Jacoco's report not generate - maven

In my pom.xml
<argLine>-Xmx4096m ${jacoco.agent.ut.arg}</argLine>
<!-- Specific to generate mapping between tests and covered code -->
<argLine>-Xmx4096m ${jacoco.agent.it.arg}</argLine>
<!-- Specific to generate mapping between tests and covered code -->
<!-- Let's put failsafe reports with surefire to have access to tests failures/success reports in sonar -->
<!-- Prepares a variable, jacoco.agent.ut.arg, that contains the info to be passed to the JVM hosting the code being tested. -->
<!-- Prepares a variable, jacoco.agent.it.arg, that contains the info to be passed to the JVM hosting the code being tested. -->
mvn clean verify
But in target folder not exist jacoco's coverage report

Since your profile is not activated by default, you need to specify -Pcoverage to your maven command to run this profile.
mvn clean verify -Pcoverage
You can also activate your coverage profile by adding the following to your pom.xml
<!-- Rest of the Profile build configuration -->


How rerun failed test cases of cucumber-jvm in jenkins

How to rerun failed test cases of cucumber-jvm in jenkins?
According to answers mentioned in this thread:
How to rerun failed test cases in cucumber-jvm?
There is different maven command to move and run scenarios for rerun.txt. How to execute them in Jenkins with separate maven command for rerun?
I use cucumber-serenity framework, which uses cucumber-jvm in the background to run everything. Here are the relevant parts of my pom.
I have everything in a separate project, not mixed with any other code. If this is not your case, the following might break your build!
I turn off unit tests:
<!-- no unit tests: skip anything named *Test -->
This does not relate to your question, but I manage all my selenium browser drivers with:
<!-- docs: https://ardesco.lazerycode.com/testing/webdriver/2012/08/12/introducing-the-driver-binary-downloader-maven-plugin-for-selenium.html -->
I use the failsafe-plugin to run my integration tests:
<!-- integration tests: run everything named *IT -->
<!-- set by driver-binary-downloader-maven-plugin -->
The above will not rerun any failed tests, which is what you probably want when you run stuff locally on your machine.
On Jenkins only, I turn on the rerunning of failed tests:
<!-- docs: https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/examples/rerun-failing-tests.html#Re-run_execution_in_Cucumber_JVM -->
I pasted the following in my Pom.xml file and I do not see any failed test case rerunning in Jenkins. Can you explain how to configure this Jenkins please
<!-- docs: https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/examples/rerun-failing-tests.html#Re-run_execution_in_Cucumber_JVM -->

Configuring jacoco for integration and unit test reporting in Sonarqube with Powermock

I am using Sonarqube to keep track of both unit and integration test coverage for a multi-module Maven project.
This was the existing profile in the parent pom.xml that was used to generate the Sonarqube report locally before I made the change:
Profile that generates all unit test coverage locally in Sonarqube
<!-- needed for powermock to run correctly with surefire-->
This is generating the expected test coverage (sans integration tests) in
Sonarqube locally when I run mvn clean install -P coverage sonar:sonar.
I've so far been able to get integration coverage added as a proof of concept using the following addition
to the parent pom.xml:
pom.xml that includes integration test coverage in Sonarqube but excludes some unit tests
<jacoco.version>0.7.9</jacoco.version> . <sonar.jacoco.reportPaths>${project.basedir}/../target/jacoco.exec</sonar.jacoco.reportPaths>
This was inspired by the example found here.
However, when I run it with the command mvn clean install failsafe:integration-test sonar:sonar, it causes some of the unit tests which were previously being covered to not show up in the Sonarqube output. I believe that the prepare-agent and prepare-agent integrationgoals are using on-the-fly instrumentation. According to JaCoCo's docs, on-the-fly instrumentation is not possible while using PowerMock (which my project is utilizing), so we have to use the offline instrumentation for JaCoCo.
I looked at this example for using offline instrumentation and used the following pom.xml with the command mvn clean install test sonar:sonar:
parent pom.xml that fails to build due to NoClassDefFound errors
And here's the resulting error:
Any ideas for the proper pom.xml configuration to enable offline instrumentation to get integration and unit test coverage to show up in Sonarqube?
I know this question is 10 months old, but for anyone else coming across this, you need to add this to your dependencies in your pom.xml file.

JUnit - run tests in a category only if specific profile is active

I have the following tests:
The unit tests are not marked with a category.
The two integration tests are marked with #Category(IntegrationTests.class).
I want by default to run all tests EXCEPT for the integration tests.
If, however, a profile integration-tests-only is active, i want to run ONLY the integration tests.
I naively thought the following configuration would make this work:
But while running the tests without a profile does exactly what I want - run only the unit tests, if I activate the integration-tests-only profile no tests run at all.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I assume that this happens because you include and exclude, and Maven merges the configurations and resolves to run nothing.
Consider this re-write of the config (did not run it so might have some minor issues):

Executing cargo:run from a maven profile

I am trying to write a maven profile that will run the cargo:run goal and will Start a container and wait for the user to press CTRL + C to stop. However when I run mvn clean install -PstartApplication, the command completes successfully without waiting. What am I missing?
Check the plugin configuration: the executions element in the code you posted is within the configuration element, which is not correct and as such it will be ignored by Maven. (Check the official documentation for more details).
The executions section should be out of a configuration section (and at the same nested level). They could then also include a further configuration section, which will be the configuration used by that specific wrapping execution, while the previous would be a more generic configuration applied by default to all listed executions.
In this specific case, the Cargo Plugin also provides a further configuration element within the Maven configuration section, which makes things a bit confusing and misleading (a different name should have been chosen, in my opinion).
Hence, in your case, you should move out the executions section from the configuration section, as following:

Starting of the Apache tomcat server before integration test

I've been looking for an solution for the last 4 days and raised this question as a bounty but still not getting my answer.
Where i've succeeded with the help pf pom.xml file:-
a) Starting the tomcat server manually using command i.e mvn tomcat7:run. This command also
help me deploying of my war file to tomcat server and starting the server.
b) Running my integration tests using testng.xml file configuration on eclipse.
Where i'm failed with the help pf pom.xml file:-
a) Automatically starting of tomcat server.
b) Running all the integration tests.
c) Stopping of tomcat server.
This question is posted by me but couldn't find the answer
Starting apache server before integration testing not working
Please help where i'm wrong.
Minimal POM
Here is a minimal POM file that I used to achieve what you want. If it doesn't work for you, please post the output of mvn -X clean verify like #BrennaFlood said. Configurations for tomcat7-maven-plugin and maven-failsafe-plugin taken from http://tomcat.apache.org/maven-plugin-2.2/run-mojo-features.html#Use_it_with_selenium_mojo and http://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/usage.html, respectively.
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
It looks like you have tomcat start and stop bound to pre-integration-test and post-integration-test phases, but the TestNG stuff is being run during the test phase, which comes before the integration-test phases. Like the other responder said - you should be running:
mvn clean verify -X
... so that you're catching all the phases up through post-integration-test (and catching all the debug information for troubleshooting), but you should also bind your TestNG components to the integration-test phase.
I just want to add this for anyone that is looking to use maven + tomcat7 + testng. Basically my scenario is that some of our IT test needs the running application so they can send some REST call, but some of the IT does not require the server, I split the test cases in two different suites one for the IT that requires the server in the ServerRequiredIT.xml and others in NonServerRequiredIT.xml, based on that I create two profiles as it follows.
To run the profiles I use mvn test -P 'nameOfProfile'. Important thing here is what the documentation said
The Failsafe Plugin is designed to run integration tests while the
Surefire Plugin is designed to run unit tests
Hope that helps.
