Warning error while converting YAML to CSV - ansible

I am getting below warning error while converting data in a YAML file to CSV.
Skipping key ($ManagementNetworkSubnetMask) in group (ps_script) as it is not a mapping, it is a <class
Eventhough this error is not causing any harm , curious what to know what is causing this error. The playbook and YAML repo file using to convert to CSV is as below.
Repository YAML file
Variable: 'value'
$VIServer: 'Servername'
$VIUsername: 'Username'
$VIPassword: 'Password'
- name: Enabling WorkLoad Cluster using NSX-T
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- central_repo.yml
- name: Creates directory
path: /home/test/NSX-T/
state: directory
- name: create csv from central yaml
create: true
path: /home/test/NSX-T/NSX-T.csv
line: "{{ item.key + ',' + item.value }}"
loop: "{{ lookup('dict',ps_script) }}"


How to copy files to a destination with variable in ansible?

I have a destination for file copy as a variable file_path, how can I copy files to that destination using template/copy modules?
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: variable
command: echo "emptyDir"
register: file_path
- name: check var value
var: file_path
verbosity: 2
- name: copy mod
src: "{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ file_path }}"
mode: 0755
- "file1.txt"
- "file2.txt"
If copy module is used
copyModule error
If template module is used
templateModule error
But throws some dict - string error.
Any help is appreciated.
Check the issue could be with stdout, need to use file_path.stdout. Else it will be a dictionary.

fetching contents of json file and modifying the content using ansible

I have JSON file with contents
{ "server": "{{server}}" , "notes": "{{notes}}" }
and ansible-playbook as below: (to upload a lambda with the environment variables)
- hosts: localhost
server: localhost
notes: hello this is localhost
- name: Lambda creation/updation
name: ansible_test
state: present
region: "eu-west-1"
role: 'arn:aws:iam::xyz:role/xyz_lambda'
zip_file: '{{ item.path }}'
runtime: 'python3.6'
environment_variables: "{{ lookup('file','/env_variables.json') | from_json }}"
handler: 'lambda_function.lambda_handler'
How can I use the above-mentioned "env_variables.json" file format to insert the environment variables with values mentioned in the "vars" directive of playbook.yml?
Use include_vars for that.
- name: Load data from json
include_vars: file=/env_variables.json
If this file is outside of normal lookup pathes, you can use set_fact module:
- name: Load data from json
loaded_data: '{{ lookup('file','/env_variables.json') | from_json }}'

Ansible - Filter host groups by prefix

I'm trying to fetch the names of host groups in Ansible that have a specific prefix. Right now, I'm trying to delegate a template task to servers under host groups with the prefix "config_".
I'm using json_query which uses JMESPath expressions. The query however is incorrect. Can anyone guess what I'm missing?
- name: Create configsvr config file
template: src=mongod.conf.j2 dest={{ mongod.conf.path }} owner=mongod group=mongod mode=0600
delegate_to: "{{ groups|json_query([?starts_with(#, `config_`)]) }}"
Error msg:
FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "template error while templating string: unexpected char u'?' at 22. String: {{ groups|json_query([?starts_with(#, `config_m`)]) }}"}
You should simply use built-in patterns to select your target hosts.
- hosts: conf_*
- name: Create configsvr config file
src: mongod.conf.j2
dest: "{{ mongod.conf.path }}"
owner: mongod
group: mongod
mode: 0600
You can improve your inventory by using groups of groups, like so:
And then target conf group in your playbook:
- hosts: conf
- name: Create configsvr config file
src: mongod.conf.j2
dest: "{{ mongod.conf.path }}"
owner: mongod
group: mongod
mode: 0600

ansible reading variable from json file

i am new to ansible world. trying to providing all variable from json file, but its not accepting. it shows and error variable undefined
below is my json file
below is my playbook
gather_facts: false
hosts: "{{Server}}"
ignore_errors: true
name: "find no of Tomcat Instance available on the Server"
src: "{{ JENKINS_HOME }}/workspace/{{ PName }}/instance/"
dest: /apps/tech/{{IName}}
group: "{{IGID}}"
owner: "{{IUID}}"
mode: 0755
replace: "dest='/apps/tech/{{IName}}/scripts/set_env.sh' regexp='<DEPARTMENT NAME>' replace='{{IDEPT}}'"
replace: "dest='/apps/tech/{{IName}}/scripts/set_env.sh' regexp='<RECIPIENT>' replace='{{IRECPT}}'"
replace: "dest='/apps/tech/{{IName}}/scripts/set_env.sh' regexp='<TOMCAT INSTANCE NAME>' replace='{{IName}}'"
replace: "dest='/apps/tech/{{IName}}/scripts/set_env.sh' regexp='<USER ID>' replace='{{IUID}}'"
name: "Ansible Template Example"
src: tomcat_server.j2
dest: /apps/tech/{{IName}}/conf/server.xml
mode: 0777
i am below while executing the ansible playbook - error says variable undefined
test.example.com:~/final:$ ansible-playbook configure-tomcat-instance.yml --extra-vars "#test.json"
ERROR! the field 'hosts' has an invalid value, which appears to include a variable that is undefined. The error was: 'Server' is undefined
The error appears to have been in '/home/jbosscfg/final/configure-tomcat-instance.yml': line 3, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
gather_facts: false
^ here
You refer variables as if they are at the top level, whereas they are under Tomcat key.
Use hosts: "{{Tomcat.Server}}" or reformat your json file to eliminate Tomcat level.

Getting variable values from url

i am new to ansible and i am trying to achieve the following,
This is the sample playbook, here i am creating a reg key called "test" under HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\ and i am adding 2 entries with items called hello and hi and i am assigning single same value "world" to both hello and hi.
i want to get the value for hello and hi from some file which will be stored in a repository or some url ..the value will be different for hello and hi.. is this possible ?
- hosts: web
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item }}"
data: world
type: string
state: present
- hello
- hi
Some improvement here for a newbie, i am able to iterate through with_items with key value , but i want to have a file with key:value and i want the ansible to iterate through all the left side keys and create them and also fill them with the right side values..that is the entry in win_Regedit should have key and data should have values
- hosts: web
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item.regkey }}"
data: "{{ item.regvalue}}"
type: string
state: present
- regkey: hello
regvalue: world
- regkey: hi
regvalue: universe
To include variable from some file, you can use the include_vars module:
file: vars.yml
Edit What you want to do is probably something like below (did not try the win_regedit as I don't have any windows node):
Create a vars.yml:
var1: 'key1'
var2: 'key2'
d1: "{
'{{var1}}': 'val1',
'{{var2}}': 'val2'
Then launch the following playbook (see the with_dict statement):
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: my_user
- name: pull var_file
url: http://example.com/path/to/vars
dest: /path/to/vars.yml
mode: 0440
- name: include_vars
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item.key }}"
data: "{{ item.value}}"
type: string
state: present
with_dict: "{{d1}}"
Kudos to this answer for the with_dict trick
Use uri module.
- hosts: localhost
remote_user: my_user
- name: pull var_file
url: http://example.com/path/to/vars
method: GET
return_content: yes
register: vars_from_url
- name: Create and add reg entries
path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\myapp\Desk\Test
entry: "{{ item.key }}"
data: "{{ item.value}}"
type: string
state: present
with_dict: "{{ vars_from_url.content }}"
