upgrade magento latest version from 1.1.3 through admin dashboard - magento

I have a magento site with version 1.1.3. I want to upgrade this to version from mu admin dashboard. Could you please tell me the steps to proceed?

wow, that's a big jump. I would recommend that you use a multi-step approach using the PEAR installer from the command line. Using the Admin Dashboard for such a big upgrade is very likely to fail. I'd also recommend that you break the upgrade into (at least) two steps, 1.1.3 to and then to
You can get a listing of available upgrades from PEAR like this:./pear list-upgrades
Here's a wiki page to guide you.
Make sure you take lots and lots of backups...
Good luck!


Do I need to install old patches after installing Magento

I just download and installed Magento community edition version Do I need to install old patches, including 7405? And have any patches for Magento community edition been released yet? I see a notification that shows "You have 13 critical updates". What should I do now?
you can scan your site here & it will give what and all security measures you need to take....
Ignore notifications related to patch, this version already have all patches inside. You just have to scan on magereport.com when your shop url is available online.
Magento included all security patches you do not need to install any patch, just ignore notification and check your online store url from here

Convert joomla 1.5 to 2.5 with whole site and also with virtuemart

How i convert my current website of joomla1.5 to joomla2.5
please anyone help me
When i using jUploader it is only allow to convert joomla1.5.18 to 1.7 but i need joomla2.5
Thre is a lot of documentation out there on how to convert Joomla 1.5 sites to Joomla 2.5.
You need to use an extension such as JUpgrade to upgrade your site to 2.5.
Please bare in mine that this will update your database tables and core extensions such as com_content, mod_login etc. This will not upgrade 3rd party extensions that you have found from the Joomla Extensions Directory. You will need to go back to whereever you downloaded these extensions from and see if there is a Joomla 2.5 compatible version of them, and install them, else you'll need to look for an alternative.
Seeing as you have waited all the way till now, you might be best off upgrading again to Joomla 3.x. Even though this it eh short term release, it is the way forward, will save what could be another time consuming upgrade in the future.
Oh and as always recommended, please make sure you take a backup of your site before the upgrade.
Hope this helps

jupgrade-joomla upgrade from 1.5 to 2.5

Long time back I used jUpgrade plugin for joomla upgrade.
But now the plugin / component is not in use to upgrade the joomla version from 1.5 to 2.5
Is there any other freeware plugin for migration?
I used following components.
Gavick Pro
Joomfish and
Pleas give some suggesstions to upgrade the joomla from 1.5 to 2.5
jUpgrade has been unpublished due to a broken download link, however things have changed on their official website and it can still be downloaded:
I forgot to mention that jUpgrade does not upgrade your 3rd party extensions such as JEvents. You will have to download the Joomla 2.5 compatible version for each one unfortunately. The same goes for the site template.
I know this is an old question, but things have changed on redComponent again. They now don't have an installer available on the site.
However, if redMigrator (the JUpgrade replacement) doesn't meet your needs (as in my particular case, today), they have put the JUpgrade source on GitHub
Just clone the repo down and then run releases/make_release.sh
It's still available from the makers website. Just been unpublished on JED for some reason. Keep on using it as before as far as I'm concerned.
There are no other well recognized freeware upgrades just the paid SP Upgrade (note the support on this extension as it is a paid extension is much better however for a generic upgrade stick with jUpgrade). However free upgrades do exist and can be found under this section on JED.

Will upgrading PHP break JOOMLA?

I have a client who has JOOMLA! V1.5.1, and it currently is running on PHP 4.4.9. Does anyone know if upgrading to PHP5 break my site? Will upgrading to a newer JOOMLA! version break my site?
Thanks a lot
There might be a few functions on Joomla 1.5.1 that won't work if you upgrade to PHP 5.3+. Therefore you should also upgrade Joomla to 1.5.26 to ensure maximum security and stability for that particular version. Once both PHP and Joomla have been upgraded, everything will work smoothly.
To upgrade your PHP version, you will need to talk to your host, and why he is still running his servers on PHP 4.49 I do not know.
To update Joomla to the latest version, I would recommend download this package:
Joomla 1.5.0 to 1.5.26
I know its not the update for 1.5.1, but it will still work.
As for upgrading to Joomla 2.5, this doesnt have to be done. It is entirely up to you. Just be sure that all your etension will be compatible.
Hope this helps.
Nothing must change if you just upgrade PHP. Is there custom PHP build used or installed from packes (like .rpm or .deb)?
If you have simple wibsite and will follow guidelines on upgrading Joomla ( listed here: http://docs.joomla.org/Migrating_from_Joomla_1.5_to_Joomla_2.5 ) then process must go smoothly.
But if there are any extensions which do not have their Joomla 2.5 versions, you'll get in trouble because old ones wimply won't work after upgrade.
Use akeeba backup to backup your site before upgrade and try to backup/restore at separate place to just have a proctice. I confgure it to use zip format because it does not require any extra software to restore site, but that's up to you.

Upgrading Magento

Just a quick question involving upgrading Magento. I currently have version 1.4.1 and would like to update to the newest version. I tried upgrading through the Magento Connect and can not get that to work. And my host will not give me SSH access so I can't do it that way.
It's very frusterating, what are my other options? Can I just download the new set of files and replace those, but keep the old database? Will that work?
Not sure the best way to approach this. Thank you.
search SO to get similar answers:
disable all 3rd party extensions
disable custom themes
upgrade (you can do version by version also)
turn on your theme
turn on extensions one by one and debug
