Setting up F# in Visual Studio 2005 - visual-studio-2005

Are there any decent tutorials for setting up F# in Visual Studio 2005? Everything I have found points at VS2008.
ie: 'F# projects' under projects, etc.

Unfortunately the CTP release of F# doesn't support VS 2005. Two options:
Use, the most recent pre-CTP release
Download the free VS2008 shell and use that instead (I haven't tried it, but apparently it works)

Installing F# Editing for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
That page also links to Don Syme's F# blog, which has a lot of useful stuff on working with F# in VS, including a demo of F# intellisense in VS2005.


What is the difference between visual studio and visual c++ IDE

What is the difference between visual c++ and visual studio.
Also codes written in visual c++ do affect the portability and functionality of the code??
Visual C++ is one of the languages that is supported in the Visual Studio IDE. I'm not aware of a separate Visual C++ IDE, and relevant searches return information about working in Visual Studio.
These are all part of Microsoft's development platform, and as such they most easily target Windows platforms and .NET. Beyond that I'm not sure I understand your question about portability.
I remember seeing Visual C++ awhile back but Microsoft has moved to making Visual Studio their single IDE.
Check out this wiki link for more information. It says that Visual C++ has migrated into Visual Studio. However, it seems there might be some compatibility issues if you are using an older VS. I see you tagged VS2010 so you may want to read up on it depending on what functions you're using. Looks like VS2015 update 3 is the latest release that captures those functions.

Does Visual Studio 2015 Community edition support Roslyn?

Can I use Roslyn and all its tooling in Visual Studio 2015 Community edition?
I am about to download the community edition and it's a big decision for me given that I have a single piece of hardware, my laptop, which I use for everything, and the only reason I am going to download 2015 is because I want to practice coding Roslyn, which is not available in the VS 2013 or earlier expression editions.
"Roslyn" is just the compiler platform in Visual Studio 2015. So yes, the Community edition has Roslyn.
We've been referring to it by its code name for so long that it's not really clear, but "Roslyn" is simply a rewrite of the C# and VB .NET compilers in managed code. On top of the compiler platform, you can write extensions to interact with code and the IDE as it's parsed in the form of quickfixes and refactorings.
The Visual Studio Community editions are nearly functionally identical to Visual Studio Professional, albeit under different license terms. This includes extension support.
The Roslyn GitHub page has awesome documentation to help you get your head wrapped around it.

Can I install visual c++ 2010 express edition with visual Studio 2010 professional already installed?

I want to do so because intellisense option for clr console application is not working in visual studio 2010..
Yes, you can. They will run side by side.
However, if you have professional installed, wouldn't it be better to update the install and add c++ to it?
There is no Intellisense support for C++/CLI in Visual Studio 2010 (including in SP1 and the Express edition).
I've been using Visual Assist X from Whole Tomato software for the last few weeks and am very happy with their Intellisense support. From the research I did, it appears that theirs is about the best going (Resharper for example does not support C++).
No, this is not going to solve your problem. The IntelliSense parser is exactly the same in the Express edition, it also doesn't support parsing C++/CLI code. You'll need to find the installer for the VS2008 Express edition. That's going to be quite difficult, you cannot get it from Microsoft anymore. Or you'll have to bear and grin it until the next version for Visual Studio, the Microsoft team promised it will be supported again.
Do keep in mind that you are not writing C++ code, C++/CLI is a very distinct language. There isn't much point in writing complete console mode apps in C++/CLI, you might as well use C#. There's an Express edition for that as well, IntelliSense works.

