Connecting Oracle Database to Firebase - oracle

I am developing an app that lets users connect to their Oracle database with the help of a database address, username, and password. I am creating this app on flutter with a connection to firebase. Is there any way to connect firebase to the Oracle database? Or is there any way to connect directly to the Oracle database from flutter?
The users' database has already existed for a long time, so migrating it might not be an option.


Connect JDeveloper application to Oracle Live SQL

I am new to ADF/JDeveloper. I'd like to configure my ADF Web application to Oracle Live Server, since I'm using a Mac computer, which are not supported by Oracle's database distribution, I have tried to use Oracle VM but it freezes my Mac.
Needs information on database configuration panel are:
Host name
JDBBC port
Oracle does not provide database connection information for the database behind If you want your own cloud database, you should look into setting up an Oracle Cloud Free Tier database. If you configure your database using the Always Free options, you should be able to have your database around for free forever.

Oracle SQL Developer not able to detect services in oracle wallet

We are using Oracle wallet to connect to Cloud database which works fine for one instance. We also have on-prem database where the wallet was provided by the customer and when I select the wallet the service names are not detected. Does that show that there is an issue with the cwallet.sso & ewallet.p12 files provided by the customer. We are using 19.2 SQL Developer.

How to connect apex user with oracle sqldeveloper

I create new user in Apex 19. I want to connect apex user with oracle sqldeveloper. I have oracle database 12c and Apex 19 Installed.
Anyone know how to connect?
You can't connect to an APEX user via SQL Developer. You need to use/create a database schema account.
You can create database accounts by first connecting to your database using a DBA account (e.g. SYSTEM or SYS). Alternatively, if your APEX workspace was created using the defaults it may have created a database schema account as well, so if you know its password you may be able to connect to it via SQL Developer as well.
Connect as you connect to any other user - provide its username and password.
Apex is installed into the database (it is yet another user in there)
I presume you created a new database user via Apex, while mapping workspace to a database schema
if you chose "New", Apex created a new database user for you - that's the one you want to connect to, right?
as you know its username (you set it) as well as its password, use those credentials in SQL Developer

How to deploy oracle apex application on client machine

I have created oracle apex application in oracle apex 18.0. Now I want to put it online so that end user can access it. I have searched for solutions but it's all showing deploying the application in Oracle workspace only. Will it need to install all Oracle stuff in client machine too? Can't I upload it on the server and provide URL to the client?

Is Oracle Instant Client an actual database?

I want to create a small dev database just to use for developing my application. I've downloaded the Oracle Instant client and followed the directions to "install" (ie, copy/paste and set up some environment variables), but I can't find any information on how to connect, login, create database, etc, or even exactly what Instant Client is, specifically. So, a few specific questions:
Is Instant client just a set of drivers and components that allow you to connect to an existing database, or can you use Instant Client to create and administer a completely new database?
If it CAN be used to create a new database:
How do you "start" (or similar concept) the database so that it is ready for connections.
Because there is no installation, and no default configuration, I haven't set up a default schema, port, etc. So, what is the default connection information to connect to the database for the first time?
For example, I use SQL Developer to connect to and administer my remote database, so how could I connect to Instant Client from SQL Developer?
The client is JUST a client.
You'll want to download the Oracle Database installs. The easiest would be the XE (Express Edition) - it's free, and gets going on windows or linux pretty quick.
You'll then install the server software and THEN create a database. Then you can use your client to connect to said database. You can use your client now to connect to any Oracle database running on any server that you can see on your network.
There are more alternatives.
I talk about this in more detail here.
