How do i get the url from a drupal webform url field in a webform handler - webforms

I created a webform handler and it's creating the node and passing all the content appropriately EXCEPT the url in one of the webform fields (the field 'Apply').
Any idea what I am doing wrong? Below is the code for the handler.
class HRJobWebformHandler extends WebformHandlerBase {
public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission) {
$values = $webform_submission->getData();
$pos_org = $values['position'] . "-" . $values['organization'];
$node_args = [
'type' => 'job_posting',
'langcode' => 'en',
'created' => time(),
'changed' => time(),
'uid' => 1,
'title' => $pos_org,
'field_salary_information' => $values['salary_information'],
'field_apply' => [
'uri' =>$values['apply']
'field_more_information' => $values['more_information'],
'field_position' => $values['position'],
'field_organization' => $values['organization'],
'field_area' => $values['area'],
'field_job' => [
'value' => $values['job_description'],
'format' => 'full_html'
$node = Node::create($node_args);

Problem solved: Webform was posting the Apply field data as an array (it's a URL field). Code change to UPDATE: Webform post was passing the Apply link as an array. Code changed to:
'uri' =>$values['apply']['url']


Updating a document in laravel firestore

Hi I've been trying out things in updating aa document in firestore from laravel 9. But it doesn't seem to work at all.
What I have tried so far:
$product = app('firebase.firestore')
'path' => 'status',
'value' => 'archive'
$status = "archive";
$currentData = json_decode(json_encode([
'status' => $status,
$newData = [
'status' => $status,
$postData = app('firebase.firestore')
'path' => 'Products',
'value' => FieldValue::arrayRemove([$currentData])
'Products' => FieldValue::arrayUnion($newData)
], ['merge' => true]);
and, javascript
const app = initizalizeApp(firebaseConfig);
const db = getFirestore(app);
btnArchive.addEventListener('click', (e) =>{
archiveDoc(doc(db, "Products", "15da5077cf8940f797db"), {
status: archive,
alert('Product archived!')
I want to update the status of a product from active to archive. But this doesn't work at all. Also is there another way to edit a document without specifying it?
this is how my collection looks like, each document has its own product details:

ListEntries in table for relationship on show page - backpack for laravel

Just new with backpack. I search on official site and googled it, but dit not found an answer
In laravel 7, using Backpack 4.1
My data model is : Customer has many addresses
Relationship is configured in the Customer model :
public function addresses()
return $this->hasMany(\App\Models\Address::class, 'user_id');
Relationship is configured in the Address model :
public function customer()
return $this->belongsTo(\App\Models\Customer::class);
public function country()
return $this->belongsTo(\App\Models\Country::class);
public function address_type()
return $this->belongsTo(\App\Models\AddressType::class);
In my customer show page, I would like to show all customer addresses in a table, just under the customer details.
So in my CustomerCrudController, I have implemented this method :
protected function setupShowOperation()
$this->crud->set('show.setFromDb', false);
$this->crud->addColumn(['name' => 'name', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __('models/'), ]);
$this->crud->addColumn(['name' => 'email', 'type' => 'email', 'label' => __('models/'), ]);
'name' => 'addresses',
'label' => __('models/addresses.plural'),
'type' => 'table',
'columns' => [
'address_type_id' => __('models/addresses.fields.address_type'),
'' => __('models/addresses.fields.address_type'),
'address1' => __('models/addresses.fields.address1'),
'address2' => __('models/addresses.fields.address2'),
'city' => __('models/addresses.fields.address2'),
'postal_code' => __('models/addresses.fields.address2'),
'' => __('models/countries.singular'),
When I go on my page : /admin/customer/3/show,
In my debugbar, I saw the query how load addresses
select * from `addresses` where `addresses`.`user_id` = 3 and `addresses`.`user_id` is not null
I have the table rendered with the corresponding number of lines from data in DB, but rows are blank.
Is this the correct way to do that ? What are the correct parameters ?
Is there a way to show a table with action buttons (show entry, edit) - same as in List view ?
Should it be implemented in another way ?
Hope I'm clear.
Don't know if it is a laravel bug, but my solution was to create my own table blade, base on the file :
and have created my own :
I have juste changed the file:40
#elseif( is_object($tableRow) && property_exists($tableRow, $tableColumnKey) )
#elseif( is_object($tableRow) && isset($tableRow->{$tableColumnKey}) )
now, in my CustomerCrudController.php :
protected function setupShowOperation()
$this->crud->set('show.setFromDb', false);
$this->crud->addColumn(['name' => 'name', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __('models/'),]);
$this->crud->addColumn(['name' => 'email', 'type' => 'email', 'label' => __('models/'),]);
'name' => 'addresses',
'label' => __('models/addresses.plural'),
'type' => 'address_table', // my custom type
'model' => \App\Models\Address::class,
'entity' => 'addresses',
'columns' => [
'address_type_name' => __('models/addresses.fields.address_type'),
'postal_code' => __('models/addresses.fields.postal_code'),
'city' => __('models/'),
'address1' => __('models/addresses.fields.address1'),
'address2' => __('models/addresses.fields.address1'),
And I've added an accessor in my model (Address.php)
public function getAddressTypeNameAttribute()
return "{$this->address_type->name}";
Don't know if there is a better way ...
Hope this will help others.
I use Laravel 8,
In addition for the answer above, and based on this answer and regarding PHP function property_exists vs Laravel magic methods to create dynamic properties and methods
After creating the overwrite column php artisan backpack:publish crud/columns/table
I change line 40 in file:\resources\views\vendor\backpack\crud\columns\table.blade.php into
#elseif( is_object($tableRow) && ( property_exists($tableRow, $tableColumnKey) || property_exists((object)$tableRow->toArray(), $tableColumnKey) ) )
adding OR checking from answer

