Starting embedded servers before context loads in Spring Boot for testing - spring

I am working on a sample application right now using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, and Spring Data Elasticsearch. I want to be able to run the unit tests as part of a pipeline build, but they require Elasticsearch to be running to work as the service makes calls to said ES server. SQL works fine because I am using an in-memory H2 instance.
I have implemented some code to attempt to launch ES as an "embedded" server. The embedded server works just fine, but it seems like, at least from what I can tell, it is started AFTER the context loads. Most importantly after the ElasticSearchConfiguration does it's thing.
I think I need refactor the code out of AbstractElasticsearchTest into a separate class that can run prior to ElasticSearchConfiguration generates the client/template, but I am not sure how to do it, nor how to Google said process.
Is there some mechanism in Spring Boot that could be used to start the embedded servers prior to running any of the configurations? Or is there some way I could enhance ElasticSearchConfiguration to do it prior to creating the client/template, but only when running the unit tests?
So, just to be a little more specific...what I am looking for is a means/way to either run ES 5 in "embedded" mode OR how to mock up the Spring Data ES code enough so that it works for the CI server. The code linked above currently is mixing unit tests with integration tests, I know, as it's currently making calls to a physical ES server. That's what I am trying to correct: I should be able to stub/mock enough of the underlying Spring Data code to make the unit test think it's talking to the real-deal. I can then change the tests that determine if the documents made it to ES and test things like type-ahead searches to be integration tests instead so they do not run when CI or Sonar runs.

Ok, so for those that might come back here in the future, this commit shows the changes I made to get ES to run as "embedded".
The nuts-and-bolts of it was to start the node as "local" then physically return node.client(). Then in the Spring Bean method that gets the client, check if you have "embedded" turned on, if so start the node and return it's Client (the local one), if not just build the client just as normal.


Testing a Spring Boot Elastic Search application and loading context without starting ES-Instance

Since I updated to Spring boot 2.5 my application context won't start in the Test environment.
We have several test environments. Most tests do not need an Elastic search instance. Those that need it share an Elasticsearch test container instance.
Since the Update the creation of repositories causes some kind of query to Elasticsearch. That fails and causes the context not to load.
Is there a way to mock away the Spring Data Elasticsearch part(Not loading is not really an option to load most parts of the context)?
Should I be starting an Elasticsearch Instance for all integration tests(that seems like a little overkill, since few tests actually need it)?
Any ideas are highly appreciated.

Automate testing of caching functionality in a Spring Boot application

I am wondering about how can we testing automate functionality.
I am working on a Spring Boot micro-service where we use a GemFire cache. Right now I am testing it manually for below scenarios:
Is the data purged correctly after TTL is reached
Retrieving the data from cache if object exists
So, I know we can have a separate service which calls the GemFire and making sure that the object exists in cache (for step2). But not really sure how can we automate testing for step1.
And the whole point I am wondering is do we really need a new service completely to test this as a overhead? Are there any tools / better approach for testing the functionality?
Since you're using spring-boot and VMware GemFire together, I really hope you're taking advantage of the huge help and functionality spring-boot-data-gemfire provides out of the box. If you are, then you'd be delighted to know that there's yet another project, spring-test-data-geode, which can be used to write Unit and Integration Tests when building Spring Data for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire applications, you should really give it a try as it greatly helps in managing the scope and lifecycle of mock VMware GemFire/Apache Geode objects, along with cleaning all resources used by real objects used during Integration Tests.
As a side note, if you're using the Data Expiration Functionality shipped out of the box with VMware GemFire, I really don't see an actual need (other than the peace of mind that comes with I've tested everything I could) to include custom tests within your testing suite, you should only test what you own. The functionality itself is thoroughly tested already as part of the VMware GemFire / Apache Geode project itself, and you can see some (certainly not all) examples of such tests in the following links: ExpirationDUnitTest, RegionExpirationDistributedTest, ReplicateEntryIdleExpirationDistributedTest.
I have had some success using TestContainers here is the code used to create the container and
a sample test. It works by executing gfsh commands on the container but is slow.

Start a springboot project for each test case

We are developing test cases for a micro service using Spring Boot. One of the requirement is that for each Junit test case we need to:
start the project
test a unit case and
then stop the project .
I feel this is an anti pattern, but this is the requirement.
I looked around internet but couldn't find a solution for the same. I was able to start a web server but it provided no response and this might be because the project is not assigned to the server.
Does anyone have any idea on how this can be achieved?
PS: We don't want to use Mockito
Before hand i want to make clear that this a very bad practice and should be avoided. This approach does not implement unit tests concept correctly because you are testing an entire system up, so JUnit wouldn't be the correct tool.
I pocked around and i don't seem to find a Runner that may be able to do this (does not surprise me although), the most similar Runner may be SpringJUnit4ClassRunner which provides you a complete Spring context in your test space, but won't go live with the application.
An approach i'd suggest if you really want to go with this is to use tools like REST Assured to do End-to-End API layer tests against the live application, but this implies that you have to find another way to start the app, and then point the REST Assured tests to that started app. Maybe a shell script that starts the app and then starts the REST Assured tests suits, then when the suit ends put down the server.
I highly suggest you to chat with your product/management teams to avoid this kind of stuff since the tests will take FOREVER to run and you will be polluting your local or remote DBs if you are persisting data or other systems through REST or SOAP calls.

Can you get Spring Boot JUnit tests to use the same server?

I have some Spring Boot JUnit tests that require a somewhat lengthy server start up (I'm loading a complex domain in JPA). I've put them into a test suite, but each test kicks off a new server start up.
Is it possible to set them up in such a way that the server is only started once and each test is loaded onto it and run as if the server were started by the test itself?
Okay, so the solution here is actually built in to Spring testing. That is, it caches ApplicationContexts for tests, as described here, as long as the various things like properties are the same.
Ironically, I screwed this up by trying to speed up the tests by using test properties to limit what was loaded.

Automatic, contained testing of a web app

I have a web application that uses Spring, Jersey (for REST) and Hibernate+PostgreSQL. I'm using REST Assured for the testing framework. I created a simple test case and it works as long as I run Tomcat with my war.
I have a few questions regarding isolation & automatic tests:
I don't want to run tomcat just for the test. I would like to embed an app server.
I want to isolate my DB calls so that I can test it in a clean, predictable way.
Any suggestions, tips, links etc. for these challenges will be awesome.
You could use embedded Jetty as an embedded application server. Check out this and this post for details.
What you most likely want in this case is to run the application with a Spring profile,
in which profile the only thing that changes is the datasource. You would likely want to use an in-memory database like H2 or HSQL. Chek out this and this post.
