Seperate wiremocks QuarkusTestResources - quarkus

In my Quarkus application I have multiple controllers which use multiple rest clients. I have multiple tests which all use a #QuarkusTestResource with a Wiremock resource. My approach was for each controller to have it's own Wiremock resource and stub whatever restclients they need and how the stubs needs to be defined. So each test might stub out the same rest client but with different stubs.
When running my test I found that even if each test class is annotated with a different Wiremock implementation they overwrite each other it seems like. The tests are probably run in parallel and the configuration (/mp-rest/url) is shared between them and overwritten by the QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager that ran last.
Any tips on how to solve this? Or should I just create one Wiremock class for each rest client?

I think you can use restrictToAnnotatedClass in QuarkusTestResource for that. It is available in at least Quarkus 1.13. See:
You can also use
wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(new WireMockConfiguration().dynamicPort());
to define a dynamic port to each WireMock server


How to override Quarkus Resteasy urls during testing?

When doing integration tests with Quarkus Restclient / RESTEasy we would want to override the url and port during runtime.
The reason for this is that if we build multiple modules in parallel we need to use random ports as otherwise we will get port clashes or alternatively we need to very carefully coordinate which module uses which ports.
Is there a way to do it?
Take a look at, and specificaly if setting quarkus.http.test-port=0, solves your problem

Unit testing for Spring Boot API

I'm developing a Spring Boot Web API, and I'm currently writing the required units tests.
I was wondering : Isn't writing the units tests (JUnit + Mockito) for the controllers sufficient ? Since the controllers are the entrypoint of my application and that all the logic that is implemented within the Service side is called from the exposed API, why do I need to write test for the Service side ?
First of all, if you write your tests to cover "required level of tests" or requirement to "have some tests at all" having the production implementation already done, it is slightly too late. In the majority of cases having tests first, based on your requirements, contract, use case or anything it more optimal approach. Nevertheless, I don't know your situation and the thing you're trying to implement, so treat it as a suggestion and move on to the key thing you are asking about.
Your JUnit (preferably 5) and Mockito tests, which probably use MockMvc are very good unit(-like) tests to cover web communication concerns such as: HTTP request types, content type, encoding, input and output parameters JSON (de)serialization, error handling, etc. They are best to test with the service layer mocked. Thanks to that you can easily cover a lot of web cases without the need to prepare data in a database, etc.
The core logic has to also be tested. Depending what it is, it might be feasible to test it in the unit way (the easiest to write, can cover a lot of - also corner - cases). It could be supplemented with some set of integration tests to verify that it works fine also in integration (Spring Beans, DB, etc.).
If desired, you may also write some E2E test from the web call via (real) HTTP requests through controllers, services to a database/datastore (if any), but I would limit it only to the most important scenarios to use it in your CI/CD pipeline to verify that a deployment finished successfully.
Disclaimer. I've found this approach useful in multiple situations, but definitely in some other circumstances it might be good to change the balance point to better apply testing.
I think you are probably getting confused between unit and Integration tests.
If you are using Mockito you are probably referring to unit tests wherein, the scope of the Test Class should be only the current class.
Any external method calls should be mocked.So in your case the service calls should be mocked in case you are writing unit test for your controller class.
Your Test Suite should contain
Junit for Controller-- To Test the interface contract points like HTTP Method, Request Parameters, Mandatory inputs, Valid Request Payloads.
Junit for all other classes including Service classes- This is to test your application classes core logic
Integration Test- Finally an integration test which can hit your controller endpoints with service classes and rest of the application code functionality.

Integration test without mocking the connection to the other application

I have two applications. I did integration unit tests for one of these applications, but the services that call the other application are mocked up (instead of injecting the real service, I inject another one which is mocked up).
Is there a possible way to make a real connection to the other application without having to mock it up.
A simple example would be really helpful.
Thanks in advance!
just inject the real services and do your integration test. The issue is to make sure that everything that everything that needs to be injection can be injected. Lets call your services foo and bar where foo depends on bar. if bar depends on something in the application server then starting it up during a unit might be a problem, since you are not running the app in the application server.
Integration testing is important and valuable, but it requires some careful thought to setup. The way that I have managed to setup integration testing in my application is to use spring profiles to seperate the combinations of configuration. For example I have profiles called.
So that way you can have a test that is launched with the proper profile that setups all the correct beans to be injected like so.
#RunWith ... etc other spring annotations to configure a test
public class SomeJunitTest {
Using profiles makes it very easy to have fine grained control over which set of beans are configured for each test.
Also for integartion testing I have found TestNG to be much easier to use that JUnit because it has features that make writing integration tests easier.

Mocking AOP method implementation for unit tests

I've a java application which has multiple modules - (GWT-)RPC services, perf-library, remote-client (All java code written/owned by my team). The perf-library contains Spring AOP aspects related code and it's primarily used to push intercepted method logs to a data store. Now, perf-library is dependent on another remote-client which actually maintains a queue and handles the job of pushing logs to the data store. So, in a way, perf-library just delegates the task to remote-client.
The business logic code calls intercepted methods which have AOP logic and hence there is a dependency on remote-client. Obviously, I don't want to connect to the remote-client from within unit tests. I think I need to mock the implementation of method push() which connects to remote-client. What I'm unable to figure out is how to use the mock implementation for the business logic code package unit tests.
To clarify things, I've modules like this -
RPC service module - e.g. method login() is intercepted.
perf-library - Has aspects (to intercept methods like login()) and implementation to call remote-client
remote-client - Push data to some data-store
Now, for writing the unit tests for RPC service methods, how do I get the mock implementation of push() as it is internal to perf-library. Let's say, I've an interface LogClient (having method push()) which is implemented by two classes (one for production and another for test). I can use this Test implementation for unit tests of perf-library itself, but how do I make the RPC unit tests use it. I'm new to Spring, so not sure if this can be done easily with Spring or anything else. Any help will be nice.
Note: We're using Spring for maintaining beans and DI.
Not sure exactly how but Mockito can be a good choice.
Check this link for details.

How to mock REST Services?

I have a maven/mule/spring development environment that I build REST services within. I also have a series of TestNG tests to validate these services. I also want the ability to alter the responses from the services, either returning specific information or throw an exception. This was I can automatically test broader behaviours of the services. I figured that mocking the services would be the best approach, but I cannot find any good information on how to mock a REST service.
Is there any material I can review on how to mock a REST web service?
I thought I would add an example to make the problem more concrete. If I have the following setup:
testA calls serviceA, which then calls serviceB
If serviceA should return a web exception to testA if serviceB responds with an error, I would like to inject a mockedServiceB in to the system for the test where mockedServiceB always returns an error:
testA calls serviceA, which then calls mockedServiceB (which always returns an error to serviceA)
Generally speaking I would fragment my Mule configuration to have one service per fragment then load real service A fragment and a test service B fragment at test time. Test service B would use the Mule test:component to simulate good or bad returns.
I had the same problem and wrote a small lib for mocking REST services:
You can give it a try.
