Command raised an exception: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'send' -

I'm trying to do a custom embed command and i got this error.
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandInvokeError: Command raised an exception: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'send'
And this is my code:
async def embed(self, ctx,*, msg=None):
if msg == None:
await ctx.send("No Message has been provided. Please write your message within 30secs.")
def check(message):
return == and ==
mes=await self.client.wait_for('message',check=check,timeout=30.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send('Timeout! Please be quicker next time.')
await ctx.send(embed=em)
If u can patch it please say me below :(

You're doing
async def embed(self, ctx,*, msg=None):
If you're in a cog, you need to be doing #commands.command. When doing client.command decorator though, you're adding the callback itself (and it isn't called from the class). The actual context is passed to self, and ctx becomes your first argument (a string) while the other argument msg just stays as None.
If you are in a cog, then change it to a normal command.
async def embed(self, ctx,*, msg=None):

async def embed(ctx, msg=None):
if msg == None:
await ctx.send("No Message has been provided. Please write your message within 30secs.")
def check(message):
return == and ==
mes=await testy.wait_for('message',check=check,timeout=30.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send('Timeout! Please be quicker next time.')
em=discord.Embed(description=msg, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), color=discord.Color.random())
await ctx.send(embed=em)
Using your code as a base, I tweaked a couple of things and verified it worked on my tester bot. You can see the name of my bot is "testy" so you'll want to replace that with your client.
The command is invoked with the command 'd' and then prompts the user for a text string. That string is then displayed in an embed with a timestamp and the user's discord name and avatar.
Hope this leads you in the right direction.

I am not sure what you are passing in for ctx, but it looks like you're passing in a string for ctx based off of the error, in which case there is no send() function for a string object


is there another command should i use?

So, I can't use the "?roast" command and "?roast #(user)" at the same time...
async def on_ready():
await client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.dnd, activity=discord.Game(' "?" Booe'))
print('Bot is ready to play!')
async def roast(ctx, member:discord.Member):
roast_messages = [
f'{}You are useless as the UEUE in Queue {member.mention}',
await ctx.send(random.choice(roast_messages))
There is always a way to solve that , discord gives us a way like this
async def roast(ctx, member:discord.Member=None):#None is if nothing is given then its None
if member == None:
member =
roast_messages = [
f'{}You are useless as the UEUE in Queue {member.mention}',]
await ctx.send("imagine roasting yourself")#Your Choice Absolutely :)
await ctx.send(random.choice(roast_messages))
here if the member isnt specified , the function is called taking member as none , later gives the none value to the itself (dont try to write instead of none in the async def roast it gives error as ctx aint defined. also i forgot your roast messages wont make sense then so make sure to edit them too TY :)

how do i display a message if user puts a non existing sub command?

So I made a sub command that just sends a message back. I found that if the user types a non existing command it still displays the message from the sub command. It sounds confusing but here's an example.
User: ;id
Bot: This command help you find the name of anyone in the server!
User: ;id Slayer
Bot: Bob Miller
So while testing I found if the user sends some thing like ;id jgfjkag the bot still sends the original message for ;id which is "This command help you find the name of anyone in the server!". How would I make the bot send a specific message if the user trys to use a non existing sub command? Here's the code:
async def id(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send("This command help you find the name of anyone in the server! ")
async def Slayer(self, ctx):
await ctx.send("Bob Miller")
async def Skel(self, ctx):
await ctx.send("John Dove")
Check ctx.subcommand_passed first:
async def id(self, ctx):
if ctx.subcommand_passed is None:
await ctx.send("This command help you find the name of anyone in the server!")
elif ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send(f"Subcommand '{ctx.subcommand_passed}' does not exist.")
This is my favorite method of doing it:
async def group(self, ctx):
await ctx.send_help(ctx.command) # invokes the help command for the group
async def subcommand(self, ctx):
await ctx.send("You passed a valid subcommand!")
The invoke_without_command parameter, when set to true, will only call the command if there are no (valid) subcommands passed. This means that if the code inside if the group() function is called, you can safely assume that they didn't pass a subcommand (or passed an invalid one).
I also like to use ctx.send_help, since that will automatically list subcommands. You could replace this with something like:
await ctx.send("You didn't pass a valid subcommand!")
More careful reading of your question revealed that the subcommand already has some functionality. This makes it more difficult, but this will work:, ignore_extra=False)
async def group(self, ctx):
await ctx.send("This is a group command!")
async def on_group_error(self, ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.TooManyArguments):
await ctx.send("You passed an invalid subcommand!")
async def subcommand(self, ctx):
await ctx.send("You passed a VALID subcommand!")
Here is what it would look like:
Bot: This is a group command!
!group bla
Bot: You passed an invalid subcommand!
!group subcommand
Bot: You passed a VALID subcommand!
NOTE: The ignore_extra field raises the commands.TooManyArguments error, which then invokes the error handler allowing the bot to send the error message. Unfortunately, the default on_command_error hook will still be called. I would suggest ignoring the commands.TooManyArguments error inside of your main error handler to fix this.

