How to connect aurora serverless v2 postgres to discourse server? - amazon-aurora

I can change these settings after the database is created :
DISCOURSE_DB_HOST: <IP or hostname>
Update this things in database
CREATE USER discourse PASSWORD 's3kr1t';
CREATE DATABASE discourse OWNER discourse;
\c discourse
But I am not sure how can I create the compatible database on aws, postgres version should be greater than 13


Connecting Oracle Database to Firebase

I am developing an app that lets users connect to their Oracle database with the help of a database address, username, and password. I am creating this app on flutter with a connection to firebase. Is there any way to connect firebase to the Oracle database? Or is there any way to connect directly to the Oracle database from flutter?
The users' database has already existed for a long time, so migrating it might not be an option.

How to connect to Oracle on SSMA tool?

Hope you can help. I'm trying to connect to an Oracle database using SSMA for Oracle.
I have created an Oracle VM on azure as highlighted below
the VM got created
I have added the firewall rule to allow 1521 port.
and created the DB as mentioned below
however I could not connect to the Oracle instance using SSMA
it is throwing the below error
and if I try with that account
it is not accepting the password
What is the Username and password to be used?
I was able to fix this issue by using the "system" account instead of "sys" or "sysdba", passsword for "system" account is same as "sys" account.
and could convert the schema
and I see the progress as highlighted below
as well as I could migrate the data
and status is as shown below

How can connect a Laravel Project to SQL instance on GCP? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Connect local Laravel environment to Google Cloud SQL - MySQL
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
For my project I'm currently using Laravel 5.8 and my database is deployed on Their service provide an hostname (, a database name and a user (same as the database name)
I use these data to make the connection in my .env file:
The service is a bit slow and I'm trying to move to GCP. I have already created an instance and a database. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get an hostname address, but I can't
Is there a way to get these same data of an instance created on GCP?
If you are trying to connect to Cloud SQL from you can just follow the Cloud SQL documentation
In order to set a username and a password you can set them with this command
gcloud sql users set-password root --host=% --instance [INSTANCE_NAME] --password [PASSWORD]
Then you can look for the connection name of your instance using this command:
gcloud sql instances describe [INSTANCE_NAME]
After this, you can connect to your Cloud SQL using the proxy following the procedure stated in the documentation. You will get a dbSocket address to connect
dbSocket = '/cloudsql/INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME';
mysqli = new mysqli(null, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName, null, $dbSocket);

How to connect apex user with oracle sqldeveloper

I create new user in Apex 19. I want to connect apex user with oracle sqldeveloper. I have oracle database 12c and Apex 19 Installed.
Anyone know how to connect?
You can't connect to an APEX user via SQL Developer. You need to use/create a database schema account.
You can create database accounts by first connecting to your database using a DBA account (e.g. SYSTEM or SYS). Alternatively, if your APEX workspace was created using the defaults it may have created a database schema account as well, so if you know its password you may be able to connect to it via SQL Developer as well.
Connect as you connect to any other user - provide its username and password.
Apex is installed into the database (it is yet another user in there)
I presume you created a new database user via Apex, while mapping workspace to a database schema
if you chose "New", Apex created a new database user for you - that's the one you want to connect to, right?
as you know its username (you set it) as well as its password, use those credentials in SQL Developer

Configuring Oracle Apex on Amazon AWS ec2 and Oracle RDS

I am trying to configure Oracle Apex on Amazon AWS ec2 and using Oracle RDS as Database instance. I have registered as free user for learning purpose. This is the first time I am configuring ec2 + ORDS for oracle Apex.
While i am configuring ORDS for Oracle Apex (ec2) and hitting command: java -jar ords.war
It asks to "Enter the username with SYSDBA privileges to verify the installation [SYS]:" but I my user doesn't have SYS privileges and I am unable to grant SYS privileges to it.enter image description here
Could some help me out with this. I am stuck at this point and unable to start APEX due to this.
I have attached the error
According to user MichaelB#AWS (Amazon staff account):
For the issues with ORDS, you should skip (by entering "2") steps
involving the ORDS schema and PL/SQL gateway. The ORDS schema is not
required to support the APEX RESTful listener, and is not currently
supported on RDS Oracle. The specific options may vary between
versions of ORDS.
The APEX+APEX_DEV options do not create the correct ORDS users, in particular there's no ORDS_METADATA created which is where most of the important ORDS packages and data are stored. Without SYSDBA (not available on RDS) you won't be able to install ORDS either.
From the documentation:
the minimal ORDS.war configuration and associated schemas needed to get APEX working is available on Amazon's RDS as a replacement for the deprecated APEX Express Listener. It isn't a complete install of ORDS for RESTful services.
The solutions are:
Wait for Amazon to support ORDS on RDS
Install Oracle yourself on an EC2 instance and forget RDS
