How we can speed up Joomla webpage - caching

Using Joomla System - Page Cache, my webpage is now around 4-5 sec.
But i have few pages which will be shown only to registered users. I just checked its taking around 10-15 sec. When i inspected using chrome, i can see few things, i have livechat, which is taking around 2 sec, and few things. But live chat is showing in homepage also. but that page is speed.
Wanted to know is Joomla system cache plugin will not work for registered users visible page. or any other plugin i can use to speed up this type of pages.

Joomla have one JCH Optimize plugin which will decrease your website load speed.
It will compress all css and js file into one file.That file will store in cache so website speed will be up.
This plugin will be helpful to you.

Are you using Joomla.
for some components only had the problem of page cache. if u need to clear cache.
and you need to speed up the joomla site
follow the basic step:
Enable Gzip Compression
Using the Gzip Compression feature, you can compress your website pages before sending them to the user. After that, they will be uncompressed by the user’s browser. And this process takes less time than transferring uncompressed pages.
Enable Cache System
Optimization Settings (Images, CSS, Java Scripts…)
Now Check Your Joomla Website Speed
it may use full to speed up your site.

Wanted to know is Joomla system cache plugin will not work for registered users visible page.
Per the Joomla! Documentation, Page Caching:
Only caches pages for guest visitors (not for logged in visitors)
or any other plugin i can use to speed up this type of pages.
Aside from JCH Optimize (which was already mentioned), another component I recommend is JotCache, which is far better than just the Joomla! default cache.
You may, also, use GTmetrix to analyze your site against both Google PageSpeed and Yahoo! Yslow.
Finally, you may try using a CDN to speed up resource delivery. Here are a few:
Amazon CloudFront
Azure CDN
EdgeCast Networks
You can use CDN for Joomla! to incorporate the CDN technology.
Overall, your best bet is going to be a combination of the CDN and JCH settings to trim down the overall weight of the site using GTmetrix to compare the site after each change.
Further reading: Joomla Performance & Speed


How to apply pagespeed insights results

Well, I trying establish a web page with a wordpress and GoDaddy hosting. I want to make fast web page, because people says fast web pages appear on first line at Google (as specially mobile web page speed is very important people says). So want to make very fast web page but my level of knowledge is not very advanced, I progress by learning.
If I test my web page with Insights, mine mobile score is about 60-70. If I read reports of Insights there are lots of improvements links appear at blow. I want to learn how to fix that. If you help me make an example, I will do the others myself.
If we start at first problem which is /css?family=…( this problem seen below of "Eliminate resources that prevent rendering" topic. So how to fix it. What should I do?
Also at the "covorage" tab there are some source codes are seen and it is not using. For example I am not using easy-sheare plugin (secong row at the image) at homepage.
How to remove safely that codes from home page. If I can learn how one is made, I can correct the others myself.
The issue you are running into is something I have seen over and over again. GoDaddy and Wordpress sites generally are bloated and perform poorly.
Here are some tips to improve your speed & get a better PS ranking.
Hosting: Do you need to be on Godaddy? I have seen this time and time again. Most websites on GD are SLOW. GD is good for domain registration, not for hosting. Most non-tech folks do not know any better. Try using Amazon Lightsail, AWS-S3, Google Firebase, or Netlify. They all offer much faster page loads by reducing initial server response time. And they are surprisingly simple to learn and deploy.
CDN: You must use a content-distribution-network (CDN). Check out Cloudfront. They offer a free tier that works quite well.
Wordpress: This is your real issue. Wordpress is neither easy to build nor easy to maintain. You need multiple plugins to make the site perform. Best you build your own. If you have to be on Wordpress checkout image optimizers, minifiers, and cache plugins. Gumlet, WP Rocket, Shortpixel are quite popular to improve speed.

Google AMP Cache - hot to force loading index.html from cache?

Is there any way how to force loading main homepage (index.html) to load from AMP Cache?
I have all images loaded from Cache according to manual:
But in DevTools audit there is still an error for the homepage (not being served through http/2 - from the cache)
I’m not sure exactly what you mean but think you may be misunderstanding the point of the AMP cache.
The Google AMP Cache is not like a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that always sits in front of your site, though in certain instances it acts like one.
The Google AMP Cache is automatically populated by Google when it crawls your site. Any searches on Google while on mobile will then serve your AMP pages, rather than your normal pages, and will also serve them from the Google AMP cache rather than from your domain. This is done for a number of reasons, but primarily to create the “instant loading” effect that AMP gives when loaded from Google Search results (aka Search Engine Results Page or SERP). In this case the whole page including the index page is served from the Google AMP Cache.
Other sites and domains can also decide to display AMP pages instead of your HTML pages if they want, and can decide to serve them from the Google AMP cache, from their own AMP cache (though, other than Google, only Cloudflare have implemented their own AMP Cache AFAIK) or directly from your home page (in which case there is no cache used). Twitter for example automatically replaces links with their AMP equivalents but loads from the real domain so is fast (due to AMP) but not “instant” (like it is in the Google Search Results).
So you, as a site owner, don’t decide when to use the AMP Cache - the calling application (e.g. Google SERPS, Twitter) decides that. And if the calling app/page doesn’t use an AMP Cache, then it is served directly from your domain and therefore whatever technology your domain supports (e.g. HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2). You can of course give out the AMP Cache URL instead of your real one if you want.
You seem to suggest you have altered your page to replace all images and the like with references to the AMP cache - is that so? If so that sounds like a bad idea, as the cache is loaded from your site which now depends on the cache, which is loaded from your site, which is... etc.

Use google hosted jQuery-ui or self host custom download of jQuery UI?

