Visual Studio 2017 - Team Explorer Builds 'Page not found' - visual-studio

We are using XAML builds in TFS 2015.
In the team explorer, builds tab in Visual Studio 2017 (but still connecting to the TFS 2015 server) all of a sudden I am seeing the following 'Page not found' message and none of my XAML builds appear:
This happened after removing a TFS 2015 connection, then connecting to a TFS 2017 instance, then deleting the 2017 connection and then re-connecting to to the previous TFS 2015 instance.
I have tried
Clearing the MEFComponentCache folder
Running devenv /setup
Completely uninstalling and re-installing VS2017
... and I'm still getting this error each time I connect to my TFS server. I also have VS2015 installed and this does show the builds but 2017 does not. A lot of the other posts on this issue seem to related to VS2015 but not 2017. I'm guessing something has changed here. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it please?

I'm new with TFS, but it is possible, that Visual Studio 2017 has added some files, like setting-files on your system and if you delete VS17 the files will not be deleted.
I think you can try two options:
You can remove VS17 again and run a programm to clean up your PC, like this clean up tool. After that you can install VS17 again and check, whether the problem is solved.
You can upgrade your TFS15 instance to TFS17. See this or this link for more informations.
Attention, I'm new with that, it is only an idea and make BACKUPS!! ;)


Trying to uninstall Visual Studio. InstallCleanup.exe does not exist and running install doesn't create it

Something is broken on my machine and Visual Studio 2019 will not update or install. [this article][1] recommends running the below exe to clean your system of all Visual Studio installations:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe
However, it does not exist. In this case, that article says to run the VS installer, get to the Workflows tab, and then close the installer to make the exe appear, but it doesn't.
I am using 2019 Community Edition. Anyone know where I can get this exe?
As is the case many times, it's only until after I ask a question that I try something I hadn't thought of, and that was to search the entire Microsoft Visual Studio folder and I found it here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\InstallCleanup.exe
I ran it and was able to successfully install 2019.
Background: I tried updating 2019 one day when the update failed and I was no longer able to build any of my applications. Updates and full reinstalls would fail saying that it could not access one of the package files. I had to fall back to 2017 and had been using it since this occurred back in February. I decided I wanted 2019, so I went the full uninstall route, but could never find the above-mentioned exe until now. I hope this helps all the others who have been having this issue.
This all occurred during a 2019 update one d
Others have experienced this as well, but I found no solutions. I will probably just mark this as answer if VS installs properly.

Visual studio 2017 - Not able to restore Nuget packages

I am using Visual Studio Enterprise 2017, I created a ASP.NET Web API project and it was working fine.
Today I got a new clone and when I tried to restore my packages, it keeps showing me this error
I have tried the following
Restarted Visual Studio as administrator
Rebooted PC
Disabled firewall settings
Disabled antivirus
Checked the port too, which is not being used
Nothing seems to work. Has anyone faced a similar issue? Is there any alternative way?
Not sure if this is an issue related to Visual Studio 2017, I managed to resolve this by opening the solution in visual studio 2015.
Again by opening in 2017, this is the solution for now. If anyone comes up with a better solution it will be great.

Team explorer 2015 View Builds generate Malformed Artifact URI error

I am having an issue with Team explorer in visual studio 2015 Update 1 RC.
The server is TFS 2013.
When I want to View Builds of a specific build, I have this error message
Malformed Artifact URI: [Build name]
Parameter name: uri
This is working using Visual studio 2013 on the same machine, and working with visual studio 2015 on other machine. So this is not a problem with the server.
Only 2 machines have the issue, and both have the extension TFS power tools 2015 installed.
I tried:
Remove the extension
Clear Team foundation cache
Repair visual studio
Hard reset all settings
Didn't resolve the issue.
"Edit build definition" and "Queue new build" are working.
Any ideas other than uninstall and reinstall visual studio?
- Creating a New build definition in VS2015 is working, but trying to open it doesn't work
I can reproduce your issue in my Visual Studio 2015 just after the Update1 RC is installed.
Here is my Visual Studio version:
I have reported this issue. You can also submit one feedback on the Microsoft Connect site.
Now, you need to open TFS web access directly to view one build. Or you need to uninstall Update1 RC.
This issue is fixed in VS2015 update1. You need to download and install it:
Cleaning cache folder on your client machine: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\6.0\Cache. And clean the cache on your TFS AT machine: C:\TfsData\ApplicationTier\_fileCache
Then, on your client machine, resetting settings and add-in settings with devenv /ResetSettings and devenv /ResetSkipPkgs, try rebuilding all templates with devenv /setup.

Cannot check-in recent code changes to Visual Studio Online

For some reason I cannot check in my code to our Visual Studio Online account. Other developers can, but not me. This is the error I am getting:
"Could not find dataspace with category VersionControl and identifier [some guid]"
Searching for any help on the above error is not returning anything meaningful.
This started to happen after I installed Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise. I launched it for the first time after creating a new web application with Visual Studio 2013. I then opened that new solution in 2015 and all was fine. Things began to go awry once I tried to put it in our Visual Studio Online account. When I went to Team Explorer in VS 2015 I selected "Projects and My Teams / New Team Project". This then bounced me over to our Visual Studio Online account in the browser for me to fill out that simple form to create a new team project. I filled the form out and submitted. I then got an error that the project was not successfully created. Unfortunately Visual Studio still thinks it was created and it shows up in the list of projects ONLY WITHIN Visual Studio -- it does not show up online. Eventually I just became frustrated and deleted everything related to all that I just tried but then learned that I cannot check anything in now on my old projects! I had other developers test and they still can so the problem evidently is on my machine. I then uninstalled VS 2013 and VS 2015 then reinstalled VS 2013 and am still having the problem.
I am hoping someone can point me to some cached junk that needs to be cleared on my system. :-)
This is a bit shot in the dark, few things you can try:
Delete the local cache under:
%localappdata%\Microsoft\Team Foundation
Open cmd. Type:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
Verify connections: tf settings connections
Run Visual Studio in safe mode (devenv.exe /SafeMode)
Run Visual Studio with activity log (devenv.exe /log) and check for errors.

TFS Client Error using Visual Studio 2010

I have been getting this strange error with VS2010 TFS client, whenever i try to do
any operation related to TFS.
Method not found: 'System.String
More background : I was working with TFS build services on my machine and
later I uninstalled the TFS build services .. And after that i started getting this problem.
Also I repaired VS 2010 (Pro edition) and also re-installed VS 2010 SP1 .
Reinstalled TFS build services, reinstalled tfs power tools also
But still the problem persists.
Any clue how to repair/fix this?
Any way to fix the TFS client part of VS2010 ?
After installing the following hotfix,the problem was fixed.
FIX: A hotfix for Visual Studio 2010 SP1 is available to add compatibility support for Visual Studio Team Foundation Service Preview
Intresting point from the above site :
Note The following hotfix includes all the Team Foundation Client
hotfixes that were released after Visual Studio 2010 SP1 was released.
Hope this is helpful to others too.
(I guess this must have refreshed my VS2010 TFS client files)
Another solution :
Bind and rebind the project to the TFS server.
It has solved the problem in my case.
Good Luck.
This same issue happened to me after Windows Update installed update KB2813041 to Visual Studio 2010. After I uninstalled this individual update, it started working again.
Here's how to uninstall an individual update. Go to Control Panel > Windows Update > View Update History > Installed Updates (appears in a sentence at the top of the dialog). Then, scroll through the list of updates looking for Visual Studio and then right-click on the update you want to uninstall and click Uninstall.
Hopefully this helps somebody.
