How to set up properly screenshots folder path for cypress-mochawesome-reporter? - mocha.js

My Mochawsome report created under installed cypress-mochawesome-reporter plugin doesn't contain screenshots as their path is wrong and contains not existing directory "screenshotscypress": "cypress/report/screenshotscypress/screenshots/". How to get rid of it? Screenshots for the failed tests are created properly and stored in "cypress/screenshots" folder by default. They are successfully copied to "report/screenshots" folder after test run is finished. But report itself contains only screenshot's icon but not the screenshot itself. Click on this icon displays the path mentioned above and containing "screenshotscypress" directory.


File path shown different between IDE and working directory - using git

I'm git newbie and developing using Xcode.
As I mentioned in title, the file path shown different between IDE and working directory.
The file path that Xcode shows me is:
However, in the working directory shows me is:
The remote repository has the same file path as the working directory.
At first, I created FolderA, which included Model folder and DummyModel.swift.
Later, I created FolderB and moved the Model folder hear. And deleted FolderA. I think I modified DummyModel.swift after moved it, but I don't remember clearly.
Why did this problem occur?
What should I study to understand this problem?

unable to take IPA from xcode build step to App Center Distribute step, but Publish Artifact works

I have an xCode build task (version 5) that builds and signs without error. I can then use the publish artificats step to be able to manually download the file from the pipeline.
I need to publish this file to app center though, but even when using the $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\filename.ipa - it's unable to find the file.
I have tried running a bash script to find the file ls -R, but I haven't been able to locate where the file is placed that the xcode step is building.
Error from App Center:
[error]Error: Cannot find any file based on /Users/runner/runners/2.160.1/work/1/s/filename.ipa
Did you specifically copy or stored the ipa file in folder $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)? the pipeline task would not find the ipa file if it didnot exist in folder your specified.
You can check the archive path parameter for Xcode task. The ipa file is placed in the folder defined in archive path. You can specify a place to store the ipa file. For below example i place the ipa file in folder $(system.defaultworkingdirectory)/archive. Then in the following task I will refer to the ipa file by the path $(system.defaultworkingdirectory)/archive/*.ipa
If you leave the archive path to its default value. You can refer to the ipa file with wild-cards **\*.ipa which means the pipeline will search all the file with ipa extension within current working folder.
You can also check the xcode pipeline example here.

How to use RCPTT Folder Context in Maven?

Let me know about how to mavinize Folder Context in RCPTT!
FYI: I have created a folder context (my_folder_context.ctx referring to a remote folder). First I click "Apply" button after opening the .ctx file in RCPTT tool to copy the contents to AUT location than execute the test cases to get the test data.
But while automating the same I don't find any entry for *.ctx file in RCPTT-maven-plugin. For suites we have below:
...but the same I didn't find for *.ctx files or any way to refer the folder context from ECL script .
Yes the short answer is this is NOT possible as the foldercontext is obviously not a testcase. You can only add the test case inside test suit.And it does not make any sense to execute a foldercontext file which is not doing any thing and no result or report can be generated out of it.
By the way let me share few of my learning here:
1)Folder context can be used while recording time in rcptt but runtime it's of no use. Basically it's like a mapped directory for a remote location available inside your rcptt tool.
2)I had provided the test data location at runtime and the same I achieved through below:
Go to RCPTT->Run configurations ->VM Arguments append -D"testdatalocation" (without double quote) and provide below
in ECL script :
set-dialog-result Folder [substitute-variables "${system_property:testdatalocation}"]
or in your maven pom.xml file :

No such file or directory in MAC Terminal

I want to access to a directory of an xcode project that contains cocoapods (firebase framework) in my Desktop! But I keep getting: No such file or directory!
I tried to access to another non-project folder and it worked.
It also worked when I tried to access to a project folder that does not contain cocoapods!
I don't know why I could not access to any project folder that contains cocoapods!
When I list the contents of the desktop I got:
There is an # in the properties
What does that means and how can I access to the folder?
I just want to upload it to the Github? any solutions?
BusinessWallet is probably a framework bundle, which means that it is actually just one file, but appears as a directory in Finder. You can copy individual files out of it in Finder.
If you need programmatic access to contents inside the bundle, take a look here:

How to bundle an openframeworks application in xcode (relative resource linking?)

An trying to get openframeworks to build me my application so that i can open it from anywhere and it will load the needed images from within the apps Resources folder.
I believe this is relative linking?
I have done it before, on an older xcode and oF 61.
To do this i dragged the needed images into the project file on the left and added it to the executable target, with in a 'build phase' -> 'copy files'.
Been trying all sorts of methods, ofSetDataPathRoot() which solved the problem last time isnt working for me this time.
Any ideas/help would be appreciated!
First you need to tell xCode to copy your /bin/data directory into your application bundle by adding a build phase:
1. Click on your project in the Project Navigator
2. Select "Build Phases"
3. Toggle open the "Run Script" section and paste in the following:
cp -r bin/data "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$";
Then tell your app where to find the data folder relative to itself within the bundle.
Inside the setup method of your oF app:
ofSetDataPathRoot() should solve this problem. Perhaps you are setting the replacement root path incorrectly?
Try calling ofToDataPath() yourself on a string path and print out the result, then use Terminal and cd inside the .app bundle to check if the path sounds correct. Paths are expressed relative to the location of the actual executable inside the .app bundle, so if the executable is at and the data files are at then ofToDataPath( "texture.png" ) should return something like ../Resources/texture.png.
You can double-check the current working directory ( in my example) by calling getcwd(), open up a terminal and type man getcwd for more info on that.
oF now sets data path root and does internal calls to ofToDataPath() by default. What version are you using?
Have you looked inside the product's package contents to make sure your resources are getting copies in the proper build phase?
