JUnit - run tests in a category only if specific profile is active - maven

I have the following tests:
The unit tests are not marked with a category.
The two integration tests are marked with #Category(IntegrationTests.class).
I want by default to run all tests EXCEPT for the integration tests.
If, however, a profile integration-tests-only is active, i want to run ONLY the integration tests.
I naively thought the following configuration would make this work:
But while running the tests without a profile does exactly what I want - run only the unit tests, if I activate the integration-tests-only profile no tests run at all.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

I assume that this happens because you include and exclude, and Maven merges the configurations and resolves to run nothing.
Consider this re-write of the config (did not run it so might have some minor issues):


providing cucumber test report name through maven command

In my pom.xml I have created different profile for smoke and regression test using cucumber framework. The using the below maven command to run the tests. Following is an example of smoke test:
mvn clean test -Psmoke-test -Dcucumber.options="--plugin html:target/cucumber/smoke-test-report.html"
The test is running fine, but it is not generating the report even if I provided the -Dcucumber.options I am using a common runner class for cucumber, so I cannot give the file name as part of the #CucumberOptions annotation.
Following is the pom.xml confguration:
Your POM should be like this:
And command you can use like this:
mvn test -Dtest=Runner verify

How rerun failed test cases of cucumber-jvm in jenkins

How to rerun failed test cases of cucumber-jvm in jenkins?
According to answers mentioned in this thread:
How to rerun failed test cases in cucumber-jvm?
There is different maven command to move and run scenarios for rerun.txt. How to execute them in Jenkins with separate maven command for rerun?
I use cucumber-serenity framework, which uses cucumber-jvm in the background to run everything. Here are the relevant parts of my pom.
I have everything in a separate project, not mixed with any other code. If this is not your case, the following might break your build!
I turn off unit tests:
<!-- no unit tests: skip anything named *Test -->
This does not relate to your question, but I manage all my selenium browser drivers with:
<!-- docs: https://ardesco.lazerycode.com/testing/webdriver/2012/08/12/introducing-the-driver-binary-downloader-maven-plugin-for-selenium.html -->
I use the failsafe-plugin to run my integration tests:
<!-- integration tests: run everything named *IT -->
<!-- set by driver-binary-downloader-maven-plugin -->
The above will not rerun any failed tests, which is what you probably want when you run stuff locally on your machine.
On Jenkins only, I turn on the rerunning of failed tests:
<!-- docs: https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/examples/rerun-failing-tests.html#Re-run_execution_in_Cucumber_JVM -->
I pasted the following in my Pom.xml file and I do not see any failed test case rerunning in Jenkins. Can you explain how to configure this Jenkins please
<!-- docs: https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/examples/rerun-failing-tests.html#Re-run_execution_in_Cucumber_JVM -->

Maven wildfly deployment with multiple servers (standalone)

in my environment I have two wildfly server where I want to deploy with the wildfly-maven-plugin.
The servers differ in the name dev01 and dev02 but have the same port 9993 and username and password.
My understanding is that the wildfly-maven-plugin support only single server deployment.
If the problem are not big enough we use a module/submodule structure where the war file will be build in a submodule.
I'm using two profiles wildfly-deploy-dev01 and wildfly-deploy-dev02.
In the main module I skipped it.
In the war submodule:
[same as above for hostname dev02.example.com]
First I was thinking everthing works fine but then I found out that only the last server will be deployed.
mvn wildfly:deploy -P wildfly-deploy-dev01,wildfly-deploy-dev02
I played around by setting the configration after the execution tag without success. It looks that the second profile overwrite the first one.
Futher I hardcoded the finalname because the parsedVersion is not parsed.
At the moment I'm lost with Maven. Has anybody an idea how I can deploy with the plugin on two servers?
Ways which I tried:
wildfly-maven-plugin not deploying when multiple profiles selected
Cannot access parsedVersion value in pom properties
You should be able to do this in a single profile with different executions. There shouldn't be a need to multiple profiles.
With this you'd just have to do mvn clean install -Pwildfly-deploy.

Maven: How to print the current profile on the console?

I'm trying to print the current profile that is active running a build of a Maven Project.
I'm using the maven-antrun-plugin in order to print messages on the console, in combination with a property that refers to the current profile.
I have tried the following properties:
But in both cases it prints the "string" as it is written, without resolving the variable.
This is my test:
<echo>current active profile: ${project.activeProfiles[0].id}</echo>
But this is the result that I obtain:
[echo] current active profile: ${project.activeProfiles[0].id}
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
The maven-help-plugin offers what you need. It has an active-profiles goal.
You can add it to your pom or even call it from the command line (include it in your maven build call). The How can I tell which profiles are in effect during a build? section of the Maven profile introduction page will show you how. In short:
mvn help:active-profiles
As this does not work for you (see comments) here is another solution:
I think the active profiles (there can be more than one!) are not propagated as available variables - but properties are.
So set a custom property in the profile section and use that, like
<echo>current active profile: ${myProfile}</echo>
you can add the maven-help-plugin in your pom to display always the active profile
<!-- display active profile in compile phase -->
source: https://www.mkyong.com/maven/maven-profiles-example

Automatically bumping up pom.xml with Maven release plugin

I am playing with the Maven release plugin and I am trying to bump up the pom.xml version automatically. I noticed when I do:
mvn --batch-mode release:prepare
it will automatically bump up the z version, i.e. if it is x.y.z it will be x.y.(z+1). Is there a way to bump up the y or x version without having to specify before hand what those versions should be?
I stumbled upon some blogposts on how to achieve this, and made this maven-setup which makes it possible to specify if you want to do a major, minor or patch-release:
Here we use the build-helper-maven-plugin to figure out what the current (and next) version is, and we use maven profiles to specify if we want to do a major, minor or patch (default) release.
Source code can be found here: https://github.com/mortenberg80/maven-release-example
The blog posts I got inspired from were:
Maven release: next development version in batch mode
