ansible reading variable from json file - ansible

i am new to ansible world. trying to providing all variable from json file, but its not accepting. it shows and error variable undefined
below is my json file
below is my playbook
gather_facts: false
hosts: "{{Server}}"
ignore_errors: true
name: "find no of Tomcat Instance available on the Server"
src: "{{ JENKINS_HOME }}/workspace/{{ PName }}/instance/"
dest: /apps/tech/{{IName}}
group: "{{IGID}}"
owner: "{{IUID}}"
mode: 0755
replace: "dest='/apps/tech/{{IName}}/scripts/' regexp='<DEPARTMENT NAME>' replace='{{IDEPT}}'"
replace: "dest='/apps/tech/{{IName}}/scripts/' regexp='<RECIPIENT>' replace='{{IRECPT}}'"
replace: "dest='/apps/tech/{{IName}}/scripts/' regexp='<TOMCAT INSTANCE NAME>' replace='{{IName}}'"
replace: "dest='/apps/tech/{{IName}}/scripts/' regexp='<USER ID>' replace='{{IUID}}'"
name: "Ansible Template Example"
src: tomcat_server.j2
dest: /apps/tech/{{IName}}/conf/server.xml
mode: 0777
i am below while executing the ansible playbook - error says variable undefined$ ansible-playbook configure-tomcat-instance.yml --extra-vars "#test.json"
ERROR! the field 'hosts' has an invalid value, which appears to include a variable that is undefined. The error was: 'Server' is undefined
The error appears to have been in '/home/jbosscfg/final/configure-tomcat-instance.yml': line 3, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
gather_facts: false
^ here

You refer variables as if they are at the top level, whereas they are under Tomcat key.
Use hosts: "{{Tomcat.Server}}" or reformat your json file to eliminate Tomcat level.


Ansible playbook conditionals

I'm trying to put together playbook that works for both Windows and Linux. Now I'm trying to include roles in playbook that will be taken only if Windows or Linux, but it always complains about syntax. I'd appreciate any help on this as I've tried few different approaches and it always failed.
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
- name: (localhost) make sure the known_hosts file is cleared
path: ~/.ssh/known_hosts
state: absent
regexp: "^{{ ansible_host | replace('.', '\\.') }}.*$"
- hosts: all
serial: 1
- name: (debug) print out some debug message to confirm inventory is properly set up
msg: "System inventory_hostname:{{ inventory_hostname }} ansible_host:{{ ansible_host }}"
- hosts: all
- name: Install CA Trust Certs Windows
include_tasks: tasks\install-certs-windows.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'Windows'
- name: Install CA Trust Certs Linux
include_tasks: tasks/install-certs-linux.yml
when: ansible_os_family != 'Windows'
- { role: ansible-role-runnersbasics, tags: ["basics"] }
- { role: ansible-role-docker, tags: ["docker"] }
- { role: ansible-role-gitlab-runner }
when: ansible_os_family == 'Windows'
ERROR! We were unable to read either as JSON nor YAML, these are the errors we got from each:
JSON: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Syntax Error while loading YAML.
did not find expected key
The error appears to be in 'playbook.yml': line 33, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- { role: ansible-role-gitlab-runner }
when: ansible_os_family == 'Windows'
^ here
When removing curly braces from roles and moving when on the same level as roles
ERROR! We were unable to read either as JSON nor YAML, these are the errors we got from each:
JSON: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Syntax Error while loading YAML.
mapping values are not allowed in this context
The error appears to be in 'playbook.yml': line 30, column 43, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
role: ansible-role-runnersbasics, tags: ["basics"] }
^ here
In a word: DON'T
Alright, that's two words if you want to get picky about contractions.
Anyway.... Group your servers by OS, then work on them separately:
- hosts: Linux
gather_facts: no
# Do Linux stuff
- hosts: Windoze
serial: 1
# Do Windoze stuff
Resolved by using method that #Khaled provided (thanks again!)
- role: ansible-role-runnersbasics
tags: ["basics"]
when: ansible_os_family == 'Windows'

