Visual Studio F# Intellisense stopped working - visual-studio

VS Pro F# compiler still works. Correct F# code still runs. BUT hovering over a function or symbol in a VS window presenting F# code no longer causes its type to appear as a tool-tip.
For no reason I can discern my Visual Studio Pro has stopped live-checking my F# code. No idea why the change. I can still compile and of course type errors are still emitted.
Any idea where it is controlled in VS Pro?
Any ideas why F# Intellisense might suddenly NOT
work in VS Pro?
Thank you!

This issue may reappear in the future so I will not mark any answer as final. If you have a fix that works then please state the version of Visual Studio and F# Tools (found in the About Visual Studio pop-up) with your answer
Visual Studio 17.23
Visual F# Tools 17.1.0-beta.2253.3
As Bent Tranberg noted the F# Github repo has a discussion "F# intellisense sometimes stops working #12982". Looks like a fix will be pushed into the next update of F# (Visual Studio).
But what worked for me was to both:
close and restart Visual Studio
Recompile your project (need not be error-free)
After this my Intellisense tooltips would appear.


Can I use Visual Studio's Assisted IntelliSense with ReSharper's suggestion system?

Recent version of Visual Studio added AI-assisted IntelliSense. See below image the star-marked items.
Many times this AI-assisted IntelliSense works great. ReShaper's suggestion system is more powerful in general and I always stick to it. My question is can I have Microsoft AI-assisted IntelliSense in ReSharper's suggestion system?
My question is can I have Microsoft AI-assisted IntelliSense in
ReSharper's suggestion system?
I am afraid that you cannot get your answer as your expected.
Assisted IntelliSense is from Visual Studio IntelliCode and is a part of Viusal Studio Intellisnese.
However, Resharper is a third-party extension and its Intellisense will inherit, overwrite Visual Studio Intellisense and then uses its own features.
In fact, it is not compatible with Visual Studio Intellisense. You can check this document. Besides, someone has reproted a similar issue.
So in use, you can only use one of them(Visual Studio Intellisense and Resharper Intellisense), but not use them all at the same time.
As a suggestion, if you're using VS2019, try switching between them(Extensions-->Resharper-->Options-->Environment-->Intellisense-->General) which this is the only better solution and thanks for Resharper has retained the option to use Visual Studio Intellisense.
In addition, if you still want this feature and use both of them at the same time, you should contact with Resharper's support team and hope that they will give you a satisfactory answer.

Unity breaks Visual Studio options

I have installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition via Unity's installer and some of the options windows look like this:
Nothing fixes it; uninstalling-installing, formatting or installing on different machines. Apparently no one complains about this issue because there seems to be nothing on search results, but I'm 100% sure that everyone is experiencing this issue. When you open Visual Studio on its own, problem goes away, it works like it should. However, making Unity open Visual Studio causes it. I assume that this is caused by Unity forcing Visual Studio to load a plugin (probably Visual Studio Tools for Unity) which is actually incompatible with almost everything in Visual Studio.
Is there a solution to this problem? It drives me crazy and I don't want to use MonoDevelop.

Visual Studio 2010 and 2013 not working on my system

I apologize as this may seem as bit of a general question.
I have developed a couple of VB programs using Visual Studio 2010 Professional and others on Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. While I have not done any work in about a month with either version of Visual Studio, I thought I would go in and start work on a new project.
After entering some code in Visual Studio 2010 using WinForms, I found I was unable to run the code in the debugger (pressed the start button and F5).
It acted like it would start, then it just stopped and returned back to my code.
I thought I would try it on another program that was completed and working a couple of months ago, but I had the same issue present itself. Attempting to use Visual Studio 2013 had the same effect.
Any ideas from anyone? Has anyone else experienced this same issue recently? Once again, I do apologize for the lack of examples here, but I'm not sure what I can include to show the problem.
IMO, you should try resetting visual studio settings (and a restart may solve the issue)
you can try following
do it via visual studio -> tools -> import export settings
or you can run this command devenv /resetuserdata
or checkout this

is it my Visual Studio 2008 problem or is it Dreamweaver capability?

Oh no....
I just realized it, that the Visual Studio 2008 is getting me confused.
If we compared to the DreamWeaver later version... not the latest one, okay...
That DreavWeaver has a SPLIT View (in between the design and code).
And here, the Visual Studio 2008 also has that capability.
The difference is that... in Visual Studio 2008,
When the user start Clicking the Designer portion, the cursor on Code view doesn't get into focus. Yeah, meanwhile, in DreamWeaver, at the time user click on the designer portion, the mouse pointer is focusing into the code location accordingly....
Uh, oh.... this is getting me tired. Shall I update something into this Visual Studio 2008 version, guys? :(
use Visual Studio 2010 and be happy

Setting up F# in Visual Studio 2005

Are there any decent tutorials for setting up F# in Visual Studio 2005? Everything I have found points at VS2008.
ie: 'F# projects' under projects, etc.
Unfortunately the CTP release of F# doesn't support VS 2005. Two options:
Use, the most recent pre-CTP release
Download the free VS2008 shell and use that instead (I haven't tried it, but apparently it works)
Installing F# Editing for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
That page also links to Don Syme's F# blog, which has a lot of useful stuff on working with F# in VS, including a demo of F# intellisense in VS2005.