How to properly hydrate and extract Doctrine Entities from Zend Forms

I'm just starting out with Doctrine and was rewriting some code to use Doctrine entities in some Forms.
I have an Entity Business which has some 1:n relations with addresses, employees, emails etc. the Setup is really basic and working fine.
To add new Businesses i created a BusinessForm and Fieldsets for each of my entities. Here the constructor of the form:
public function __construct($scenario='create', $entityManager = null) {
$this->scenario = $scenario;
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
$this->setAttribute('method', 'post');
$businessFieldset = new BusinessFieldset($this->entityManager);
$hydrator = new DoctrineHydrator($this->entityManager, new Business());
addElements just adds a Submit and CSRF input.
And here the Controller action:
public function addAction(){
$form = new BusinessForm('create', $this->entityManager);
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$data = $this->params()->fromPost();
if($form->isValid()) {
// save Object
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('subcontractor', ['action'=>'index']);
return new ViewModel([
'form' => $form
The form validates and i can get the Data from the form with $form->getData(). But i cant figure out how to get a populated Object from the form using the form's hydrator. When I use setObject(new Business()) at the start of the controller i get an error while $form->isValid() is running :
Zend\Hydrator\ArraySerializable::extract expects the provided object to implement getArrayCopy()
Isnt that the wrong hydrator being called ?
If i dont setObject() but instead use $form->bind(new Business()) after the validation i get an empty Object from $form->getObject(). If i get the data and hydrate a new Object with the form's hydrator like so : $form->getHydrator()->hydrate($data['business], new Business()) i do get the populated Object i was expecting. (Business being the name of the base fieldset)
So my question is, how to i get the result of the last call from just using $form->getObject() after the validation?
The Problem seems to be with the Collections of Fieldsets used as sub-fieldsets in the businessfieldset. If i validate the form without using the collections i do get the expected Business Object from $form->getData()
Here an example how i add the collection (in the business fieldset):
'name' => 'emails',
'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\Collection',
'attributes' => [
'id' => 'business_emails',
'options' => [
'label' => 'Emails',
'count' => 1,
'should_create_template' => true,
'template_placeholder' => '__index__',
'allow_add' => true,
'target_element' => [
'type' => 'LwsSubcontractor\Form\EmailFieldset',
'target_class' => 'LwsSubcontractor\Entity\Email'
and here the EmailFieldset:
public function __construct() {
$this->setObject(new Email());
protected function addElements() {
'name' => 'email',
'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\Email',
'attributes' => [
'placeholder' => 'E-Mail (z.B.',
'class' => 'form-control',
'required' => true,
'size' => 50,
'options' => [
'label' => 'Email',
If using the Collections i get the Error message from above. So after adding a hydrator to each Fieldset i was fine.
Although i was under the impression that setting the hydrator for the form would result in the used fieldsets to inherit that hydrator.Or was this because of using the fieldsets as collections and not directly ?
You have to add the hydrator to all your fieldsets, personally I use DoctrineModule\Stdlib\Hydrator\DoctrineObject for doctrine entities.
I would also look at using the init() method to initialize your forms and add elements then register and retrieve your form and fieldsets through the FormElementManager, $serviceLocator->get('FormElementManager')->get(yourFieldsetorForm::class). The form can than be injected into your controller.
I hope this helps.