Warning error while converting YAML to CSV

I am getting below warning error while converting data in a YAML file to CSV.
Skipping key ($ManagementNetworkSubnetMask) in group (ps_script) as it is not a mapping, it is a <class
Eventhough this error is not causing any harm , curious what to know what is causing this error. The playbook and YAML repo file using to convert to CSV is as below.
Repository YAML file
Variable: 'value'
$VIServer: 'Servername'
$VIUsername: 'Username'
$VIPassword: 'Password'
- name: Enabling WorkLoad Cluster using NSX-T
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- central_repo.yml
- name: Creates directory
path: /home/test/NSX-T/
state: directory
- name: create csv from central yaml
create: true
path: /home/test/NSX-T/NSX-T.csv
line: "{{ item.key + ',' + item.value }}"
loop: "{{ lookup('dict',ps_script) }}"

Syntax to pass dynamic variables to include_tasks along with with_item in Ansible playbook

Executing parent.yml which in turn calls child.yml playbook for execution with dynamic variables.
Variables from parent.yml aren`t interpolated inside child.yml playbook. Correct me if I am using correct syntax?
- name: Main playbook to call MySQL backup
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- include_task: child.yml
var1: "{{ }}"
var2: "{{ item.db_name }}"
- { name: '', db_name: 'prod1' }
- { name: '', db_name: 'prod2' }
child.yml (Takes mysqldump from managed DB)
- name: MySQL dump
hosts: localhost
#gather_facts: no
# v1: "{{ var1 }}"
# v2: "{{ var2 }}"
- name: Executing the shell script
shell: 'mysqldump -h "{{ var1 }}" -u"ansi" -p"*****" "{{ var2 }}"| gzip > /tmp/mysql_dump/"{{ var2 }}"_`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`.gz'
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"reason": "no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.\n\nThe error appears to be in '/home/ansible/playbooks/DBpatch/Linux/child.yml': line 1, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: MySQL dump\n ^ here\n"}
include_task expects a list of tasks but you give it a complete playbook.
Child.yml should only contain what is currently below the line "tasks:".
See also

Ansible Standard Loop Not working

I have written the following ansible script
# Playbook file: loopplay.yml
name: loopplay
hosts: centos2
- loopplay
name: looptask
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
groups: "wheel"
- testuser1
- testuser2
However, I keep on getting the following error:
The error appears to have been in
line 10, column 13, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the
exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
name: looptask ^ here
Can someone let me know where I might be going wrong?
you should fix the indentation first.
here is a sample yml to get you started fixing your own:
- name: loopplay
hosts: localhost
- loopplay
- name: print something
msg: "test msg"

Ansible variable check in playbook

I have in the vars file the databases configured as the following:
- { project_db_name: "project1", project_db_user: "user", tenon_db_password: "pass" }
- { project_db_name: "project2", project_db_user: "dev", tenon_db_password: "pass2"}
- { project_db_name: "project3", project_db_user: "{{datadog_mysql_username}}", project_db_password: "{{datadog_mysql_password}}" }
Now in a playbook I have a check:
- name: copy config.json template to server
tags: provision
template: src=config.json dest={{ project_root }}/config
when: item.project_db_name == "project2"
with_items: project_dbs
But the when check is failing. Any idea how to make that work?
The error message looks like this:
fatal: [test]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "The conditional check 'item.projects_db_name == \"project2\"' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (item.projects_db_name == \"project2\"): 'unicode object' has no attribute 'projects_db_name'\n\nThe error appears to have been in '/var/lib/jenkins/project/ansible/roles/project2/tasks/main.yml': line 28, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: copy config.json template to server\n ^ here\n"}
You use an outdated syntax called "bare variables" in with_items:
with_items: project_dbs
This way your item becomes a string object with the value of project_dbs and Ansible reports it doesn't have the attribute ("'unicode object' has no attribute 'projects_db_name'").
In Ansible 2.x you should quote variables in the following way:
with_items: "{{ project_dbs }}"
That said, your task makes no use of the values from the loop. The following will have the same effect:
- name: copy config.json template to server
tags: provision
template: src=config.json dest={{ project_root }}/config
Instead of using when you could just filter the list of project_dbs so it looks like this:
- name: "copy config.json template to server"
tags: provision
template: src=config.json dest={{ project_root }}/config
with_items: "{{ project_dbs | selectattr("project_db_name", "project2") }}"
