IPX Networking with DOS and DOSBox (under Raspbian) - go

My long-term-goal is to get Doom (version 1.1) running in 3 screen mode on a mix of hardware (1 x Pentium 3 under DOS 7.10 and 2 x Raspberry Pis under Raspbian).
I have DOS running LNE100TX (I can share the configuration files if that is helpful).
I enabled IPX in the configuration file started DOSBox under Raspbian.
# ipx: Enable ipx over UDP/IP emulation.
pi#raspberrypi:~$ dosbox
DOSBox version 0.74
Copyright 2002-2010 DOSBox Team, published under GNU GPL.
CONFIG:Loading primary settings from config file /home/pi/.dosbox/dosbox-0.74.conf
MIXER:No Sound Mode Selected.
ALSA:Can’t subscribe to MIDI port (65:0) nor (17:0)
MIDI:Opened device:none
I started the ipx server and mounted the drive in DOSBox
Z:\>ipxnet startserver 19900
IPX Tunneling utility for DosBox
IPX Tunneling Server started
Z:\>mount c ~/dos-games
Drive C is mounted as local directory /home/pi/dos-games/
I found ipxbox on Github which says:
ipxbox is a standalone DOSBox IPX server written in Go. DOSBox clients can connect to the server and play together.
A unique feature is that it is optionally able to bridge to real
physical networks, in a manner similar to a VPN. DOSBox clients can
communicate with each other on the server, but with this feature
enabled they can also communicate with physical IPX nodes on the
connected network. So emulated DOS clients should be able to play
games against real DOS machines connected to the same network.
So, I installed Go:
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ export GOPATH=/home/pi/work
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install golang
Then I attempted to install ipxbox:
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ go get github.com/fragglet/ipxbox
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ cd work
pi#raspberrypi:~ $ go build ipxbox.go
This is the message that I get when I run this command:
go/src/github.com/google/gopacket/pcap/pcap_unix.go:34:18: fatal error: pcap.h: No such file or directory
#include <pcap.h>
compilation terminated.
Perhaps this is obvious, but I'm not very familiar with Linux. Does anyone have any suggestions for what is causing this?

You need to install the pcap development packages.
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev


How to fix the stuck after the command, 'bash flash.sh'

I was trying to flash the mendel-enterprise-chef-13 to the Coral EdgeTPU Development Board but got stuck after the command, "bash flash.sh."
The host computer is the MacBook Pro (2018) with macOS Mojave ver. 10 and connected with the Coral EdgeTPU Dev Board.
I have followed the instructions on the Coral Document listed at https://coral.withgoogle.com/docs/dev-board/get-started/.
The process went smooth up to without the problem untill the step 8 and 12.
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
sudo mv ~/Downloads/platform-tools/fastboot ~/.local/bin/
pip3 install --user mendel-development-tool
and then install the CP210x USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver for Mac.
screen /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
fastboot 0
fastboot devices
1b0741d6f0609912 fastboot # I did not get this message
cd ~/Downloads
curl -O https://dl.google.com/coral/mendel/enterprise/mendel-enterprise-chef-13.zip
unzip mendel-enterprise-chef-13.zip \
&& cd mendel-enterprise-chef-13
bash flash.sh # Got stuck here.
I want to know how to fix the issues of flashing the mendel image.
this sounds like a problem with the USB-A USB-C cable, or the usb port on your host machine, have you tried a different port?

How to install hcitool in mac os terminal

Hello there guys i have been trying to use hcitool on mac os terminal but whenever i type hcitool scan the following error is appeared -bash: hcitool: command not found i have tried pip install hci and pip install hcitool but the following error is shown
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement gatttool (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for gatttool
please help me with this
Commands such as hcitool, gatttool, hciconfig, etc. are part of the BlueZ package which works on Linux only. MacOS on the other hand is UNIX-core and therefore the commands will not run on a MacOS operating system. There have been hacks before to get some sort of functionality on MacOS OSs but the solution is always incomplete.
Your next best bet will be to use a Virtual Machine running a Linux guest (e.g. Ubuntu) and then use the BlueZ commands from within that VM OS.
I hope this helps.
Get yourself a Docker container up and running. You can write scripts that you keep in a shared volume between the host and the container (meaning you don't have to log into the container). You can then execute those scripts from your OSX terminal, to run in the container.

Ubuntu 16 upgrade results incredibly slow wifi

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu16 from 14. Everything went fine, however my wifi connection went to a crawl. I actually experienced this on a previous system that I installed Ubuntu16 on and because of that, stuck with Ubuntu14 for as long as I could until version lag forced me to upgrade.
I came across this solution that was referring to Ubuntu 17
And it seemed to do the trick!
The only issue is that now after a system suspend or boot-up, I have to run
sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved
Otherwise I cannot connect to any server.
Its not a huge deal, I've aliased it at this point, but it would be nice get it operating appropriately.
Thanks for the help!
Download this link. If the download by the first link failed, download this file.
Open the Terminal and run these commands on your ubuntu pc.
cd rtlwifi_new-master
sudo make install
sudo modprobe -rv rtl8723be
sudo modprobe -v rtl8723be ant_sel=2
sudo ip link set wlp13s0 up
sudo iw dev wlp13s0 scan

Why Rethinkdb don't have binary for windows?

