Visual Studio 2022 Installer Closes - installation

Since yesterday my Visual Studios 2022 doesn't work anymore, so I deinstalled it and now when I try to install it the Installer loads says downloading installing after that the two bars are Green and it closes and nothing happens. I already tried deleting the folder, Turning off Firewall, tried to start vs_installer.exe nothing happens. After that I tried to install Visual Studio 2019 same thing happens. Last Windows update was on the 21.06.2022 Anyone got an Idea what else i should try?


Visual Studio 2022 Professional Source Control Explorer Stuck in Working

I have a new laptop. After installed Visual Studio 2022, the Source Control Explorer worked. But after I continue to install more other software and deleted some downloaded solution files from TFS, the explorer is stuck in working. It eventually leads to a frozen Visual Studio with busy message.
Using another laptop with Visual Studio 2022 works.
How to debug and fix this issue?
I think your best bet right now would be to uninstall Visual Studio and start from scratch. Depending on what "downloaded solution files" you deleted, something could be seriously messed up with your current installation of VS.
I would do a full re-install and try again. This may end up saving you time versus troubleshooting.

Visual Studio 2017 - Team Explorer Builds 'Page not found'

We are using XAML builds in TFS 2015.
In the team explorer, builds tab in Visual Studio 2017 (but still connecting to the TFS 2015 server) all of a sudden I am seeing the following 'Page not found' message and none of my XAML builds appear:
This happened after removing a TFS 2015 connection, then connecting to a TFS 2017 instance, then deleting the 2017 connection and then re-connecting to to the previous TFS 2015 instance.
I have tried
Clearing the MEFComponentCache folder
Running devenv /setup
Completely uninstalling and re-installing VS2017
... and I'm still getting this error each time I connect to my TFS server. I also have VS2015 installed and this does show the builds but 2017 does not. A lot of the other posts on this issue seem to related to VS2015 but not 2017. I'm guessing something has changed here. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it please?
I'm new with TFS, but it is possible, that Visual Studio 2017 has added some files, like setting-files on your system and if you delete VS17 the files will not be deleted.
I think you can try two options:
You can remove VS17 again and run a programm to clean up your PC, like this clean up tool. After that you can install VS17 again and check, whether the problem is solved.
You can upgrade your TFS15 instance to TFS17. See this or this link for more informations.
Attention, I'm new with that, it is only an idea and make BACKUPS!! ;)

Visual Studio installer won't go past splash screen

I have visual studio 2013 ultimate installed and recently uninstalled visual studio 2015 community, to upgrade to enterprise 2015.
I had trouble uninstalling 2015, but eventually running the setup and choosing for repair/uninstall did the job. This didn't work for 2013 so I haven't been able to uninstall 2013 yet.
Anyhow, when I try to install enterprise I just get the splash screen for a few seconds, and then it disappears and nothing happens. Which was also the case when I tried to uninstall either visual studio versions earlier.
Why is visual studio such a pain to install/uninstall and how do I solve it?
I got this error I could see the splash screen then it dissapeared and the executable just continued running in the background but no GUI was shown.
A full uinstall and reinstall did not solve the issue.
I solved it by completely removing all the registry settings for Visual Studio 2015 that can be found under:
Remove all subdirectories with 14 in them:
Now when restarting you get to log into your MSDN account and the GUI starts working after that.

Visual Studio 2013 Express crashes when adding a new file

VS 2013 Express is crashing when adding any new type of file to a project.
e.g. Trying to add a main.cpp to a new empty C++ project results in the program either hanging then crashing or instantly quitting.
I've tried rebooting, repairing the installation, running in safe mode, re-installing etc.
The problem continues to persist.
I'm on a Windows 8.1
Anyone have any ideas?
EDIT: Installed Visual Studio Express 2012 and the problem is occurring there too. It is not occurring in Visual Studio 2015 RC
Fixed the issue by uninstalling Visual Studio 2015 RC.
Did you try it with /resetsettings or /safemode? If you are moving back and forth between versions, you could have settings from one version effecting the other.

Visual Studio 2012 new install crashes on debug

I just re-installed Windows 8, and with it Visual Studio 2012. I opened up my solution as normal, made 2 lines change, and hit F5. The build was successful, but when launching into debug mode, I got "Visual Studio 2012 has stopped working". I have no idea why this is happening. Few things I've tried;
Installed Update 3
Rebooted a few times
I've got a dump of the error, and it says this;
"Tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access"
Anyone had this before?
