Visual Studio 2010 and 2013 not working on my system - visual-studio-2010

I apologize as this may seem as bit of a general question.
I have developed a couple of VB programs using Visual Studio 2010 Professional and others on Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. While I have not done any work in about a month with either version of Visual Studio, I thought I would go in and start work on a new project.
After entering some code in Visual Studio 2010 using WinForms, I found I was unable to run the code in the debugger (pressed the start button and F5).
It acted like it would start, then it just stopped and returned back to my code.
I thought I would try it on another program that was completed and working a couple of months ago, but I had the same issue present itself. Attempting to use Visual Studio 2013 had the same effect.
Any ideas from anyone? Has anyone else experienced this same issue recently? Once again, I do apologize for the lack of examples here, but I'm not sure what I can include to show the problem.

IMO, you should try resetting visual studio settings (and a restart may solve the issue)
you can try following
do it via visual studio -> tools -> import export settings
or you can run this command devenv /resetuserdata
or checkout this


Visual Studio 2022 Professional Source Control Explorer Stuck in Working

I have a new laptop. After installed Visual Studio 2022, the Source Control Explorer worked. But after I continue to install more other software and deleted some downloaded solution files from TFS, the explorer is stuck in working. It eventually leads to a frozen Visual Studio with busy message.
Using another laptop with Visual Studio 2022 works.
How to debug and fix this issue?
I think your best bet right now would be to uninstall Visual Studio and start from scratch. Depending on what "downloaded solution files" you deleted, something could be seriously messed up with your current installation of VS.
I would do a full re-install and try again. This may end up saving you time versus troubleshooting.

Can't debug Visual Basic Scripts

I'm trying to debug a VBScript. I installed Visual Studio 2017 Community edition, but whenever I run my script (with a stop placed near the beginning of the script), the Just-in-Time debugger does not pop up and my scripts continues.
I've looked at the following, and nothing has helped:
Just-In-Time Debugging in Visual Studio
I've enabled it in Internet Properties.
I've enabled "Managed", "Native", and "Script" in Tools\Options\Debugging\Just-in-Time in Visual Studio 2017.
All the registry keys listed in the article are present in the registry.
I was able to follow the article C# Console App example. It did (although with variable success) eventually get into the debugger.
Visual Studio 2013 and VB Scripts
I tried debugging in the manner detailed here, but it never stopped at the stop or any of the breakpoints I set up.
The only thing I can think of is maybe the values in the registry are incorrect. The MSDN article didn't explicitly mention what the values should be.
Have other people tried using Visual Studio 2017 for debugging VBScripts? I've had luck using 2010 and 2012 at my work computer, but sadly I can't find downloads for those versions of Visual Studio for my home computer.
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
If you run your VS as the admin, and enable the Script debugging under TOOLS->Options->JIT debugging, how about the result?
I used the VS2017 Enterprise version before:
Visual Studio 2017 debugging vbscript
Or check the workaround in this feedback which is similar to this issue:

Unity breaks Visual Studio options

I have installed Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition via Unity's installer and some of the options windows look like this:
Nothing fixes it; uninstalling-installing, formatting or installing on different machines. Apparently no one complains about this issue because there seems to be nothing on search results, but I'm 100% sure that everyone is experiencing this issue. When you open Visual Studio on its own, problem goes away, it works like it should. However, making Unity open Visual Studio causes it. I assume that this is caused by Unity forcing Visual Studio to load a plugin (probably Visual Studio Tools for Unity) which is actually incompatible with almost everything in Visual Studio.
Is there a solution to this problem? It drives me crazy and I don't want to use MonoDevelop.

Visual Studio crashes when locking computer or starting another instance

I have the problem that Visual Studio 2013 crashes when I lock the computer or start another instance of Visual Studio.
I use Visual Studio 2013 with latest patches applied. I always start Visual Studio as Admin.
This seems to only happen with a certain big solution. This problem did not occur to me with other solutions.
I tried to delete the solution and make a clean checkout from TFS, but Visual Studio still crashes.
I know this is not much information, but do you have any idea how to fix this or how to what else I could check?
Additional Information: This still happens even with Visual Studio 2015 on a fresh Windows 8.1 installation...
Here's the error:
Use the following steps to solve the issue:
I would copy the solution with quotation but as you can see, there is a lot of text to edit.
Start Visual Studio using the /log switch. Then check the created log file for warnings and errors:
If you use a Web Browser to view the file, it will be nicely formatted, due to the accompanying xsl-sheet.

Visual Studio takes ages creating a project

I have problem with my Visual studio 2013. When I'm trying to create even a simple console application,VS hangs and after a while the message 'Visual studio is busy: Microsoft Visual studio is waiting for internal operation to complete.' shows up.
I have reinstalled Visual Studio but without any luck. I've used ProcMon to check devenv and all the paths it shows, have to do with Android Studio.
I 'solved' the problem by accident. I disabled Source Control and for some reason, VS started working again. I know it's not an ideal solution but works just fine when you need VS urgently.
Don't know if Visual Studio is one of those programs. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe even after uninstalling, Visual Studio keeps some files in the registry from your previous installation and the AppData folder. You might want to clear those.
Close Visual Studio (if you haven’t already).
Open the registry editor (regedit.exe)
Delete the
Delete the
Delete the %USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio{version}
Use {version}=10.0 for Visual Studio 2010
Use {version}=11.0 for Visual Studio 2012
Use {version}=12.0 for Visual Studio 2013
Hope this helps