ZF2 using inputFilter

I wonder what I've made wrong, I want to save in db some values whats not come form POST or GET:
public function saveAction()
$wikiTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('WikiTable');
$data = array('source' => $someVal);
$form = new WikiForm();
$inputFilter = new \MyApp\Form\WikiFilter();
'name' => 'source',
'required' => false,
'filters' => array(
array('name' => 'StripTags'),
array('name' => 'StringTrim'),
And Form:
'name' => 'source',
'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\Hidden',
'options' => array(
'label' => 'source',
In response I recive error:
Zend\Form\Form::getData cannot return data as validation has not yet
After this line:
You need to put the rest of your code into something like this:
Otherwise your form isn't validated and you won't get any data back from it by calling $form->getData()
So whenever you work with a form (not matter if the data come from a POST request or not) make sure to call the function isValid() on the form variable because otherwise you won't get the data back and you will get the error you wrote before

How to save data in model using Yii2 grid with Editable column

Can anyone help on editable column in gridview.I am using Yii2 and stuck with it.
I can't save data in my model.I can post from gridview column.
In my grid view:
$gridColumns= [
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'pageSummary' => true,
'editableOptions'=> [
'header' => 'profile',
'format' => Editable::FORMAT_BUTTON,
'inputType' => Editable::INPUT_DROPDOWN_LIST,
'data'=> $StatusList,
// 'date_sdv_performed',
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'editableOptions' => [
'header' => 'Date Sdv Performed',
'widgetClass'=> 'kartik\datecontrol\DateControl',
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'hAlign' => 'top',
'vAlign' => 'middle',
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'kv-sticky-column'],
'contentOptions' => ['class' => 'kv-sticky-column'],
'pageSummary' => true,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'filterModel' => $searchModel,
'toolbar' => [
'columns' => $gridColumns
In my controller action:
public function actionMonitoring($site_name)
$this->layout = 'sdv-carolina-main';
$Countries = new Countries;
$model = new Flagging;
$searchModel = new FlaggingSearch();
$dataProvider = $searchModel->monitoringsearch($site_name);
$allocatedsites = new AllocatedSites;
if (Yii::$app->request->post('hasEditable'))
$model = $this->findModel($model['flagging_id']);
$out = Json::encode(['output'=>'', 'message'=>'']);
$post = [];
$posted = current($_POST['Flagging']);
$post['Flagging'] = $posted;
if ($model->load($post)) {
$output = '';
if (isset($posted['sdv_status']))
$output = $model->sdv_status;
$out = Json::encode(['output'=>$output, 'message'=>'']);
echo $out;
return $this->render('monitoring',
'searchModel' => $searchModel,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'Countries' => $Countries,
'allocatedsites' => $allocatedsites,
The problem is I can't update my model because of I can't get the id.
I just need the id to update specific row.How can I get the id while using editable column?
Thanks in advance.
Actually the solution is easy. I just need the id of that specific row to update that.And in my ajax post I got something like this:
Flagging[0][status] NO
_csrf TlhyUm5kajAoNxgVNy0/ZCoyHApZUlNUFh0rB1gRPGoAFSIdGSAifQ==
editableIndex 0
editableKey 13
hasEditable 1
and found the editableKey is the id of that specific row!
Now in my controller I write down this code given below:
$model = $this->findModel($_id);
Here $_id is the posted editableKey value which is the id of the specific row.
and with the id I use it to get the specific model and just update data based on that id.
