Autocomplete in F# 2008 - visual-studio

Is there a way to get autocomplete in F# with Visual Studio 2008? That is, true auto completion (suggest words as soon as you start typing), not the kind where you have to manually press a key combination?
Or, if not, since it does work in Visual C# 2010: is the lack of it because it's something C# has and F# doesn't, or because it's something Visual Studio 2010 has and 2008 doesn't?

It's a C#/F# difference. The F# autocompletion does not start automatically until after you are 'dotting in' to something. So for example both C# and F# have similar behavior when typing Con after System., but only C# starts suggesting after Sys.


IntelliSense suggestions for F# in Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web

In Visual C# 2010 Express, if I type using S suggestions automatically popup:
In Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web using F#, if I type 'open S' nothing happens. I have to key ctrl-j in order to trigger suggestions:
Is there any way to get the former behavior in 2012? I.e. not have to type ctrj-j for suggestions, but have them come up automatically?
The C# and F# Intellisense implementations are written by different teams and have different goals. In general the F# experience is more minimal than the C# one. For items like open they won't automatically popup an experience and you must manually invoke it. There is no way to change this behavior.

Syntax Highlighter for Visual Studio Express?

I'm looking for a syntax highlighter for Visual Studio Express. I love Visual Assist, however it only works with Visual Studio Professional Edition, not Express.
Visual Studio 2010 actually has fairly decent syntax highlighting but there are some things I really miss from Visual Assist that I'm hoping I can find for VS Express, specifically:
Highlighting local variables in bold, and italicizing stable variables and methods.
Highlighting variables/methods/objects throughout a file just by clicking on it, and highlighting reads in a different color than writes (VS colors reads/writes the same color).
Syntax highlighting within Intellisense and auto-complete option dialogs.
In addition to just syntax highlighting it would also be great to have the some of the shortcuts like Visual Assist offers, like easily finding files in your solution/project, or switching between .h/.cpp files in C++. I also really like how IntelliJ IDEA's IDE takes you to a definition if you hold CTRL and click on a symbol.
I'd prefer something free or cheap, but I'm willing to pay for something if it's worth it.
And just to provide some background, I must use VS2010 because I'm developing a game engine in XNA 4.0, and it only works with Visual Studio. Otherwise I would definitely be open to suggestions of just using an IDE with more options, like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.
The answer to this is in the comment by Cody Gray:
The Express version doesn't support extensions

VC++ 2010 Syntax Highlighting vs. VC++ 2008 Syntax Highlighting: Tab Character Issue

Visual C++ 2010 has some sort of weird syntax highlighting issue when it comes to tab characters inside comments, and I know this is a trivial issues, but it's driving me crazy. I'm going to have to show you some screenshots so you will understand what I mean...
This is in Visual C++ 2010 Express
Same thing pasted in Visual C++ 2008 Express
I was able to reproduce this in Visual Studio 2010 and the 2011 preview.
To reproduce:
Tools->Options->Fonts And Colours->Comments
Item Background -> Purple/Red/Blue/Anything
The only solution was to change the back colour of all text (Plain Text), which I don't think you wanted to do or to go back to 2008 Express

is it my Visual Studio 2008 problem or is it Dreamweaver capability?

Oh no....
I just realized it, that the Visual Studio 2008 is getting me confused.
If we compared to the DreamWeaver later version... not the latest one, okay...
That DreavWeaver has a SPLIT View (in between the design and code).
And here, the Visual Studio 2008 also has that capability.
The difference is that... in Visual Studio 2008,
When the user start Clicking the Designer portion, the cursor on Code view doesn't get into focus. Yeah, meanwhile, in DreamWeaver, at the time user click on the designer portion, the mouse pointer is focusing into the code location accordingly....
Uh, oh.... this is getting me tired. Shall I update something into this Visual Studio 2008 version, guys? :(
use Visual Studio 2010 and be happy

Visual Studio 2010 - Crash/Problems on the keyboard (Keys)

My Visual Studio is in trouble in keyboard. I am working normally, when suddenly my keyboard loses its configuration, so where is the "" becomes "/".
Someone can tell me what would be a possible solution? (Yes, I know something is hazy).
Or has left some Pachter fix for problems like this.
Grateful for any help.
Success for all.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel
My guess is that you accidently change keyboard input language, see Visual Studio appears to randomly adopt American keyboard layout