I want to make a command that deletes a channel

Here is what I got so far
It is saying that "await" is outside of async function and I am just confused on how to fix this. I copied part of the code from a giveaway command because that is my only source of Q&A code I have
#commands.has_permissions(administrator = True)
async def cdelete(ctx):
embed=discord.Embed(title = Which channel would you like to delete?)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
answer = []
def check(m):
return == and ==
await client.wait_for('message', timeout=15, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Timeout. Please run the command again")
c_id= int(answer[0][2:-1])
await ctx.send("Channel Deleted")
await ctx.send("Thats not a valid channel!")```
If you just want a command you can make it a lot easier if you just execute a command with the channel name. You can have a look at the following:
async def cdelete(ctx, channel_name):
"""Deletes a channel by name or ID."""
channel_id = int(''.join(i for i in channel_name if i.isdigit())) # Get channel ID
existing_channel = client.get_channel(channel_id) # Get channel ID with defined method
if existing_channel: # If channel with the name/ID exists
await existing_channel.delete()
else: # If the channel does not exist
await ctx.send(f'**No channel named `{channel_name}` was found.**')
We have a method to catch the channel ID and also pass that in as a valid argument. If the ID or channel name then exists we delete the channel.
You can here either mention the channel or pass in the ID.
Usage would be: cdelete #channel/ID.
If you want to avoid a long console output if you input no channel/ID/name you can build in an error handler:
async def cdelete_error(ctx, error):
if isinstance(error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument):
await ctx.send("You need to name a channel.")
The problem you have here is with the check() function. According to the doc you only can use await inside of an async function. To solve the problem change def check(m): into async def check(m):

get channel name and send a message over at that channel

So I am working on a little project here, and pretty much, I want to have one of those "Please type the name of a channel in this server" feature.
So pretty much, the bot asks for a channel name, and I put in for example "#changelog" - and then it will ask for what it should write in that channel, etc etc.
So need to get the channel id (I am guessing), but I don't want users to write the ID, instead only writing the #server-name. And then whenever I have done that, the bot shall write in that channel.
Here is my current code!
class Changelog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
async def on_ready(self):
print('Changelog is loaded')
async def clhook(self, ctx):
await ctx.send('Write text-channel: ')
text_channel = await self.client.wait_for("message", check=lambda message: ==, timeout=300)
clhook = self.client.get_channel(text_channel)
def setup(client):
The channel ID shall be saved "forever", meaning that I do not have to re-write the channel name where the message should go!
You can use discord.utils.get() with this example:
text_channel = await self.client.wait_for("message", check=lambda message: ==, timeout=300)
channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.text_channels, name=text_channel)
await channel.send('Bla Bla')
So when you type (prefix)clhook then only the channel name, for example general, it will send Bla Bla to the channel named general .
There is another way to do this and I think it's simple than the first option, here it is:
async def clhook(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel):
await channel.send('Bla Bla')
So in this command, usage is changed. You can use that with this: (prefix)clhook #general(mention the channel). I suggest this solution and I think it's more useful.
You can use message.channel_mentions. This will return a list of all channels that were mentioned using the #channel-name notation. That way, you can just use to get the id of the channel they mentioned.
Don't forget, however, to check if the user did in fact tag a channel (which you can also put in your check). I put it in a separate function to make it a bit more readable for the sake of this reply, but you can fit that in your lambda if you really want to.
Also, make sure to check if it's a Text Channel and not a Voice Channel or Category Channel.
async def clhook(self, ctx):
def check(self, message):
author_ok = == # Sent by the same author
mentioned_channel = len(message.channel_mentions) == 1 and isinstance(message.channel_mentions[0], discord.TextChannel)
return author_ok and mentioned_channel
await ctx.send("Write text-channel: ")
text_channel = await self.client.wait_for("message", check=check)
chlhook = text_channel.channel_mentions[0]
I put two conditions on the mentioned_channel line, because if the first one fails, the second one could cause an IndexError. Alternatively you can also use an if-statement to return sooner at that place to solve the same issue.

Command raised an exception: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'system_channel'

I'm trying to make a command where the bot sends me an invite of a server by ,dm (server id) and this is what I made so far:
async def dm(ctx, guild_id: int):
if == owner:
guild = client.get_guild(guild_id)
guildchannel = guild.system_channel
invitelink = await guildchannel.create_invite(max_uses=1,unique=True)
Some servers work and some don't. The ones that don't work sends this: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'create_invite' and sometimes it sends me 2 invite links of the same server. Please help as soon as possible and thanks in advance.
Your client.get_guild(guild_id) is returning None, this means your bot either isn't in the guild or your guild_id isn't a valid guild ID
On second thought I think your target server does not have a system_channel. You can check then in your Guild Settings > Overview > System Messages Channel.
So I found a way to change this, here is the code:
async def _dm(ctx, guild_id: int):
if == owner:
guild = client.get_guild(guild_id)
channel = guild.channels[-1]
invitelink = await channel.create_invite(max_uses=1)
