Migration to Magento2.4.4 - magento

I have some questions about the migration to 2.4.4 of magento.
I am a Webmaster. Currently our site is Magento ver. 2.3.5-p1 and I would like to have your opinion on the repercussions of not migrating to 2.4.4.
What will be the disadvantages and the positive points.
Thank you very much for your help

I'll leave you the Magento 2.4.4 Release Notes. This should help you in terms of knowing all the changes.
I think one of the best updates is the GraphQL improvements.
If you are using the Enterprise Edition i think it's a good idea to use the Upgrade Compatibility Tool which helps you identify the changes you'll need to make in order to upgrade your Magento version without problems.
I wish I've helped you.


Migrate a Magento 1.X module to 2.0

We're developing a module for Magento 1.9 and want to support Magento 2.0 quickly after that.
I discovered https://github.com/magento/code-migration and wondered if anyone had experience with it?
Should we expect a full rewrite of the module to support that 2.0? Does anybody have experience in that task?
Thank you.
I'm currently trying to migrate my module for Magento 1.x to support 2.0, and done some research in this area. However, my code-migration isn't completed yet.
As I know, after we use this tool to convert the structure and code, we still require to test and modify the module. The toolkit is a tool to simplify our process, not helping us to create a 100%-fit module to the Magento 2.0 version.
You may refer to the following video for further explanation by the toolkit developer team:
Imagine 2016 - Developer Deep Dive: Magento 1.x to Magento 2 Code Migration Tool
Hope this helps!

Integrate Magento- with Opentaps-1.5

Just a quick one, could anyone help me with the details of how to integrate Magento- and Opentaps-1.5. The tutorials on this link which is on Opentaps Wiki is outdated. It only detailed the integration with earlier versions of Magento, and it seems these versions are no longer in Magento Repo/archive
Hello I am the author of the previous integration of magento into opentaps. At the moment there is not integration for the 2 as we are not working in magento anymore. If you like we can help you find the way

Upgrading Magento

Just a quick question involving upgrading Magento. I currently have version 1.4.1 and would like to update to the newest version. I tried upgrading through the Magento Connect and can not get that to work. And my host will not give me SSH access so I can't do it that way.
It's very frusterating, what are my other options? Can I just download the new set of files and replace those, but keep the old database? Will that work?
Not sure the best way to approach this. Thank you.
search SO to get similar answers:
disable all 3rd party extensions
disable custom themes
upgrade (you can do version by version also)
turn on your theme
turn on extensions one by one and debug

Downgrading Magento

I'm using Magento for my webstore. The payment processor supports only I realized this only just now when I was dreaming up of opening the store. Duh! Poor planning.
What's the way out?
Will downgrading help? Wat are the implications of that?
Thanks for any and all inputs.
I am not aware of anyone ever having successfully downgraded Magento. That said, a few considerations:
Are you using version control like you should be? If so, you should have a copy of the site and database from just before the upgrade. You should be able to use this as a starting point. This is your most optimistic route by far.
If no version control, you can download both of the versions and use diff to get the changes. Doing this in reverse theoretically creates a backwards patch.
If you've stayed out of the core code entirely, the code change could be nearly as simple as replacing app/code/core.
Even if you do downgrade the code, the data structures between versions have probably changed, so you'll need someone experienced to find those changes and tell you have to back-patch your database. This is, to say the least, perilous.
Overall, I wouldn't want to undertake this task. As Anton said in the comments, you'll probably have an easier time getting integration done than reverting the changes.
Best of luck!

upgrade magento latest version from 1.1.3 through admin dashboard

I have a magento site with version 1.1.3. I want to upgrade this to version from mu admin dashboard. Could you please tell me the steps to proceed?
wow, that's a big jump. I would recommend that you use a multi-step approach using the PEAR installer from the command line. Using the Admin Dashboard for such a big upgrade is very likely to fail. I'd also recommend that you break the upgrade into (at least) two steps, 1.1.3 to and then to
You can get a listing of available upgrades from PEAR like this:./pear list-upgrades
Here's a wiki page to guide you.
Make sure you take lots and lots of backups...
Good luck!