I'm working on a site where we are using the slide function from jquery-ui.
The Google-hosted minified version of jquery-ui weighs 63KB - this is for the whole library. The custom download of just the slide function weighs 14KB.
Obviously if a user has cached the Google hosted version its a no-brainer, but if they haven't it will take longer to load as I could just lump the custom jquery-ui slide function inside of my main.js file.
I guess it comes down to how many other sites using jquery-ui (if this was just for the normal jquery the above would be a no-brainer as loads of sites use jquery, but I'm a bit unsure as per the usage of jquery-ui)...
I can't work out what's the best thing to do in the above scenario?
I'd say if the custom selective build is that small, both absolutely and relatively, there's a good reasons to choose that path.
Loading a JavaScript resource has several implications, in the following order of events:
Loading: Request / response communication or, in case of a cache hit - fetching. Keep in mind that CDN or not, the communication only affects the first page. If your site is built in a traditional "full page request" style (as opposed to SPA's and the likes), this literally becomes a non-issue.
Parsing: The JS engine needs to parse the entire resource.
Executing: The JS engine executes the entire resource. That means that any initialization / loading code is executed, even if that's initialization for features that aren't used in the hosting page.
Memory usage: The memory usage depends on the entire resource. That includes static objects as well as function (which are also objects).
With that in mind, having a smaller resource is advantageous in ways beyond simple loading. More so, a request for such a small resource is negligible in terms of communication. You wouldn't even think twice about it had it been a mini version of the company logo somewhere on the bottom of the screen where nobody even notices.
As a side note and potential optimization, if your site serves any proprietary library, or a group of less common libraries, you can bundle all of these together, including the jQuery UI subset, and your users will only have a single request, again making this advantageous.
Go with the Google hosted version
It is likely that the user would have recently visited a website that loads jQuery-UI hosted on Google servers.
It will take load off from your server and make other elements load faster.
Browsers load a fixed number of resources from one domain. Loading the jQuery-UI from Google servers will make sure it is downloaded concurrently with other resource that reside on your servers.
The Yahoo developer network recommends using a CDN. Their full reasons are posted here.
This quote from their site really seals it in my mind.
"Deploying your content across multiple, geographically dispersed servers will make your pages load faster from the user's perspective."
I am not an expert but my two cents are these anyway. With a CDN you can be sure that there is reduced latency, plus as mentioned, user is most likely to have picked it up from some other website hosted by googleAlso the thing I always care about, save bandwidth.

Wordpress : W3 Total cache - Object cache issues

I'm helping friends with their blog, their admin panel is incredibly slow. After testing all the plugins, I saw that W3 Total cache was responsible of this slowness, more precisely the Object cache option. If I disable this option, the admin runs normally, so does the front of the website.
So, why don't I simply disable W3 Total Cache ?
When I do this, some content disapear from the homepage, some text changes...
I'm not sure how Object caching is working, so my question is : Why ? How can I fix this ?
W3 Total Cache tries to speed up the front end of the website by generating and caching HTML responses for each page. As a user requests a page, it is not processed by the bulk of the PHP that makes up wordpress and is quickly served a cached html page.
If the site is large, and the plugin isn't tuned correctly, it can dramatically slow down the admin side (which is run by PHP and not cached by the plugin).
To fix this, you will have to find the right balance on how often certain pages / post types are cached. If the site isn't a busy one, or if speed is not an issue (I can't see how speed wouldn't be an issue but that's an opinion) you are safe to remove the plugin.
W3 Total Cache has some good information on helping someone determine the settings that should be used. Use that info, along with page view stats to figure out your next steps.

CMS Cache, Gzip and Cloudflare can they all work together?

Lately I've become somewhat obsessed with page speed optimization and I wanted to find out can CMS caching mechanism (For example Joomla cache), Gzip compression and Cloudflare work all together in perfect harmony?
I understand how each system works by itself (more or less), but I don't understand would they work together. Is it even recommended to use all of them at once?
If I use cloudflare do CMS cache and Gzip even matter?
P.S What other tools do you use?
can CMS caching mechanism (For example Joomla cache), Gzip compression and Cloudflare work all together in perfect harmony?
Yes, plus they all do slightly different things.
Cloudflare caches the static content, eg images and stylesheets. Fresh page HTML is still downloaded by every visitor on every page.
Gzip compression comes into play both with Cloudflare and your server. By default Cloudflare automatically compresses content passing through it's system, Files not passing through Cloudflare can be compressed by your server, Caching and gzip compression by htaccess , though since you are using Joomla, the easiest way to enable this is from
the control panel > system > global configuration > server > Gzip Page Compression.
This will decrease download times for the page HTML and the dynamic content produced by Joomla.
Using Joomla cache will typically reduce page load times because instead of Joomla using modules and plugins to recalculate the dynamic page content everytime for every visitor, it will simply use the saved cache content. You can cache Joomla content by page, by module or by plugin, here's one good explanation of the differences.
It's worth spending some time testing with a tool like WebPageTest to find the best Joomla cache option for your specific site. I've sometimes had significant savings with this.
It's makes sense to have all 3 working on your site, it will reduce server load and speed up page display.
Good luck!
Just a heads up. Some content in certain browsers can experience byte range request issues if you have gzip enabled while using cloudfare.
For instance, depending on server, Safari will (most likely) not play mp4 video served through cloudfare and gzip enabled server. Gzip can interfere with byte-range separation of requests.
I ran into this issue before and figured I would share in case anyone runs into any of these issues.
If you want to have gzip enabled, but experience issues with certain files, you can disable gzip for those specific files in .htaccess by adding this:
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
<FilesMatch "\.mp4$">
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [NS,E=no-gzip:1,E=dont-vary:1]
Just replace .mp4 with file type if issues with any others.
