3D ScrollView Help - Like music app - animation

I am trying to make a 3D "Wheel" type thing. It will have 3 or 5 items on the page.
The top or focused one will be filling up most of the page, then there will be two zoomed out more and on the sides.
I know it will have to use a scrollView and some animation.
A great example of what I want to do is the music app in lanscape.
How would I go around doing this?
Thanks is advanced,

Have a look at this open source library.

Have a look at this androidlibraries http://listview.android-libraries.com/


AngularJS2.0 Tile Homepage Animation To New Page

I am starting on a new website project using AngularJS 2.0.
However, I have a particular idea which I have no idea how to work out.
The website would work as follows: (I have put a link down here with multiple images that I hope can illustrate my idea).
Homepage with 20 rectangles, all having a different background color and some text and maybe a picture inside of it.
When clicking on one of the rectangles, the background of that tile will animate to a new page. The color of the header of that "new" page would be the color of the background of the tile. I think this should be done using the routing module right?
How can I achieve this? Should I be using like 20 different components on the home screen which I somehow animate to a new page using routing or should I do something else?
I am kinda new to AngularJS but I'd love to learn more, would be great if anyone could help me out with this.
Thanks in advance

add background image and push it to the back scene

A simple question. I have already finished my app with full functionality and I now need to add background images to make it look nicer. However, if I simply add on top of each view an image view, the image appears in the foreground, covering the buttons/textfields etc. How do I get round this?
Also, one of the views of my app is a scroll view. Should this be treated differently concerning background images?
OK - I found the (very simple one-click) solution: editor>arrange>send to back...

3d view fold animation iOs 5

I'm developing a iOs 5 app. I would like to animate a view with a 3d fold effect. I mean: fold de view in 3 parts, like when you fold a paper to put in an envelope. I've seen some posts but they don't explain it well.
Someone can help me?
A friend linked me to this project which shows how to do the "Flipboard" style animation as well as a couple of other techniques.
This might get you started.

UI Like Youtube in Android (Tablet)

I've spent 2 hours looking for a solution. I need to make a design
like the Youtube UI (Tablet UI) where it shows a vertical scroll, but
in each row there are 4 videos (landscape view). I've tried to do
something similar, but i couldn't =(
Is there any place where i can get the source code of the youtube
application for Tablet? Or maybe some resource to solve this? :(
BTW, my try was designing UI with scrollView, LinearLayout and my_item.xml, i tried to inflate my_item.xml adding programmatically into the linearlayout (horizontal orientation), but it doesn't work in the way that i want. I need something like a linearlayout but with horizontal and vertical orientation at the same time (something like a div).
I was thinking to use a ListView and a custom adapter (with my_item.xml), but i'm not sure if this can be the best solution.
You should create seperate resources for each layout.
For example if the user is in Portrait mode you would have the correct layout in.
layout-port: layout for portrait orientation
layout-land: layout for landscape orientation
Read more on providing alternative resources here
Also i would recommend to read more on Handling runtime changes
This will help you with recognizing when the user changes orientation. You could actually use this guide and when the user flips the devices orientation you could then change the layout. Keep in mind hard coding this can be dangerous though. I would recommend using the layout folders.
Good luck!
Finally i solve my problem.
It works with a linearLayout(vertical) and adding linearlayout(horizontal) for each row. And obviously managing my scrollview.
BTW, i still think android should have a layout like a "div".
Thxs all

Grow Images on Hover like Google Images

Hey everyone, I am trying to accomplish something with images growing on hover like the fancy grow mouseover effect on google images.
Here is what I have:
The tooltip is offset and is based on the walter zorn tooltip. What's the best way to have the mouseover popup grow out just like google images (with the text), instead of following the mouse?
(I still need it done with the same tooltip - maybe overwrite it, but it must be present to pass the text and image, it's just the positioning and display method of it that I need help creating, any samples would be appreciated)
You might want to look at JQuery.
this might be a good start http://jsfiddle.net/ZwhEu/