I am interested in Rethinkdb and would like to develop/test on it, but main problem is: it don't have package for windows operating system. I tried to compile from source code, that was also not possible as there was no any instruction.
What makes it so difficult to make executable for windows? Is there any alternative way to install Rethinkdb in windows OS? even very small and not that famous application has windows binary but not Rethinkdb. It is quite surprise for me. Another surprising is there are many community executable for other OS but not windows.
Thank you for understanding and waiting for good answer.
Rethinkdb just announced that it started development for Windows. Please follow
[1] https://github.com/rethinkdb/rethinkdb/issues/1100
[2] https://twitter.com/segphault/status/590633792781611009
RethinkDB announced in Windows :
[3] https://rethinkdb.com/docs/install/windows/
Cross-platform development isn't that easy. RethinkDB uses some features under the covers which makes porting it to Windows a difficult job, f.e. a Unix toolchain for the builds and Unix syscalls. For more information on that have a look at this GitHub issue. It states that Windows support is planned, but with low priority.
As a quick fix, you could RethinkDB run in a virtual machine or in Microsoft Azure. For the second one, I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago.
RethinkDB has already started development for Windows. While it's not released yet, this is how you can run it through Vagrant. See: https://github.com/gearz-lab/rethinkdb-vagrant
I'm using Chocolatey, feel free to skip steps if they don't apply.
Installing Chocolatey
Open Powershell as an administrator and run this command:
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
... now you should have Chocolatey installed. We're gonna use to install the others.
Installing Vagrant
Run this as an administrator:
choco install vagrant -y
Installing VirtualBox
Vagrant relies on a virtualization application that it calls a "provider". The default one is VirtualBox so let's install it. Run cmd as administrator and run this:
choco install virtualbox -y
Now you should be able to run the vboxmanage command. If it doesn't work, make sure C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox is in your PATH.
Installing Cygwin
We're gonna log on a virtual machine using SSH, so we need a SSH enabled terminal. For that, let's use Cygwin.
choco install cyg-get -y
Installing Cygwin packages
There'are two Cygwin packages we need to install, openssh, because Cygwin doesn't have SSH support by default, and rsync so Vagrant can use it to synchronize files between the host and the guest machines.
On PowerShell, running as an administrator, let's run these commands:
cyg-get openssh
cyg-get rsync
Cloning rethinkdb-vagrant
Open the Cygwin64 Terminal. You should now be in your Cygwin home folder, which should look like C:\tools\cygwin\home\[YOUR_USER].
Make sure you have git installed. If you don't just choco install git -y. Now, clone rethyinkdb-vagrant:
git clone https://github.com/gearz-lab/rethinkdb-vagrant.git
Now you should have a directory like this: C:\tools\cygwin\home\[YOUR_USER]\rethinkdb-vagrant.
Starting Vagrant and useful commands
From inside the Cygwin64 Terminal home directory (described in the last step), type cd rethinkdb-vagrant, now, any Vagrant commands will target cd rethinkdb-vagrant.
To setup and boot the machine: vagrant up (After this, RethinkDB is available, see next step).
To access the machine's terminal: vagrant ssh.
To destroy the machine (every RethinkDB data will be lost): vagrant destroy.
To suspend the machine: vagrant suspend.
To resume a suspended machine: vagrant resume.
Accessing RethinkDB.
Make sure you have vagrant up from the last step. Now:
For accessing the web administration tool: http://localhost:8080.
For accessing RethinkDB from a client app, the port is 28015.

I would like to find something like gkrellm for the Mac

I have a linux dev server I watch, and lately its chugging at some points so I'd like to keep a better eye on it. I used to use Gkrellm, but its been a pain to try get Gkrellm to build on my Mac.
Besides servering X remotely (which would not be optimal), I guess i'm looking for alternatives to Gkrellm.
I would like a program that will let me watch the I/O CPU, Memory, processes, etc of a remote server running Linux. I am on a Mac.
If you're looking for something simple, and almost certainly already installed on the Linux box, you could SSH into the Linux machine and use tools like top, vmstat, and lsof to see what it's up to.
If you still want to test Gkrellm on Mac, you can follow this procedure
# sudo port install gkrellm
If you have this error :
Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Registry error: xorg-xproto 7.0.16_0 not registered as installed.
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
Do this
# sudo port clean xorg-xproto
# sudo port install xorg-xproto
And continue install
# sudo port install gkrellm
Now if you have this error :
Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_gnome_gtk-doc/work/gtk-doc-1.11" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --with-xml-catalog=/opt/local/etc/xml/catalog " returned error 1
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
Do this
# sudo port clean gtk-doc
# sudo port install gtk-doc
And last
# sudo port install gkrellm
To start gkrellm
# gkrellm
You could use Growl for this purpose. It's possible to send Growl messages from a unix machine by using netgrowl.py, which masquerades as the growlnotify program, but all written in python.
You could then have a process running on the server that monitors the other bits, and posts notifications when limits are exceeded, or whatever.
It would be a hand-coded solution, but we are on Stack Overflow, so programming-related stuff is the go :)
(Oh, and the netgrowl.py page has a few links to similar projects in other languages, if that's your thing, too).
You are propably looking for a more rigid monitoring tool like zabbix. https://zabbix.org
