Spring boot initializer dependencies list - spring

I have created an initialization using https://start.spring.io/ , but I forgot which dependencies I selected. What would be a simple way to tell?

Check your pom.xml or build.gradle(.kts)


Selenium 4.1 and Spring boot Web driver version issue

I tried to migrate gradle project with spring boot from selenium 3 to selenium 4
(implementation 'org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java:4.1.1')
But chrome, firefox and edge web drivers remains from selenium version 3
If I remove spring boot dependency from project, they updates to 4.1.1
Currently using gradle version "7.3.3".
Spring boot "2.6.3".
Spring dependency management "1.0.11.RELEASE".
Any ideas why this happens, I hoped that dependency hell dissapeared with spring boot creation)
Thanks in advance!
I have the same promble, I found in spring-boot-starter-parent, there is a spring-boot-dependencies in ~/.m2/repository/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-dependencies/2.6.3/spring-boot-dependencies-2.6.3.pom, which declared <selenium.version>3.141.59</selenium.version> in properties, so you can try add
in your project pom.xml.
Spring Boot comes with a set of versions that are know to work together. But you can override them in your build script. In case of Gradle, add to build.gradle:
ext['selenium.version'] = '4.1.2'
It is because Spring Boot comes packed with a set of predefined dependecies that you can find here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.6.7/reference/htmlsingle/#appendix.dependency-versions
In this page, you will also find, how to change predefined version. In general, you need to add .version to your dependency name and, in case of multiple word names, you change spaces to dashes (not needed in case of selenium).
So, to change version to most recent, type in build.gradle ext['selenium.version'] = '4.4.0' at 0 indent level. (don't add it, say inside dependencies {})

How does Spring Boot 2.3.X Maven Project use Parent POM?

I got to know that Spring Boot 2.3.X is using Gradle.
If so, how does a Maven-based Spring Boot 2.3.X project uses a parent pom?
Spring Boot 2.3 uses Gradle for its own build but applications using Spring Boot can continue to use Maven (or any other build system they were using before). Spring Boot 2.3 publishes the same artifacts (jar files, pom files, etc) as Spring Boot 2.2 so a Maven-based project can continue to use spring-boot-starter-parent as its parent pom.
When you use spring initialiser, you can find the option to build with gradle. All the parent dependencies will be automatically added by the initialiser into the build.gradle file.
Maven based pom.xml shall also be created using same spring initializer by choosing appropriate properties in the initializer page.

Spring Boot - package application classes as a jar in BOOT-INF/lib

I am using Spring Boot 1.4.1 with Gradle 3.1. The module which has the Spring Boot plugin applied creates its own jar with the jar task, and also has the 'fat' jar created with bootRepackage. However, the classes from that module are in BOOT-INF/classes, but I would like them to be in a separate jar in BOOT-INF/lib. How to do this?
EDIT: I know I can move the code to a separate module, but for various reasons I can't make such a split (unless there is no other way). I am looking for a single-module solution, if one exists.
You'll need to set up a multi-project build and move all of your Jersey-related classes into a separate project. You can then depend upon this new project in your Spring Boot project using a project dependency. For example:
dependencies {
compile project(':jersey-endpoints')

Liferay plugin package dependencies and Maven

I'm starting to develop a Spring-MVC Portlet project. I did all the configuration needed in portlet.xml and web.xml but still a little bit confused about the Spring dependencies that have been declared in liferay-plugin-package.properties. In fact, should I add the required dependencies in this file and declare them as provided in the project pom.xml?
I use Maven as the build and dependency management tool and all examples I've found are based on the ANT project.
How does Liferay is processes the dependencies declared in liferay-plugin-package.properties ?
Besides, a maven compile fails since it does not find Spring MVC libraries required for the Spring MVC portlet project. What do you think is missing (or) incorrect in the configuration to create Spring MVC portlet ?
thanks in advance
The easiest way to go about this is to use the Maven Archetype that's been provided by liferay.
The Maven dependency is:
Install this archetype in your local repository and then create a Maven project from this archetype.
This will have all the prerequisites needed for your project.
It is not necessarily to put any dependencies into liferay-plugin-package.properties file. All you need for your Spring MVC Portlet project should be presented in the project pom.xml file.
All dependencies are accessible from maven repo, e.g. http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework/spring-webmvc-portlet

Spring Boot support maven multi-module

I am trying to convert my existing multi-module maven Spring project to Spring Boot project. The reason is make it self contain and follow Martain Fowler's microservices concept.
However, the problem I have encounter is when try to clean build, seems the spring boot is trying to find the Main method from every module, which of course will failed.
Is this feature currently supported by Spring Boot 1.1.6.RELEASE or I did something wrong?
It sounds like you've added Spring Boot's Maven plugin to every module in your build – it's what's looking for a main method. You should only add the Spring Boot plugin to a module if its a service that you want to run. If the module's just code that's shared between your services, the Spring Boot plugin isn't needed in that module.
