Vuetify - How can I add v-card actions to the right side of a card instead of the default bottom? - vuetify.js

I'm creating a v-card component using vuetify and would like to find a way to position the v-card-actions button to the right side of the card instead of the bottom. How should I go about doing this?
Please refer to the image below for an example.
Thank you in advance!

Update: I've used the v-row component to perform this, specifically wrapping around 2 divs.


Animation by Scroll

can someone tell me how do this this kind of by Scroll Animation?
Would be so happy if someone can help
Check the source of that page and observe data-slide-id="0" to data-slide-id="4".
Check the position of this attribute using JavaScript and change the background of page accordingly. Change background of absolutely positioned DIV based on element have these attributes (Observe Top of each element and change image). Hope you got logic behind it.

Xamarin GridLayout space between cells

I've got a question about Xamarin Android GridLayout:
How can I make spacing between the cells in a GridLayout?
Thank you very much!
Are you using custom Views for each cell or are you creating all the cells in the layout file?
If you are creating all the cells in the layout file like in this example,
you can use the android:padding attribute on each cell to add the amount of space you want to each element. If you are adapting custom views to the GridLayout, you can use attributes in the layout you are inflating like padding or layout_margin.
You can use android:verticalSpacing and android:horizontalSpacing in your GridView to make spacing between the items. Check this answer here, it might help you:
Increase the grid spacing in android
Hope this solves your problem. Cheers!

KeneticJS HTML5 Canvas draggable and elements on stage

So i am trying to create a stage where i can have multiple items on it that are draggable.. but when the stage is clicked and dragged all the elements move with it.
So far I can only get one or the other to work by adding the 'draggable' property to either.
Has anyone got a solution for how to get this working?
Here is the JSfiddle
I have considered the possibility that I might need to make the containing div draggable using jquery-ui instead of trying to do the whole thing inside the canvas, but ideally wouldnt want to take this route
the correct kineticJs library was not included. Use the correct KineticJs below.
Now, each individual items will be draggable even with stage.
found the solution with the help of the setDraggable() function
Updated the JSFiddle here: :)

3D ScrollView Help - Like music app

I am trying to make a 3D "Wheel" type thing. It will have 3 or 5 items on the page.
The top or focused one will be filling up most of the page, then there will be two zoomed out more and on the sides.
I know it will have to use a scrollView and some animation.
A great example of what I want to do is the music app in lanscape.
How would I go around doing this?
Thanks is advanced,
Have a look at this open source library.
Have a look at this androidlibraries

Positioning multiple AJAX forms in a single DIV

I have been searching for an answer for a couple days now and had no luck.
When using AJAX to bring in multiple forms into a DIV how can I position new forms not on top of the existing form?
I have a menu that calls in new forms into a working area. The new form being called in appears on top of the existing form(s). The forms are draggable but I would prefer to have the new form position itself off of the other one(s). Is there a way to do this?
I am using jQuery to handle AJAX and effects.
I just found out what was wrong. Sorry I didn't see this before. My forms were each in their own DIVs which were getting a 0 height. This is one of those facepalm moments. :P
Thanks for your responses guys. :)
I used the float:left advice and added in the 0 height again. Everything works great now.
If I understand what you are trying to accomplish - you could "float" your forms within your working area and just append new ones into the working area when you need to.
