UWP Windows 10 Phone Emulator - visual-studio

Whenever I try to debug my UWP projects with the a one of the Windows 10 Phone emulators I get the following error after the emulator opens to the home screen:
DEP6100; The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Connecting to the device '90F4E8F4-EC5F-4B64-B2E8-6EDE6F813BD3'.': SEHException component has thrown an exception.
The app never starts. I have not entered any code. I simply create a UWP app and then try to debug it with the Windows 10 Phone emulator.
I have already uninstalled and reinstalled VS 2015. I even did a windows 10 repair.

I get this the first time I debug an application. The trick I found is to do the following (precisely)
Make sure that your configuration settings are set to build and debug correctly (yes you need to check this UWP doesn't ship with it correctly configured)
Make sure the emulator is closed
Press the play button in visual studio
As soon as the emulator appears within visual studio, click on the build menu and hit cancel. This will stop deployment but the emulator will continue to boot.
Once the emulator has booted completely and you're able to navigate the OS, you're good to go. You can now run and debug your application normally.
NOTE: Don't close your emulator or you'll have to do this again. Just his stop in visual studio to stop debugging.


I can't shut down android studio - windows

I was using android studio to build an app but know I am unable to close the application. It's just stuck as a permanent screen, whenever I try to delete it, it says the application is still running.

Microsoft visual studio doesn't show any android emulator or physical device for Xamarin project

I have a xamarin project and i want to debug it, but visual studio doesn't show any emulator or physical device.
this is the menu
I wanted to restart adb from tools > android but it's disabled. but when I open a non xamarin project (for example a web porject) this options is enabled.
I can see my device in cmd with command adb devices and in android studio, every thing is fine and I can deploy some java application to my phone.
do you have Any idea?
I created new project and in this new project, every thing is fine and I can debug with my phone or emulators.
but in my existing project which I'm currently working on, there is no device in list.
It happened to me just now using vs 2019, to fix this, manually remove obj and bin folders restart vs, and that's all :)

iOS app flashing and closing on remote debug from Visual Studio

I'm a beginner in iOS development in Visual Studio 2013 through Xamarin.
I made a test app and tried to debug it on the MacBook Pro through LAN remote debugging.
As soon as I debug, the app starts shows launch screen and after 1 second it close, this happens several times and then the app stops.
I'm using xamarin on both machines.
It shows the error : An error occurred while executing the mtouch.
What should I do now??
After going through every things, I re-installed Xamarin Studio by using Xamarin Installer rather than installing individual components. Seems like Xamarin Installer makes some more changes in system other than installing components.

Visual Studio Android Emulator Is Not Running the Application

When I deploy/run the Xamarin.Android app in Visual Studio (either pressing ctrl+F5 or play-button in toolbar), the Visual Studio launches its emulator for android (Note: It is "Visual Studio Emulator For Android", not SDK or any other emulator) without any difficulty and within a reasonable amount of time which works fine. But the problem is that it does not automatically run that app. Neither does it show any icon to run it.
I have not had much success with the emulator built in to VS.
However, you need to switch your output to "verbose" and monitor the output window while it is attempting to deploy. This will give you a wealth of information during the deploy. Likely, your deploy is failing, this will help you figure ouy why.
As a side note, the free Genymotion is a much faster Android emulator that I have had great success with.

Windows phone 7 emulator and visual studio 2010 attach process

Opened windows phone Emulator(start >> programs >> Windows Phone SDK 7.1 >> Windows Phone Emulator) and then trying to run Windows Phone 7 app in visual Studio 2010, this is trying to open new emulator, is there anyway to run the app in opened emulator (OR something like attach debug process)
my actual Problem is when i try to run on the emulator, it says "Error:Invalid or missing Rom image", and i found the solution on the net as "permanently delete .dess file under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\XDE path" i tried this but no luck since there is no as such file. (but strange is that sometime back it was running properly :-p)
Open an instance of Visual Studio, add a Windows Phone specific project, and then run it. If the Windows Phone SDK was successfully installed, the demo app should run correctly inside the emulator. The emulator is opened automatically by Visual Studio, you do not have to start it manually from the folder it is installed in.
