Liferay plugin package dependencies and Maven - maven

I'm starting to develop a Spring-MVC Portlet project. I did all the configuration needed in portlet.xml and web.xml but still a little bit confused about the Spring dependencies that have been declared in In fact, should I add the required dependencies in this file and declare them as provided in the project pom.xml?
I use Maven as the build and dependency management tool and all examples I've found are based on the ANT project.
How does Liferay is processes the dependencies declared in ?
Besides, a maven compile fails since it does not find Spring MVC libraries required for the Spring MVC portlet project. What do you think is missing (or) incorrect in the configuration to create Spring MVC portlet ?
thanks in advance

The easiest way to go about this is to use the Maven Archetype that's been provided by liferay.
The Maven dependency is:
Install this archetype in your local repository and then create a Maven project from this archetype.
This will have all the prerequisites needed for your project.

It is not necessarily to put any dependencies into file. All you need for your Spring MVC Portlet project should be presented in the project pom.xml file.
All dependencies are accessible from maven repo, e.g.


Maven: How to include a dependency with a specific build profile?

I have a project where I use Spring Boot 1.1.2.RELEASE which uses Spring 4.1.5, and Spring HATEOAS 0.10.0.RELEASE which uses Spring 4.0.9. This causes some dependency problems like the infamous java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.beans.factory.SmartInitializingSingleton.
I dug into the POM of spring-hateoas and found that there are different profiles defined, one of them being spring41 which depends on Spring 4.1.5. Is it possible to select this profile in my <dependency> section, or do I have to exclude the Spring dependencies?
Automatically selecting a profile for a build isn't easy. You can enable it by default in your personal settings.xml but that breaks the build for everyone who doesn't have the same file.
You can't enable a profile in the POM of the project.
With Maven 3.3, you can add the profile to ${maven.projectBasedir}/.mvn/maven.config. Since this file is part of the project, it's easy to share. You can use the Maven Enforcer plugin to make sure everyone uses a Maven version with actually uses the file.
If you can't use 3.3, then your best bet is to exclude the dependencies. If you have a parent POM, then you can use a dependencyManagement element to do it for all POMs in the reactor build.

How to customize pom.xml in Spring Tool Suite (STS)

I'm trying to find where the template of pom.xml for Spring Maven project is in STS. I want to customize it because lots of jar releases that the default pom.xml are using is out-of-date.
Anyone knows where the template of pom.xml is?

Is Spring tightly coupled with maven

Is Spring tightly coupled with Maven ? Most of the examples in the internet shows Spring and Maven to configure spring dependent jars, this post explains so many cons of Maven. All commercial projects are should to be using only this combination ?
Please explain
Both of them serve different purposes, Spring examples use Maven because maven is highly adopted as a build, dependency management framework. That has nothing to do with Spring coupling with Maven. Spring is a framework to build enterprise applications and Maven is a build and deploy tool.
You can use Gradle, ivy or even manually download the libraries instead of relying on Maven as the dependency management framework.
No. You can use whatever you want to build your Spring-based app. BTW, all the Spring tutorials show examples using Gradle (that Spring also uses internally).
What is true, though, is that Spring jars are available from the Maven central repository and the Spring repository, and that their dependencies is thus described in a Maven pom.xml file. But nothing prevents you from downloading the required jars manually and add them in the classpath.

Maven: Managing Spring configurations

I have several set's of Spring configurations (XML files for bean initialization and properties files), for different kind of services/servers. I've also use maven to manage the dependencies and build (alternating with eclipse).
My intent was to have a flag I could pass to maven to build the project with a selected configuration profile.
mvn package production
will put the conf/production files in WEB-INF/classes
I've solved the problem by using the approach of Spring profiles as suggested by #gerardribas.
I've looked at the Jhipster implementation and follow that way. If somebody is following the same path, be aware that your need to upgrade your servlet version to 3.x.

Setup Maven Project with 2 Modules - JSF, Spring, Hibernate

I'm using Eclipse and want to setup a MAVEN project which contains two modules for frontend and backend with JSF, Spring and Hibernate.
What I know:
- Create a Maven Project (packaging POM) without archetype
- Create Modules and select the Parent Project (Frontend JAR, Backend WAR)
Which archetypes can I use to combine JSF, Spring, Hibernate?
Do I have to use the same archetype for both modules?
Thanks for any help!
maven archetype is only template those prepare projects folder structure, dependency etc. See
Maven archetype
So you can create both module like simple module without archetype and self create folder and depency...
If you can use some archetype you can use some of these
ex: for main project: appfuse-basic-jsf and Maven create project which use Spring, hibernate and JSF
or softeu-archetype-jsf for JFS nodule and spring-osgi-bundle-archetype for Spring
