Updating a document in laravel firestore - laravel

Hi I've been trying out things in updating aa document in firestore from laravel 9. But it doesn't seem to work at all.
What I have tried so far:
$product = app('firebase.firestore')
'path' => 'status',
'value' => 'archive'
$status = "archive";
$currentData = json_decode(json_encode([
'status' => $status,
$newData = [
'status' => $status,
$postData = app('firebase.firestore')
'path' => 'Products',
'value' => FieldValue::arrayRemove([$currentData])
'Products' => FieldValue::arrayUnion($newData)
], ['merge' => true]);
and, javascript
const app = initizalizeApp(firebaseConfig);
const db = getFirestore(app);
btnArchive.addEventListener('click', (e) =>{
archiveDoc(doc(db, "Products", "15da5077cf8940f797db"), {
status: archive,
alert('Product archived!')
I want to update the status of a product from active to archive. But this doesn't work at all. Also is there another way to edit a document without specifying it?
this is how my collection looks like, each document has its own product details:


cURL Error: Operation timed out after 15001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received woocomerce API

Facing cURL Error: Operation timed out after 15001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received issues with Woocomerce API to create products.
I am using the Laravel package i.e https://github.com/Codexshaper/laravel-woocommerce
It was working fine and creating products but suddenly it stopped working and start throwing PHP errors.
Below are the method that I am using to create a book on Woocomerce from laravel Controller:
public function addProductToWC(Request $request)
$response = '';
if ($request->isMethod('post')){
$book = Book::find($request->get('book_id'));
$coverImgPath = base_path('public/customize_book/'.Session::get('cover_image'));
if (file_exists($coverImgPath)) {
$imageurl = url('/public/customize_book/'.Session::get('cover_image'));
} else {
$imageurl = url('/images/'.$book->bookimage);
$data = [
'name' => $book->title,
'type' => 'simple',
'regular_price' => number_format($request->get('book_price')),
'description' => (!empty($book->description) ? $book->description :''),
'short_description' => 'Simple product short description.',
'categories' => [
'id' => 1
'images' => [
'src' => 'http://demo.woothemes.com/woocommerce/wp-content/uploads/sites/56/2013/06/T_2_front.jpg'
'src' => 'http://demo.woothemes.com/woocommerce/wp-content/uploads/sites/56/2013/06/T_2_back.jpg'
$product = Product::create($data);
$response = array('error' => false,'code' => '200', 'data' => array('product_id' => $product['id'], 'message' => 'Product created successfully.'));
$response = array('error' => true,'code' => '401', 'data' => array('product_id' => $product['id'], 'message' => 'Product syncing failed please try again later.'));
$response = array('error' => true,'code' => '401','message' => 'Invalid book detail please try again.');
$response = array('error' => true,'code' => '401','message' => 'Invalid book detail please try again.');
$response = array('error' => true,'code' => '401','message' => 'Invalid method please try again.');
// return response
return response()->json($response);
Looking at the composer.json at https://github.com/Codexshaper/laravel-woocommerce/blob/master/composer.json, I can see that they are using the woocommerce client "automattic/woocommerce": "^3.0" This defaults to a request timeout of 15 seconds, hence why set_time_limit(0); didn't fix the issue.
When using it directly you'd set the timeout in the options
$woocommerce = new Client(
env('MGF_WOOCOMMERCE_API_URL'), // Your store URL
env('MGF_WOOCOMMERCE_API_KEY'), // Your consumer key
env('MGF_WOOCOMMERCE_API_SECRET'), // Your consumer secret
'timeout' => 120, // SET TIMOUT HERE
'wp_api' => true, // Enable the WP REST API integration
'version' => 'wc/v3' // WooCommerce WP REST API version
Looking at the library source https://github.com/Codexshaper/laravel-woocommerce/blob/master/src/WooCommerceApi.php
$this->client = new Client(
'version' => 'wc/'.config('woocommerce.api_version'),
'wp_api' => config('woocommerce.wp_api_integration'),
'verify_ssl' => config('woocommerce.verify_ssl'),
'query_string_auth' => config('woocommerce.query_string_auth'),
'timeout' => config('woocommerce.timeout'),
It looks like the timeout is coming from woocommerce.timeout in your Laravel config file.

Stripe & Laravel how to upgrade or downgrade session subscription?

I have some issues using the Laravel Cashier for creating subscriptions.
First, from my backend I am creating a Package, which calls the following two Strip functions:
public function createStripeProduct(array $data)
$product = $this->stripe->products->create([
'name' => $data['title']." ".appName(),
return $product->id;
public function createStripePrice(array $data)
$price = $this->stripe->prices->create([
'unit_amount' => $data['price'] * $this->multiple,
'currency' => $this->currency,
'recurring' => ['interval' => 'month'],
'product' => $data['stripe_prod_id'],
return $price->id;
Then in my Controller, I am creating the session:
public function create(Request $request)
$key = config('services.stripe.secret');
$stripe = new Stripe\StripeClient($key);
$stripeCustomer = $user->createOrGetStripeCustomer();
$checkout_session = $stripe->checkout->sessions->create([
'customer' => $stripeCustomer['id'],
'success_url' => route('frontend.user.account'),
'cancel_url' => route('frontend.user.account'),
'payment_method_types' => ['card'],
'line_items' => [
'price' => $request->stripe_price_id,
'quantity' => 1,
'mode' => 'subscription',
'allow_promotion_codes' => true,
return $checkout_session['id'];
Everything is working so far, but with the implementation, I can subscribe one use multiple times to the same or to a different Package.
How can I prevent this from happening and also how to implement a future upgrade/downgrade of the Package?
To answer your two questions:
1) I can subscribe one use multiple times to the same or to a different Package. How can I prevent this from happening
Your code is fetching a Stripe Customer object in createOrGetStripeCustomer(). You can list all Subscriptions on the Customer with https://stripe.com/docs/api/subscriptions/list#list_subscriptions-customer and then check if you want to create an additional CheckoutSession Subscription on that Customer.
2) how to implement a future upgrade/downgrade of the Package?
You would use the code snippets here: https://stripe.com/docs/billing/subscriptions/upgrade-downgrade#changing where you update the Subscription's SubscriptionItem with a new Price ID.
$sub = \Stripe\Subscription::update('sub_123', [
'cancel_at_period_end' => false,
'proration_behavior' => 'create_prorations',
'items' => [
'id' => $subscription->items->data[0]->id,
'price' => 'price_456', // the new Price to update to

