How to test static mocking using threads? (no powermock) - spring

Javadoc on MockedStatic states that the static mocking only affects the original thread
I have a program where we spawn multiple threads and each of those threads calls a static method which I want to mock. Before upgrading to Spring boot 2.4 I was able to do this using powermock, however, the spring boot upgrade is no longer compatible with powermock so I'm migrating to MockedStatic.
The method in question downloads files off the internet in parallel, and I don't want the unit test to be affected by internet connectivity, so I want to mock the download method by just copying files from a local file to the destination file.
One known workaround is to mock the executor service, but in my situation this is a local variable


Seperate wiremocks QuarkusTestResources

In my Quarkus application I have multiple controllers which use multiple rest clients. I have multiple tests which all use a #QuarkusTestResource with a Wiremock resource. My approach was for each controller to have it's own Wiremock resource and stub whatever restclients they need and how the stubs needs to be defined. So each test might stub out the same rest client but with different stubs.
When running my test I found that even if each test class is annotated with a different Wiremock implementation they overwrite each other it seems like. The tests are probably run in parallel and the configuration (/mp-rest/url) is shared between them and overwritten by the QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager that ran last.
Any tips on how to solve this? Or should I just create one Wiremock class for each rest client?
I think you can use restrictToAnnotatedClass in QuarkusTestResource for that. It is available in at least Quarkus 1.13. See:
You can also use
wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(new WireMockConfiguration().dynamicPort());
to define a dynamic port to each WireMock server

Can we invoke a method in spring in case the application start fails

I have situation where I need to perform certain tasks in case my springboot applications fails to start. Basically I want to release various resources. I tried using #PreDestroy annotation but it did not work as application was not started yet. Is there any way out by which we can perform few actions in case springboot application fails to start
Spring app heavily using threadpool context when start the program , so when the main program fail spring can not manage the standard beans related to spring. you can only start new thread using implements Runnable in main class and no access to spring resources as well , just simple getclassloader().getresourceasstream is available there .
However you can write independence java Agent using -javaagent to do some operation on release resource ,see java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;

How does Spring Boot Test keep the context across multiple test suites?

I was reading through the guide for using Spring Boot Test and there was a paragraph that got me confused.
“As our profiles get richer, it's tempting to swap every now and then in our integration tests. There are convenient tools to do so, like #ActiveProfiles. However, every time we pull a test with a new profile, a new ApplicationContext gets created.”
So it assumes that if all tests are run under the same profile, there is only one ApplicationContext created — but how is it possible? I thought that all the objects are recreated for each test suite anyway. Am I missing something?
The official reference says that it's cached.
But how does it get loaded into the JUnit runner or Spock one across multiple test suites?
What was missing in my understanding is the fact that all the test suites are run as a part of a single program, so it's easy to cache any objects that are required by all of them, including Spring context.

Starting embedded servers before context loads in Spring Boot for testing

I am working on a sample application right now using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, and Spring Data Elasticsearch. I want to be able to run the unit tests as part of a pipeline build, but they require Elasticsearch to be running to work as the service makes calls to said ES server. SQL works fine because I am using an in-memory H2 instance.
I have implemented some code to attempt to launch ES as an "embedded" server. The embedded server works just fine, but it seems like, at least from what I can tell, it is started AFTER the context loads. Most importantly after the ElasticSearchConfiguration does it's thing.
I think I need refactor the code out of AbstractElasticsearchTest into a separate class that can run prior to ElasticSearchConfiguration generates the client/template, but I am not sure how to do it, nor how to Google said process.
Is there some mechanism in Spring Boot that could be used to start the embedded servers prior to running any of the configurations? Or is there some way I could enhance ElasticSearchConfiguration to do it prior to creating the client/template, but only when running the unit tests?
So, just to be a little more specific...what I am looking for is a means/way to either run ES 5 in "embedded" mode OR how to mock up the Spring Data ES code enough so that it works for the CI server. The code linked above currently is mixing unit tests with integration tests, I know, as it's currently making calls to a physical ES server. That's what I am trying to correct: I should be able to stub/mock enough of the underlying Spring Data code to make the unit test think it's talking to the real-deal. I can then change the tests that determine if the documents made it to ES and test things like type-ahead searches to be integration tests instead so they do not run when CI or Sonar runs.
Ok, so for those that might come back here in the future, this commit shows the changes I made to get ES to run as "embedded".
The nuts-and-bolts of it was to start the node as "local" then physically return node.client(). Then in the Spring Bean method that gets the client, check if you have "embedded" turned on, if so start the node and return it's Client (the local one), if not just build the client just as normal.

How to ignore a java file when maven install

I have a #Service class where i'm caching some table data. I don't want those queries to run while building mvn install. Is there a way to ignore the file while building and it only execute when i start the server ?
It's a spring-boot application.
Here is background of my issue. I have initialized the spring boot app from site, which actually adds dummy application test file with SpringBootTest annotation and default contextLoads() with Test annotation, with an intention to initialize and execute all test cases, which needs to initialize and execute all code base. In my opinion this is not required, as we can have respective Test classes per controller/manager, which will give more controlled environment to hook up your Test setups and executions.
I have removed the default application Test file and included respective test classes for code coverage and quality. This way my beans are not executed at server startup time rather build time.
