Page very slow #first load (using magento with varnish) - performance

Im running a magento store with varnish.
When browsing my page for the first time (in 24 hours or so), the first page load is extremely slow (10 sec).
After that if i click links n stuff everything is fine... its only the first contact.
Here i got a chrome console screenshot of the network:
Does someone have an idea what the reason could be?

That is because your non-cached is too slow and it is warming (likely you are on $20-50/mth servers), Varnish will not help you, unless your non-cached is 2-3s Google will penalise you and most visitors will abandon their carts. Hosting for Magento should be 1% of revenue, anything less and it will not work, technology can only take you so far, the rest is actually doing it correctly, and that needs the hosting budget.


Add Max-age to Big Commerce CDN Images

I am currently running performance testing on my sites, all of which are hosted through Big Commerce (cornerstone theme, stencil). I am using, and under the performance section, there is a metric "Leverage browser caching of static assets". There they have listed many images all that are hosted through Big Commerce's CDN, that have failed for no max-age or because they have expired.
I spoke to a big commerce rep and I understand that all the images are cached, but is there a way to add a max-age to the cache? not sure what else to do, so any suggestions would be appreciated!
side note- I know my images are well optimized, but the cache score is the specific issue, gives the cache a 52/100 score...
big commerce is becoming more late of the art the more we stay with this company

Robots.txt in Magento Websites

I have recently started working with a company that has a Magento eCommerce website.
We spotted that the traffic dipped considerably in May, and also the ranking on Google.
When I started investigating i saw that the pages of the ES website were not appearing on Screaming Frog
Only the homepage showed and status said blocked by robots.txt
I said this to my developer and they said they would move the robot.txt file to the /pub folder.
but would that not mean the file was in two places.. would this be an issue?
The developer has gone ahead and done this, how long should it take to see is screaming frog is indexing the pages.
Any Magento developers that could help with advise on this?
There is a documentation page for how to manage robots.txt with Magento 2.x.
And you can use this to allow all traffic to your site:
Regarding the Googlebot crawl rate, here is some explanation on it.
According to Google, “crawling and indexing are processes which can take some time and which rely on many factors.” It’s estimated that it takes anywhere between a few days to four weeks before Googlebots index a new site. If you have an older website and doesn’t experience crawling, the design of the site may be a problem. Sometimes, sites are temporarily unavailable when Google attempted to crawl, so checking the crawl stats and looking at errors can help you make changes to get your site crawled. Google also has two different crawlbots: a desktop crawler to simulate a user on a desktop, and a mobile crawler to simulate a device search.

Wordpress : W3 Total cache - Object cache issues

I'm helping friends with their blog, their admin panel is incredibly slow. After testing all the plugins, I saw that W3 Total cache was responsible of this slowness, more precisely the Object cache option. If I disable this option, the admin runs normally, so does the front of the website.
So, why don't I simply disable W3 Total Cache ?
When I do this, some content disapear from the homepage, some text changes...
I'm not sure how Object caching is working, so my question is : Why ? How can I fix this ?
W3 Total Cache tries to speed up the front end of the website by generating and caching HTML responses for each page. As a user requests a page, it is not processed by the bulk of the PHP that makes up wordpress and is quickly served a cached html page.
If the site is large, and the plugin isn't tuned correctly, it can dramatically slow down the admin side (which is run by PHP and not cached by the plugin).
To fix this, you will have to find the right balance on how often certain pages / post types are cached. If the site isn't a busy one, or if speed is not an issue (I can't see how speed wouldn't be an issue but that's an opinion) you are safe to remove the plugin.
W3 Total Cache has some good information on helping someone determine the settings that should be used. Use that info, along with page view stats to figure out your next steps.

Fixing slow response time for resources

I have a Magento website and I have been noticing an increase in warnings from Catchpoint that various images, CSS files, and javascript files are taking longer than usual to load. We use Edgecast for our CDN and have all images, CSS, and JS files hosted there. I have been in contact with them and they determined that the delays happen when the cache for the resource has expired and it must contact the origin for an updated file. The problem is that I can't figure out why it would take longer than a second to return a small image file. If I load the offending image off our server (not from the CDN) in my browser it always returns quickly. I assume that if you call up an image file directly using the full URL to the image file (say a product image, for example), that would bypass any Magento logic or database access and simply return the image to you. This should happen quickly, and it normally does, but sometimes it doesn't.
We have a number of things in play that may have an effect. There are API calls to the server for various integrations, though they are directed at a secondary server and not the web frontend. We may also have a large number of stale images since Magento doesn't delete any images even if you replace them or delete the product.
I realize this is a fairly open ended question, and I'm sorry if it breaks SO protocol, but I'm grasping at straws here. If anyone has any ideas on where to look or what could cause small resource files, like images, to take upwards of 8 seconds to load, I'm all ears. As an eCommerce site, it's getting close to peak season, and I can feel the hot breath of management on my neck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Turns out we had stumbled upon some problems with the CDN that they were somewhat aware of and not quick to admit. They made some changes to our account to work around the issues and things are much better now.

website Caching image gallery

I have a website that shows hundreds / thousands of images to users. Users reload the gallery fairly frequently, but their caches are invariably not big enough to save the images from visit to visit, and have to slowly re-download.
What are good ways to ensure that images get cached? I've already ruled out using localstorage. What advice can you give me?
Just to be clear, the http headers are set correctly (folks with big caches get instantaneous loads), just that the browser default caches are not big enough.
Have you considered caching on the server-side like varnish in front of your webserver? If you have enough memory on your server(s) this will help alot on the download-time for your users (and your serverload).
Or are you just interested in client-side cache? If so, it would help if you could post your http cache-headers.