[cakePHP3]how to debug a failed save

This is my code , I have problems with making a simple save. The message is :( when i trying to save
$user = $this->Users->newEntity();
$user = $this->Users->patchEntity($user, $this->request->data);
return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'index']);
this is my table , I made a migration. All fields can be null
$table = $this->table('users');
this is my request data
'first_name' => 'wewe',
'last_name' => 'wewe',
'email' => 'wewe#wee.com',
'password' => 'wewewe',
'role' => 'admin',
'active' => '1'
I hope that you help me , I am very frustrated
EDIT: if i use print_r ($user->errors()); i get this...
Array ( [firts_name] => Array ( [_required] => This field is required ) )
Your error is in the name of your data, the request data is
'first_name' => 'wewe'"
your column name is "firts_name", its a typing error.

ZF2 using inputFilter

I wonder what I've made wrong, I want to save in db some values whats not come form POST or GET:
public function saveAction()
$wikiTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('WikiTable');
$data = array('source' => $someVal);
$form = new WikiForm();
$inputFilter = new \MyApp\Form\WikiFilter();
'name' => 'source',
'required' => false,
'filters' => array(
array('name' => 'StripTags'),
array('name' => 'StringTrim'),
And Form:
'name' => 'source',
'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\Hidden',
'options' => array(
'label' => 'source',
In response I recive error:
Zend\Form\Form::getData cannot return data as validation has not yet
After this line:
You need to put the rest of your code into something like this:
Otherwise your form isn't validated and you won't get any data back from it by calling $form->getData()
So whenever you work with a form (not matter if the data come from a POST request or not) make sure to call the function isValid() on the form variable because otherwise you won't get the data back and you will get the error you wrote before

How to save data in model using Yii2 grid with Editable column

Can anyone help on editable column in gridview.I am using Yii2 and stuck with it.
I can't save data in my model.I can post from gridview column.
In my grid view:
$gridColumns= [
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'pageSummary' => true,
'editableOptions'=> [
'header' => 'profile',
'format' => Editable::FORMAT_BUTTON,
'inputType' => Editable::INPUT_DROPDOWN_LIST,
'data'=> $StatusList,
// 'date_sdv_performed',
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'editableOptions' => [
'header' => 'Date Sdv Performed',
'widgetClass'=> 'kartik\datecontrol\DateControl',
'class' => 'kartik\grid\EditableColumn',
'hAlign' => 'top',
'vAlign' => 'middle',
'headerOptions' => ['class' => 'kv-sticky-column'],
'contentOptions' => ['class' => 'kv-sticky-column'],
'pageSummary' => true,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'filterModel' => $searchModel,
'toolbar' => [
'columns' => $gridColumns
In my controller action:
public function actionMonitoring($site_name)
$this->layout = 'sdv-carolina-main';
$Countries = new Countries;
$model = new Flagging;
$searchModel = new FlaggingSearch();
$dataProvider = $searchModel->monitoringsearch($site_name);
$allocatedsites = new AllocatedSites;
if (Yii::$app->request->post('hasEditable'))
$model = $this->findModel($model['flagging_id']);
$out = Json::encode(['output'=>'', 'message'=>'']);
$post = [];
$posted = current($_POST['Flagging']);
$post['Flagging'] = $posted;
if ($model->load($post)) {
$output = '';
if (isset($posted['sdv_status']))
$output = $model->sdv_status;
$out = Json::encode(['output'=>$output, 'message'=>'']);
echo $out;
return $this->render('monitoring',
'searchModel' => $searchModel,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'Countries' => $Countries,
'allocatedsites' => $allocatedsites,
The problem is I can't update my model because of I can't get the id.
I just need the id to update specific row.How can I get the id while using editable column?
Thanks in advance.
Actually the solution is easy. I just need the id of that specific row to update that.And in my ajax post I got something like this:
Flagging[0][status] NO
_csrf TlhyUm5kajAoNxgVNy0/ZCoyHApZUlNUFh0rB1gRPGoAFSIdGSAifQ==
editableIndex 0
editableKey 13
hasEditable 1
and found the editableKey is the id of that specific row!
Now in my controller I write down this code given below:
$model = $this->findModel($_id);
Here $_id is the posted editableKey value which is the id of the specific row.
and with the id I use it to get the specific model and just update data based on that id.
