Animation by Scroll - animation

can someone tell me how do this this kind of by Scroll Animation?
Would be so happy if someone can help

Check the source of that page and observe data-slide-id="0" to data-slide-id="4".
Check the position of this attribute using JavaScript and change the background of page accordingly. Change background of absolutely positioned DIV based on element have these attributes (Observe Top of each element and change image). Hope you got logic behind it.


Lottie animation not working correctly

I developed this one pager which has Lottie Animation SVG
using the BodyMovin JS Script
Here is a link
Notice when you get to to the middle part where the title is:
You have this animation:
The screen get stucked and the scroll effect is bad in that section
I don't know why it happens
and I can't get any answer anywhere
can anyone assist?
apparently some containers are not yet in the DOM when you're trying to load the animations. You should make sure the element exists before loading an animation.
For example the element 'coin-mobile' doesn't seem to be present when loading the animation.

Does the react-virtualized Masonry component support setting the scrollTop or scrollToIndex values?

I've implemented a Masonry layout that adjusts dynamically to the window size and it all works very well. I calculate its height and width and reset the cell measurements when any outside dimensions change.
I just need to be able to programmatically slide into view a specific item while it is being edited as well as scroll back to top programatically. Is this possible? I've tried to set scrollTop or scrollToIndex but it has no effect (unlike List). I have the feeling that I'm missing something obvious.
Thank you!
Unfortunately, the Masonry component does not currently support a scrollTop prop (other than a partial support required to work with WindowScroller). I would be willing to review a PR adding this functionality, but whether it landed would depend on the complexity. :)

Set background to an listview

I want to set an background to my listview that have different size (depending the appearance of softkeyboard). My list view is in between the editboxes and I want my editboxes always to be visible (means I do not want to use adjustPan).
My problem comes in the moment when the android adjust the size of my listview and the background get tweaked. I want my background to remain the same, just to be cropped.
and I want to look something like this
Is there any style that I can add that will make the image act like this, the point is to do NOT do an resize and to fill the whole available area. And to DO something like a CROP , means to show as much as there is an space and then the rest just to be cropped.
I found some workaround for the problem I want to solve. I set the scaleType with "centerCrop" value and it seems to work fine.
I hope this will save time to someone else having this problem...
Try in your Manifest to add
android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" or "adjustUnspecified"
for your <activity
Read more about values here:
I would put the listview in a linearlayout and put the background on the linearlayout.
As for the textbox at the top, if you have not figured that out, use relativelayout.
Here is a good link about the view being re-sized by the keyboard:
Here is a good link for the button staying on top:
Add Image at above of listview

Displaying an image when hovering a label

I'm wondering if there is a simple and quick way of displaying an image when the user hovers a QLabel...
Since QLabel can be used to display QPixmap, I would like to display some kind of "preview" when hovering a QLabel...
Do you guys know how I could manage this ?
Thanks in advance !
You can set the tooltip to use html, including <img> tags. Will that do what you need?
As described in the docs, you can override the object's event handler if you need to do something fancier in a tooltip than can be done by default. (such as selecting a particular area of an image to put in the tooltip)
As long as you set the button size large enough, you should be able to capture the mouse-over events and display on mouse-over... but this seems like a somewhat strange way to go about things. Why not display all the images at first?
For those who are interested in the result proposed by jkerian :
Simply :
MyLabel->setToolTip("<html><img src="+MyImagePathAsString+"/></html>");
Will result in :
Thanks again to jkerian.
I don't know what kind of layout your QLabel is in, but I'm guessing it will cause weird layout changes if you just set the pixmap on the label when mouseovering it. Rather use a tooltip or just display a pixmap freely on the canvas.

Disabling interstitial graphic when using cfdiv binding

Is there a way to keep the "Loading..." graphic from appearing when cfdiv refreshes? I'd like to prevent the flicker of loading the graphic then loading the new html.
By adding these lines at the bottom of the header, it overwrites the "Loading..." html and seems to prevent the flickering effect in both IE and FireFox:
<script language="JavaScript">
While this seems to do the trick, it would be nice if there was an officially supported way to customize the loading animation on a per page or per control basis. Hopefully they add support for that in ColdFusion9.
I don't think there is currently a way to do this programmatically within the cfdiv tag. If you really want to get rid of that "Loading..." message and the image, there are a couple places you can look.
You can rename or delete the image, which is located at: CFIDE\scripts\ajax\resources\cf\images\loading.gif
That only gets rid of the animation. The "Loading..." text can be blanked out to an empty string, and is defined in: CFIDE\scripts\ajax\messages\cfmessage.js
Making these changes will obviously have an impact on tags other than cfdiv, but if you are looking to eliminate this behavior in one place, I'm sure you won't mind killing it everywhere else too. :)
I'd love to see a cleaner way to do this if anybody else has any ideas.
This is by no means a comprehensive or an elegant solution, but I found using negative margins on adjacent elements can "cover" the animation. I don't know if this method works in all cases, but for my particular case it worked. The animation appeared next to a binded text field, to the right of which was a submit button. The layer was floated to the right. I used negative margin on the submit button and it covered the animation without affecting the layer alignment.
Another measure I did was to check the layer structure, and added the following code to my css be sure:
#TitleNameloadingicon {visibility:hidden;}
#TitleName_cf_button {visibility:hidden;}
#TitleNameautosuggest {background-color:#ffffff;}
You can create functions to change the message prior calling the ajax load that can set the message and image to a new value.
function loadingOrder(){
_cf_loadingtexthtml="Loading Order Form <image src='/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/resources/cf/images/loading.gif'>";
function loadingNavigation(){
_cf_loadingtexthtml="Loading Menu <image src='/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/resources/cf/images/loading_nav.gif'>";
(these will eventually be rolled into a single function that will take both a text_value and an image_path parameter)
In some of my processes that load both a main and left nav cfdiv I use a function like this:
function locateCreateOrder(){
