set correctly. After that, the command CTRL+SHIFT+W starts to work.
I hope it can help someone in the future.
Have you tried using: CTRL+SHIFT+W
In Visual Studio 2017 15.7.6, the shortcut is: Ctrl + W.
Here's a link that I've found it useful which list all Visual Studio 2017 shortcuts Visual Studio shortcuts

Visual Studio Smart Indent?

Is there a way to auto indent (like ctrl+i in MATLAB) FORTRAN code in Visual Studio.
If you are using Visual Studio with the C# keyboard settings, the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+K followed by Ctrl+F.
To get the full list of predefined shortcuts, see (Edit.FormatDocument). The list has all keyboard shortcuts from Visual Studio 6 to Visual Studio 2013.
Select the code you want to format and press Ctrl+K,F (i.e Ctrl+K then Ctrl+F)
Ctrl+K,D will format the entire document, without changing your cursor position (as Select-All option does).

What happened to VSFileFinder.Connect.ShowVSFileFinder in Visual Studio 2010?

I wanted to mimic the functionality in Eclipse where you can press CTRL + SHIFT + R to open a file, I read that this is possible but when I opened my own Visual Studio 2010 instance, I noticed that it was not contained in the Show Commands Containing search of the Keyboard options menu.
Has the name of this functionality changed in Visual Studio 2010?
I found Sonic File Finder which does the same thing:

Visual Studio Navigation Short Cuts

In the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE, it was possible to navigate to the start of the next (previous) subroutine or function by pressing CTRL + Down Arrow (Up Arrow). This does not work in VS2010.
Is there another key combination for this?
Can it (has it) be (been) implemented?
look on the Visual studio keyboard shortcuts released by Microsoft

Autocomplete in F# 2008

Is there a way to get autocomplete in F# with Visual Studio 2008? That is, true auto completion (suggest words as soon as you start typing), not the kind where you have to manually press a key combination?
Or, if not, since it does work in Visual C# 2010: is the lack of it because it's something C# has and F# doesn't, or because it's something Visual Studio 2010 has and 2008 doesn't?
It's a C#/F# difference. The F# autocompletion does not start automatically until after you are 'dotting in' to something. So for example both C# and F# have similar behavior when typing Con after System., but only C# starts suggesting after Sys.
