Add Max-age to Big Commerce CDN Images - performance

I am currently running performance testing on my sites, all of which are hosted through Big Commerce (cornerstone theme, stencil). I am using, and under the performance section, there is a metric "Leverage browser caching of static assets". There they have listed many images all that are hosted through Big Commerce's CDN, that have failed for no max-age or because they have expired.
I spoke to a big commerce rep and I understand that all the images are cached, but is there a way to add a max-age to the cache? not sure what else to do, so any suggestions would be appreciated!
side note- I know my images are well optimized, but the cache score is the specific issue, gives the cache a 52/100 score...

big commerce is becoming more late of the art the more we stay with this company


How to apply pagespeed insights results

Well, I trying establish a web page with a wordpress and GoDaddy hosting. I want to make fast web page, because people says fast web pages appear on first line at Google (as specially mobile web page speed is very important people says). So want to make very fast web page but my level of knowledge is not very advanced, I progress by learning.
If I test my web page with Insights, mine mobile score is about 60-70. If I read reports of Insights there are lots of improvements links appear at blow. I want to learn how to fix that. If you help me make an example, I will do the others myself.
If we start at first problem which is /css?family=…( this problem seen below of "Eliminate resources that prevent rendering" topic. So how to fix it. What should I do?
Also at the "covorage" tab there are some source codes are seen and it is not using. For example I am not using easy-sheare plugin (secong row at the image) at homepage.
How to remove safely that codes from home page. If I can learn how one is made, I can correct the others myself.
The issue you are running into is something I have seen over and over again. GoDaddy and Wordpress sites generally are bloated and perform poorly.
Here are some tips to improve your speed & get a better PS ranking.
Hosting: Do you need to be on Godaddy? I have seen this time and time again. Most websites on GD are SLOW. GD is good for domain registration, not for hosting. Most non-tech folks do not know any better. Try using Amazon Lightsail, AWS-S3, Google Firebase, or Netlify. They all offer much faster page loads by reducing initial server response time. And they are surprisingly simple to learn and deploy.
CDN: You must use a content-distribution-network (CDN). Check out Cloudfront. They offer a free tier that works quite well.
Wordpress: This is your real issue. Wordpress is neither easy to build nor easy to maintain. You need multiple plugins to make the site perform. Best you build your own. If you have to be on Wordpress checkout image optimizers, minifiers, and cache plugins. Gumlet, WP Rocket, Shortpixel are quite popular to improve speed.

How we can speed up Joomla webpage

Using Joomla System - Page Cache, my webpage is now around 4-5 sec.
But i have few pages which will be shown only to registered users. I just checked its taking around 10-15 sec. When i inspected using chrome, i can see few things, i have livechat, which is taking around 2 sec, and few things. But live chat is showing in homepage also. but that page is speed.
Wanted to know is Joomla system cache plugin will not work for registered users visible page. or any other plugin i can use to speed up this type of pages.
Joomla have one JCH Optimize plugin which will decrease your website load speed.
It will compress all css and js file into one file.That file will store in cache so website speed will be up.
This plugin will be helpful to you.
Are you using Joomla.
for some components only had the problem of page cache. if u need to clear cache.
and you need to speed up the joomla site
follow the basic step:
Enable Gzip Compression
Using the Gzip Compression feature, you can compress your website pages before sending them to the user. After that, they will be uncompressed by the user’s browser. And this process takes less time than transferring uncompressed pages.
Enable Cache System
Optimization Settings (Images, CSS, Java Scripts…)
Now Check Your Joomla Website Speed
it may use full to speed up your site.
Wanted to know is Joomla system cache plugin will not work for registered users visible page.
Per the Joomla! Documentation, Page Caching:
Only caches pages for guest visitors (not for logged in visitors)
or any other plugin i can use to speed up this type of pages.
Aside from JCH Optimize (which was already mentioned), another component I recommend is JotCache, which is far better than just the Joomla! default cache.
You may, also, use GTmetrix to analyze your site against both Google PageSpeed and Yahoo! Yslow.
Finally, you may try using a CDN to speed up resource delivery. Here are a few:
Amazon CloudFront
Azure CDN
EdgeCast Networks
You can use CDN for Joomla! to incorporate the CDN technology.
Overall, your best bet is going to be a combination of the CDN and JCH settings to trim down the overall weight of the site using GTmetrix to compare the site after each change.
Further reading: Joomla Performance & Speed

Page very slow #first load (using magento with varnish)

Im running a magento store with varnish.
When browsing my page for the first time (in 24 hours or so), the first page load is extremely slow (10 sec).
After that if i click links n stuff everything is fine... its only the first contact.
Here i got a chrome console screenshot of the network:
Does someone have an idea what the reason could be?
That is because your non-cached is too slow and it is warming (likely you are on $20-50/mth servers), Varnish will not help you, unless your non-cached is 2-3s Google will penalise you and most visitors will abandon their carts. Hosting for Magento should be 1% of revenue, anything less and it will not work, technology can only take you so far, the rest is actually doing it correctly, and that needs the hosting budget.

website Caching image gallery

I have a website that shows hundreds / thousands of images to users. Users reload the gallery fairly frequently, but their caches are invariably not big enough to save the images from visit to visit, and have to slowly re-download.
What are good ways to ensure that images get cached? I've already ruled out using localstorage. What advice can you give me?
Just to be clear, the http headers are set correctly (folks with big caches get instantaneous loads), just that the browser default caches are not big enough.
Have you considered caching on the server-side like varnish in front of your webserver? If you have enough memory on your server(s) this will help alot on the download-time for your users (and your serverload).
Or are you just interested in client-side cache? If so, it would help if you could post your http cache-headers.

ASP MVC Big Gallery Web site Image Storage Best Practices

I have a client who wants to build a huge Image gallery website, and I am confused about how to structure the website for future Storage expansion.
Let me explain more...
Let us say that each user will upload his images to
Now creating the upload logic and displaying the images is not my issue here, my real problem is that say I have 200 GB hard Disk and if i have 20000 Customer where each client uploads 10 MB max, now as you see I will run out of space.
So how do I handle expansion in future without changing structure of web site, meaning that users will always upload to the same Path I have mentioned above, so obviously my front-end views will fetch images from same location too.
It may be stupid but I am lost on this. I mean, how guys like Facebook or other big sites do that ?
You can try using a cloud cdn(content delivery network), which will be dynamically expandable. amazon/rackspace, they are well known for this kind of service.
Ok after Tedious Searching, i have found the answer, basically it boils down to two Methods,
One Called Push, where you have to store the Files on the CDN Server by FTP, Api, etc...
The other called Pull Origin, where you dont have to change anything, you just Configure Your CDN to Fetch the Resources from your Servers, of course you have to Store files on Original Server First.
there is a lot more to it, but if anyone had my same wondering , just make Search about CDN Push or Pull in Google
