Why do I keep receiving a syntax error when trying to run pip install esptool onto my ESP8266? - python-2.x

I am trying to code my Feather Huzzah ESP8266 with Python. I have followed multiple different tutorials but have ran into the same error each time while trying to flash the device using esptool. The error I get I am pasting below. I have made sure that python is in my computer's path and I have made sure that I have esptool.py downloaded. I tried running it in my computer's command prompt, Windows Powershell, and just regular python, but I still have been running into the same issue. I also tried running the following, but to no avail:
py -m pip install esptool
Does anyone have a fix for this? I really appreciate any help I can get.
This image shows the error that I have been getting


NSIS: Access https site in ExecDos

I'm trying to create an installer for a python based scientific application. We use Anaconda as a python distribution and I found https://github.com/faph/NSIS-Conda-Macros to help me setup an installer for conda packages.
However, downloading the miniconda installer failed. I was able to solve that with the help of:
Download of file during NSIS installer run freezes at "connecting"
But I found no way to make the updating of packages work. They use:
ExecDos::exec /DETAILED '"$CONDA" update -y -q conda' "" ""
conda then tries to connect over https to get the most recent packages from their server. The connection always times out. When i run the same code directly in cmd it runs fine.
So my question:
Is it even possible to access https in ExecDos::exec? Does anyone have an idea to work-around the issue?

Error running selenium ruby script through xvfb-run

What I'm trying to do
Use selenium and its ruby bindings to open chrome and read a value from the DOM. This portion works great however I need to run it on a linux server headlessly. Seemed easy enough so I ran it using xvfb-run using this command:
export PATH=$PATH:./bin
xvfb-run --server-arg="-screen 0, 1024x768x16" ruby script.rb
The first line adds the binary chromedriver to PATH and the second lines runs the script through xvfb. I got this working on an EC2 ubuntu box which is essentially a dev box. Everything is great.
Now comes time to run it on another EC2 ubuntu box using the same bash script. It spits out an error that the chromedriver binary couldn't be found. Odd since it worked fine on the other box. I checked, the binary is there. I manually add it to the path and run the bash script again, same error. After some troubleshooting and googling I found this:
This advises that the chromedriver needs to be symlink'd to /usr/bin/google-chrome. Again odd since it works fine on the other box and my local machine without this symlink. I symlinked it to this location and now this is the error I'm getting:
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-2.41.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/remote/response.rb:51:in `assert_ok': unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError)
I've never gotten this on my local or dev box. Any ideas? Is this an issue with chromedriver, xvfb or the environment its running in? Some difference in the deploy box that would be different than the dev box I'm missing?
I figured this out. Misunderstanding the directions here. Installed google-chrome in /usr/bin and it worked.

installing appflower on xampp for linux

I've been trying to figure out this problem for a while now and I thought I'd ask it here on stackexchange in case somebody out there has tried this and successfully got it to work.
I'm trying to install a RAD webapp tool called AppFlower through Xampp for Linux.
I am also experiencing issues with the command below:
symfony afs:init
symfony: command not found
This is the final command used to start up the AppFlower Studio dev environment, but this command doesn't work.
I have tried using:
./symfony afs:init
Same error as above
php ./symfony afs:init
gives a php error saying it isn't installed, but this is Xampp for Linux, so that command won't apply
/opt/lampp/etc/php.ini ./symfony afs:init
it will give a permission denied error, but even with 'sudo' in front, it says 'command not found'
The solution posted on the appflower forum is for xampp itself, but the problem I have is that they use the php.exe command to run the 'symfony afs:init' command, which xampp for linux doesn't have. The closest thing I could think of was to use the php.ini file, but (as seen above) that doesn't work.
Hopefully somebody can assist regarding this issue.
Note. The process to run appflower on a manual version of lamp (one in which php, mysql, apache are all downloaded separately) is a lot more complex and the xampp installation is supposed to be much easier (in fact it is) but at the last point of this installation, this 'symfony afs:init' command is the only problem.
If you are already using Linux, why not install AppFlower directly. It's pretty straightforward, maybe i lost something on the way, understanding why you use XAMMP for Linux.
Installation instructions for AppFlower on Ubuntu,

Issues in launching Pentaho Kettle spoon on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS

I have untared the latest kettle stable version pdi-ce-4.3.0-stable.tar.gz and then tried to start spoon by typing spoon.sh from the command prompt. But it fails with the following exception
**org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [gtk_init_check() failed]**
**at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(Unknown Source)**
I have spent quite a lot of time searching for the solution and all those pointers in vain till now.
I installed the following based on the instructions on several forums:
Xorg, X11
But none of these helped. Thinking that spoon may depend on the X-Windows server, i tried to check if its running and used the command startx on Xinit to start the X server. But unfortunately, it failed with the error as follows
Fatal server error:
no screens found
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: No such file or directory
xinit: server error
I am clueless now. Can you please guide me?
Seems you are trying to start kettle spoon from a real console. this is not going to work. you need a real X session. Spoon is a GUI, so login under your X environment (usually GDM).
sudo apt-get install gdm
After that, open a gnome console and execute ./spoon.sh . Maybe you are trying to exetute pan.sh or kitchen.sh? those will run fine under console without graphic envionment.

Can't list and install xemacs packages under cygwin on windows7

I have a fresh install of cygwin and xemacs on my home laptop. I'm trying to get to the packages list in xemacs, but not having much luck.
First of all I was getting an error message telling me "ftp.XXX.com seems not a pty". Following the instructions here I was able to tell efs to use lftp, and got past that error.
Now I get told:
Process not open for writing: #<process "*ftp yyy#ftp.xxx.org*" pid 9999 state:exit>
Any idea what's going on there?
The problem has to do with which ftp you are using. From the message, I believe you are trying to use the ftp that comes with Windows. It won't work as the native Windows ftp does not act like a pty.
The best solution I can suggest is to install the Cygwin port of ftp.
