Spring Boot - package application classes as a jar in BOOT-INF/lib - spring-boot

I am using Spring Boot 1.4.1 with Gradle 3.1. The module which has the Spring Boot plugin applied creates its own jar with the jar task, and also has the 'fat' jar created with bootRepackage. However, the classes from that module are in BOOT-INF/classes, but I would like them to be in a separate jar in BOOT-INF/lib. How to do this?
EDIT: I know I can move the code to a separate module, but for various reasons I can't make such a split (unless there is no other way). I am looking for a single-module solution, if one exists.

You'll need to set up a multi-project build and move all of your Jersey-related classes into a separate project. You can then depend upon this new project in your Spring Boot project using a project dependency. For example:
dependencies {
compile project(':jersey-endpoints')


Is it possible to make one fat jar with two spring boot app inside each with #SpringBootApplication main

I'm totally new to spring boot/gradle, so if i say something wrong, please feel free to correct me.
I have two spring boot projects and i'm using Spring Boot Gradle Plugin to run one by one in different ports and to also generate the respective jars.
I want to know if it's possible to generate one fat jar that can run both projects in different ports.
Here's the structure of my project:
src/.../#SpringBootApplication Main
src/.../#SpringBootApplication Main2
I included both projects in the setting.gradle, the Project-2 in the dependencies of Project-1 and tried gradle clean build, but the fat jar generated in the Project-1 doesn't include the Project-2's jar. What I expected is that when I run the fat jar it exposes the two projects in their respective ports, as if I did gradle bootRun on each project.
Is what i'm doing correct? I'm assuming that putting the Project-2 in the dependencies of Project-1 would make gradle create the fat jar I want.
Or that's not possible and I just need to use the two jars that are given to me?
Thank you for your time.
You can deploy two separate jars behind the same tomcat instance to get the same outcome. Say if you deploy my-first-jar.jar and my-second-jar.jar behind tomcat, you will get two set of endpoints like:
However, seems like what you are unable to create a fat jar correctly. By default the dependencies of the project are not included in the jar. You need to explicitly say to the build tool(gradle, in your case) to make a fat jar. Have a look here
Once fat jar of Project 1 is created, it will have files from project 2 as well, but you would be able to run only single spring boot app.
PS: You can run multiple apps my combining in a single container application if u wish. Have a look here but wont recommend you to go down that road coz its messy

Making a spring boot fat jar file with gradle WITHOUT a spring boot gradle plug-in (no access to bootJar)

I have a spring-boot application in which I loaded all the necessary (or so I believe) dependencies to run without using spring-boot initializer or the spring-boot gradle plug-in. These tools are not available for me at my work. I can run the application through intellij without issues, but when attempting to run a fat jar, I am met with
No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring.factories.
Now the spring.factory files ARE located inside the fat jar (there are multiples of them) and they are inside the meta-inf directory.
Spring boot has so much automated functionality, I am not sure where to begin. There are a lot of similar posts and everyone just tells people to use the spring-boot gradle plugin bootJar task but as I said these are not available to me. I need to get it running without those tools,
if anyone has insight into what the issue may be or how to resolve it, any help is appreciated. I will try to add more details later.
I am using spring-boot v. 2.1.1 and spring 5.1.4

Spring Boot Migration Issue on Packaging JAR and WAR using Maven

We are trying to migrate our existing Spring MVC applications to Spring Boot application. Our existing applications are using 3.2.9, so tons of XML configurations. All the beans are defined in the XML files. What we have done is first we have upgraded our existing applications to Spring 4.2.5 version since Spring Boot will work only with Spring 4 versions.
Our requirement is to have both FAT JARs and WAR files from the build. Most of our existing customers would prefer Application Server deployment, so we have to create WAR file for them. Also for our internal testing and new deployments, we are planning to use FAT JARs.
How can we achieve them in the Maven file, we are able to provide separately as below. Is there any maven plug-in to generate both in single build?
We are publishing our artifacts into Nexus repository. So, we want to have the separate repository location for JAR files and WAR files. Can we do that using the single pom.xml file?
Also another question, we have all the XML configurations under WEB-INF folder. When we are moving to the Spring Boot application, it has to be under the resources folder. How can we handle them easily. When we build FAT jars, the resources are not looked under WEB-INF because it simply ignores the webapp project.
I am looking forward for some guidance to complete the migration. Infact, we have already done that changes and it is working fine, but we are confused on this WAR / JAR generations.
I have got another question in mind, if we are converting our existing applications to spring boot, do we still have to maintain WEB-INF folder in the web-app or can move everything to the resources folder?. While building the WAR file, whether spring boot takes care of moving the resources to WEB-INF? How spring boot would manage to create the WAR file if you are putting all the resources under the resources folder.
Building WAR and FAT JAR is very easy with Gradle.
With Maven, I would try multi module setup, where one sub-module will build fat JAR and second will build WAR file.
Application logic can be as third sub-module and thus being standalone JAR with Spring configuration and beans. This application logic JAR would be as dependency for fat JAR and WAR module.
WAR specific configuration can be placed in Maven WAR sub-module.
I didn't have such requirement before, so don't know what challenges may occur. For sure I wouldn't try to integrate maven-assembly-plugin or other packaging plugins with spring-boot-maven-plugin.
Concerning location of config files, just place them into src/main/resources or it's sub-folders according Spring Boot conventions. Spring Boot is opinionated framework and will be most friendly to you if you don't try to resist defaults.
Maven does not handle this gracefully, but its far from difficult to solve. You can do this with 3 pom files. One parent pom that contains the majority of the configuration, and one each for the packaging portion of the work. This would neatly separate the concerns of the two different assembly patterns too.
To clarify -- I'm not recommending a multi-module configuration here, just multiple poms with names like war-pom.xml and fat-jar-pom.xml, along with parent-pom.xml.

Spring Boot Gradle - avoid lib-provided folder in war file

I have a Spring Boot based application and I'm trying to switch over from Maven to Gradle. The application is supposed to build a war file, which is deployed to a web server (WildFly in our case).
Now, I have some libraries provided by the web server and thus using a "providedCompile" scope (For hibernate search and infinispan). Now, when used with Spring Boot plugin, the plugin is creating the war file with all the "providedCompile" libraries moved to a folder named "lib-provided".
How do I avoid this? On the same context, it is also adding the Spring Boot loader classes on to the war file. If possible, I need to avoid this too.
Please help! Thanks!
If you're only ever going to deploy your application as a WAR file to an app server, then you don't need it to be turned into an executable archive. You can disable this repackaging in your build.gradle file:
bootRepackage {
enabled = false

What is a general way to use a Spring project inside another?

I have a Spring project which is a regular jar file. It uses JPA and Spring Data.
I'd like to use it in another Spring project, which is a war running in Tomcat. It also uses JPA and Spring Data.
I have installed the jar into the local maven repository, and have declared it as a dependency in the parent project.
What do I need to do to make them work together correctly?
Are there naming conventions for the various context, properties, and persistence files?
Do I need to import the library configuration files in the "parent" configuration files?
I am getting the following error when trying to run the parent:
IllegalArgumentException: Not an managed type: class [some domain class in the parent project]
Use Maven Modules. Reference here:
