I can't shut down android studio - windows - windows

I was using android studio to build an app but know I am unable to close the application. It's just stuck as a permanent screen, whenever I try to delete it, it says the application is still running.


development app is deployed on IPhone, but I cannot start it

I have an app in Xamarin that I want to test on a physical IPhone (normally I test it on Android). I'm connected to a Mac, the development certificate is working and everything is deployed to the point that the app is actually installed on the IPhone itself. The issue however is that when I press the icon to start the app, it tries to start it and then is closes right after that (like it crashes or something).
I'm using Visual Studio for Windows, and it is stated that: "XAML Hot Reload encountered a problem and failed to start. Verify the Mono Interpreter for is enabled in the project settings, clean and rebuild the solution.". Mono Interpreter is enabled, I cleaned the solution and rebuild it multiple times. There are no errors given.
The app that is installed now shows the Xamarin icon and Xamarin splash screen (so not the custom one I designed). I don't mind that, but I'm not sure if that has something to do with this.
Does someone know what is wrong here and how to fix it?
Visual Studio for Windows version 17.4.1
iOS version 15.5
Note: this issue is only with the development and deployment directly from Visual Studio from Windows. When the app is distributed to the users (in App Center) the app works as it should.

Rider freezes when installing app on AVD for the second time

I am using Rider for Mac.
I create an AVD in AVD Manager.
I run my .net Xamarin App from Rider.
When running the app for the first everything is ok.
When I try to run the app the second time Rider freezes while installing the app(I cannot click on anything in the Rider UI).
In Activity Monitor Rider appears as "(Not Responding)".
This is the last thing I see in the UI:
The idea.log file does not appear in /Users/*******/Library/Logs/JetBrains/Rider2020.2 or any of the other log files
The only way I can unfreeze Rider is to use Activity Monitor to kill the Emulator.
If I delete the AVD and make a new one everything works the first time and then it starts freezing up again.
What can I do to stop this from happening?

Android studio set up is not shown the installation popup in Windows 10

I just downloaded Android Studio(android-studio-ide-192.6241897-windows) for 64 bit.While clicking on this set up, it will ask, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?
I have given yes,Then it won't shown any popup for installing android studio. But android setup running on background. I have tried multiple times and also restarted the system. But I'm still having this same problem.
How can i rectify and install the android studio in my system

iOS app flashing and closing on remote debug from Visual Studio

I'm a beginner in iOS development in Visual Studio 2013 through Xamarin.
I made a test app and tried to debug it on the MacBook Pro through LAN remote debugging.
As soon as I debug, the app starts shows launch screen and after 1 second it close, this happens several times and then the app stops.
I'm using xamarin on both machines.
It shows the error : An error occurred while executing the mtouch.
What should I do now??
After going through every things, I re-installed Xamarin Studio by using Xamarin Installer rather than installing individual components. Seems like Xamarin Installer makes some more changes in system other than installing components.

UWP Windows 10 Phone Emulator

Whenever I try to debug my UWP projects with the a one of the Windows 10 Phone emulators I get the following error after the emulator opens to the home screen:
DEP6100; The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Connecting to the device '90F4E8F4-EC5F-4B64-B2E8-6EDE6F813BD3'.': SEHException component has thrown an exception.
The app never starts. I have not entered any code. I simply create a UWP app and then try to debug it with the Windows 10 Phone emulator.
I have already uninstalled and reinstalled VS 2015. I even did a windows 10 repair.
I get this the first time I debug an application. The trick I found is to do the following (precisely)
Make sure that your configuration settings are set to build and debug correctly (yes you need to check this UWP doesn't ship with it correctly configured)
Make sure the emulator is closed
Press the play button in visual studio
As soon as the emulator appears within visual studio, click on the build menu and hit cancel. This will stop deployment but the emulator will continue to boot.
Once the emulator has booted completely and you're able to navigate the OS, you're good to go. You can now run and debug your application normally.
NOTE: Don't close your emulator or you'll have to do this again. Just his stop in visual studio to stop debugging.
