Nodemcu ESP8266 12-F storage - nodemcu

I have just started working with my Nodemcu and was wondering when you upload codes using Arduino IDE on the device, how can you delete them from the storage?
Would highly appreciate any clues.
Many thanks.

Tried a variety of methods and the following worked:
You must have python installed.
install the esptool package using pip. --chip esp8266 --port (write the port location esp connected) erase_flash
run 3 in terminal
storage is emptied successfully.


Why do I keep receiving a syntax error when trying to run pip install esptool onto my ESP8266?

I am trying to code my Feather Huzzah ESP8266 with Python. I have followed multiple different tutorials but have ran into the same error each time while trying to flash the device using esptool. The error I get I am pasting below. I have made sure that python is in my computer's path and I have made sure that I have downloaded. I tried running it in my computer's command prompt, Windows Powershell, and just regular python, but I still have been running into the same issue. I also tried running the following, but to no avail:
py -m pip install esptool
Does anyone have a fix for this? I really appreciate any help I can get.
This image shows the error that I have been getting

IPX Networking with DOS and DOSBox (under Raspbian)

My long-term-goal is to get Doom (version 1.1) running in 3 screen mode on a mix of hardware (1 x Pentium 3 under DOS 7.10 and 2 x Raspberry Pis under Raspbian).
I have DOS running LNE100TX (I can share the configuration files if that is helpful).
I enabled IPX in the configuration file started DOSBox under Raspbian.
# ipx: Enable ipx over UDP/IP emulation.
pi#raspberrypi:~$ dosbox
DOSBox version 0.74
Copyright 2002-2010 DOSBox Team, published under GNU GPL.
CONFIG:Loading primary settings from config file /home/pi/.dosbox/dosbox-0.74.conf
MIXER:No Sound Mode Selected.
ALSA:Can’t subscribe to MIDI port (65:0) nor (17:0)
MIDI:Opened device:none
I started the ipx server and mounted the drive in DOSBox
Z:\>ipxnet startserver 19900
IPX Tunneling utility for DosBox
IPX Tunneling Server started
Z:\>mount c ~/dos-games
Drive C is mounted as local directory /home/pi/dos-games/
I found ipxbox on Github which says:
ipxbox is a standalone DOSBox IPX server written in Go. DOSBox clients can connect to the server and play together.
A unique feature is that it is optionally able to bridge to real
physical networks, in a manner similar to a VPN. DOSBox clients can
communicate with each other on the server, but with this feature
enabled they can also communicate with physical IPX nodes on the
connected network. So emulated DOS clients should be able to play
games against real DOS machines connected to the same network.
So, I installed Go:
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ export GOPATH=/home/pi/work
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install golang
Then I attempted to install ipxbox:
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ go get
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ cd work
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ go build ipxbox.go
This is the message that I get when I run this command:
go/src/ fatal error: pcap.h: No such file or directory
#include <pcap.h>
compilation terminated.
Perhaps this is obvious, but I'm not very familiar with Linux. Does anyone have any suggestions for what is causing this?
You need to install the pcap development packages.
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev

How to fix the stuck after the command, 'bash'

I was trying to flash the mendel-enterprise-chef-13 to the Coral EdgeTPU Development Board but got stuck after the command, "bash"
The host computer is the MacBook Pro (2018) with macOS Mojave ver. 10 and connected with the Coral EdgeTPU Dev Board.
I have followed the instructions on the Coral Document listed at
The process went smooth up to without the problem untill the step 8 and 12.
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
sudo mv ~/Downloads/platform-tools/fastboot ~/.local/bin/
pip3 install --user mendel-development-tool
and then install the CP210x USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver for Mac.
screen /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
fastboot 0
fastboot devices
1b0741d6f0609912 fastboot # I did not get this message
cd ~/Downloads
curl -O
unzip \
&& cd mendel-enterprise-chef-13
bash # Got stuck here.
I want to know how to fix the issues of flashing the mendel image.
this sounds like a problem with the USB-A USB-C cable, or the usb port on your host machine, have you tried a different port?

Mount NodeMCU with Micropython filesystem?

I've recently bought a NodeMCU board and flashed Micropython in it.
I've read about the and scripts, but I can't understand how to access them. I have succesfully connected to the Python REPL with the screen command and everything works fine.
Is there a way to mount it as an external drive on Mac OS X? Because I haven't found a way till now.
Thanks in advance!
you can enable the webrepl and upload via that
I've found this one package very helpful to upload vi the serial.
pip install mpfshell
python -m mp.mpfshell
> open COM3
> put
micropython is cool...
Due to some questions I had about the NodeMcu and running Python on it, I just set up a pretty end-to-end documentation python2nodemcu on GitHub.
Viewing, downloading, uploading or listing files of the MicroPython filesystem has its own section there.
It utilizes Ampy, a Python library to connect to the MicroPython-based board via its serial connection. For listing all files for example, simply run python3 ampy/ --port /dev/tty.{device-file} --baud 115200 ls.
The mpy-utils software package contains a tool called mpy-fuse that allows you to mount a MicroPython device from Linux or MacOS using FUSE. I found this tool through this video that describes how to set it up and shows how it looks like in action.

Ember server port permission

When doing ember s on any ember app, I get:
Serving on http://localhost:4200/
Livereload failed on http://localhost:49152. It is either in use or you do not have permission.
Checking the failing port with lsof -iTCP:49152 shows nothing. So I guess this must be a permission issue. I installed this on a new Mac using the setup suggested at brew install nvm, then nvm install 6.9.2, then npm install -g npm#latest.
I can start the server by using sudo ember s. But I can also start the server by explicitly assigning a different port for livereload – which doesn't make any sense given that nothing is blocking port 49152…
nodejs 6.9.2
nvm 0.32.1
npm 3.10.9
ember-cli 2.10.0
I'm confused as to what the exact cause of this problem is and how I can solve it. Any hints appreciated.
It's related to the Touchbar on the new MacBook Pros. See details here:
If you change the port that live reload is launching on (on mobile at the moment, so don't have an easy way to look that command up), you should be set.
To address this issue temporarily, start the server on a different port:
ember serve --live-reload-port 0
Per ember help: "Pass 0 to automatically pick an available port", which generally works both for --live-reload-port as well as for webserver port. Occasionally I get the same error, and specifying a port like 35729 does the trick.
A fix is also in the ember-cli pipeline; you can update to the beta branch to test:
npm install -g ember-cli#beta
Note: #acorncom pointed out that beta has a fix (github issue) and the original poster of the question, #morgler, shared specific instructions for the live reload port number change in a comment on this thread. My answer merely consolidates the info in one place, so credit where credit is due.