Can not open VB 6.0 files in Visual Studio 2010

If Visual Studio includes Visual Basic, why can't I open a VB 6.0 file in Visual Studio 2010?
Because there's a difference between Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic .NET which is what Visual Studio 2010 includes.
Darin is basically right but omits an important detail.
There's a difference between VB6 and VB.Net, and Visual Studio 2010 includes VB.Net
Earlier versions of VB.Net included an upgrade wizard to help convert VB6 code to VB.Net. This was dropped in Visual Studion 2010. You might want to use Visual Studio 2008 to help upgrade your VB6 to VB.Net, and then migrate to Visual Studio 2010 later. Upgrading VB6 to VB.Net can be a large task.
That's correct. I upgrade to 2008 then to 2010. You have to run the installed program from vb6 first then it will upgrade. You might have terminal failures from unfound assemblies. Go into the .vb form file with a text editor. REM out any failed to load assemblies from the fail report. Then you can re-write the VB code for code errors as the lingo changed. Next upgrade to vb 2010 using that wizard and re-write for new lingo again.
Form sizes are converted to vb6. in 2008, then that is scrapped in 2010, don't re-write that in 2008, if you're upgrading right away, you'll have to re-write in 2010 anyway.
Common file open/save/browse/color/font routines become vb powerpacks 10 which you load with your vb 2010 assembly. You have to re-insert the new common assemblies into the form from the toolbox and re-work the code. There's a bunch of stuff there, but it is do-able.
I have not used VS 2010, but based on my readings, the latest VB is effectively a new language altogether. Since introduction of VB .NET, VB 6.0 has become a stagnant language.

IronPython :- Visual Studio 2010 or SharpDevelop?

I'm considering developing a medium-size project for a client in IronPython. It's a pretty straightforward replacement for an existing system I've been supporting for several years, so the specification is quite well defined and understood.
This is my first significant IronPython and .Net project so I'm expecting a bit of a learning curve. I was going to use SharpeDevelop, but I can purchase VisualStudion 2010 for a reasonable price and whilst I understood that IronPython Tools for Visual Studio 2008 were not so good, I haven't seen anything about the update for 2010 yet.
Has anyone used either or both of these in a reasonable-sized commercial environment and do you have any recommendations?
(and I'm aware of this question, but this is specifically about VS2010)
Here is a quick comparison of IronPython Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and SharpDevelop showing the features that one has which the other does not:
IronPython Tools for Visual Studio 2010 has:
Better intellisense.
WPF designer.
Can edit your code without a project.
Go to definition support.
Find all references support.
More comprehensive IronPython interactive window integration.
SharpDevelop has:
WinForms designer.
Code conversion support from C#, VB.NET to Python
Compiles your IronPython code to an executable or class library.
Both of them are free. You can use IronPython Tools with the Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Integrated) which is a free download.
Considering that the IronPython Tools for VS2010 are "only" at the CTP stage, they're very high quality (anyone else would call them a beta). I've been using them when I can for a while now and haven't had any major issues. If you do have any issues with the VS2010 tools, the IronPython team is very open to feedback.
I haven't used SharpDevelop's tools, however, so I can't really compare them.
From what I've followed and read on-line during the Visual Studio 2010 Beta program and after, there seems to be no direct IDE support for IronPython in Visual Studio .NET 2010:
However, there is a Dynamic Language Runtime Support for the .NET 4.0 Framework using IronPython through a stable release of IronPython 2.6.1 on CodePlex:, but again, there is no direct support for the Visual Studio .NET 2010 IDE.
As for IronPython support in SharpDevelop, the IDE has full support for WinForms and Console based applications, and debugger support for IronPython, including 2.6.1 and the .NET 4.0 Runtime beginning with SharpDevelop 3.2 RTW. Matt Ward, who has headed up the IronPython and SharpDevelop IDE integration efforts has been very active and helpful through the forums and his blog entries. I was working on a small project in IronPython using SharpDevelop, and for the questions and bug that I found during SharpDevelop 3.0 Beta 1, Matt's support and turnaound time for IronPython issues was tremendous.
With this in mind, if you're looking for the productivity gains of using an IDE, with source code debugging support for IronPython applications and all of the benefits of using the .NET 4.0 Framework and DLR Support, you may want to start with SharpDevelop.
I hope this was of help...
