How to bundle an openframeworks application in xcode (relative resource linking?) - xcode

An trying to get openframeworks to build me my application so that i can open it from anywhere and it will load the needed images from within the apps Resources folder.
I believe this is relative linking?
I have done it before, on an older xcode and oF 61.
To do this i dragged the needed images into the project file on the left and added it to the executable target, with in a 'build phase' -> 'copy files'.
Been trying all sorts of methods, ofSetDataPathRoot() which solved the problem last time isnt working for me this time.
Any ideas/help would be appreciated!

First you need to tell xCode to copy your /bin/data directory into your application bundle by adding a build phase:
1. Click on your project in the Project Navigator
2. Select "Build Phases"
3. Toggle open the "Run Script" section and paste in the following:
cp -r bin/data "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$";
Then tell your app where to find the data folder relative to itself within the bundle.
Inside the setup method of your oF app:

ofSetDataPathRoot() should solve this problem. Perhaps you are setting the replacement root path incorrectly?
Try calling ofToDataPath() yourself on a string path and print out the result, then use Terminal and cd inside the .app bundle to check if the path sounds correct. Paths are expressed relative to the location of the actual executable inside the .app bundle, so if the executable is at and the data files are at then ofToDataPath( "texture.png" ) should return something like ../Resources/texture.png.
You can double-check the current working directory ( in my example) by calling getcwd(), open up a terminal and type man getcwd for more info on that.

oF now sets data path root and does internal calls to ofToDataPath() by default. What version are you using?
Have you looked inside the product's package contents to make sure your resources are getting copies in the proper build phase?


Copy build to a different directory after finishing building

When I build my project with Xcode 8, it saves the final build in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-[add-lots-of-random-chars-here]/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos. Is there any way to make Xcode copy the app bundle to a user-specified path after building it? e.g. how can I make Xcode copy the built app bundle to /MyBuilds after building it?
I know that I can change the path for storing derived data in my project's settings in Xcode but doing so will of course make Xcode store all data (including intermediate stuff like object code etc) in this location which I don't want. I really only want Xcode to copy the final, ready-for-distribution app bundle to a user-specified location without any intermediate files used in the build process.
How can I do that?
The solution using a script in "Build Phases" does not work properly since Xcode is not finished building the app when running the script. Here is a solution with a script that runs after all build tasks are finished:
Go to "Edit Scheme"
Click on the triangle next to "Build"
Select "Post-action"
Press the + button and select "New Run Script Option"
Select your app name in "Provide build settings from"
Add the following shell script:
cp -R "${PRODUCT}" ~/Desktop
Add a shell script to your build phases to copy the product:
cp -R "${PRODUCT}" ~/Desktop
Certainly replace ~/Desktop with a target directory of your choice.

How can I dynamically set my app's build number without dirtying my source tree?

I'm using git-svn and I'm trying to embed my revision number into my iOS app. At the moment, I have a build phase which runs the following script:
SVN_REVISION=$(git svn find-rev HEAD)
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $SVN_REVISION" "$INFOPLIST_FILE"
The problem with this is that, since the repo always contains the previous revision, the script always makes my Info.plist dirty.
Is it possible for me to dynamically set my app's build number without dirtying my source tree?
1) Add a new target to your project of type "Aggregate", e.g. you may name it "Update Info.plist Prefix Header"; just use that as "Product Name" in the dialog.
2) Add a Run Script build phase to this new target with the following source code:
SVN_REVISION=$(git svn find-rev HEAD)
3) Add an output file to your script, name it
4) Open the Build Phases of your iOS app.
5) Add the aggregate target you created before as dependent target (add it to "Target Dependencies"). This means Xcode will always first build this target before it will build your iOS target.
6) Open the Build Settings of your iOS app.
7) Search for the setting "Info.plist Preprocessor Prefix File" and change it to exactly the same value you used for the output file in step (3).
8) Search for the setting "Preprocess Info.plist File" and make sure it is enabled.
9) Open your current Info.plist file and change the value of CFBundleVersion to SVN_REVISION. Do not use $(SVN_REVISION) or ${SVN_REVISION}; this is no build setting or environment variable replacement, this is a preprocessor replacement, so just use SVN_REVISION.
That's it. Each time you build your iOS app, Xcode first builds the aggregate target, which updates the PCH file, and when it builds your iOS app, it will run the Info.plist file through the C pre-processor (using the PCH file as prefix header) before copying it to your application. The pre-processor will replace SVN_REVISION since it is defined as a macro in your PCH file.
Important Notes
Some people may think it is a better idea to use $(DERIVED_FILE_DIR) instead of $(CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR). Well, in theory they are right, yet there is just one problem in practice: The derived file dir is different for every target, while the configuration temp dir is the same (it is only different for every build configuration). When using derived file dir, the PCH file is written to the derived file dir of the aggregate target, yet when building the iOS app, Xcode will search for this file in the derived file dir of the iOS app and thus it won't find the file.
Some people may also think it is a better idea to just add the Run Script phase that updates the prefix header as the first build phase of you iOS app instead of creating a separated target for it (this would also resolve the derived file dir issue mentioned above). Again, nice idea in theory but cannot work in practice: If preprocessing is requested, the Info.plist is preprocessed before the first script phase is even executed, so if the PCH file does not exist already or has not been updated already, either the build terminates with an error or an outdated SVN revision is written to the plist file. That's why you need a separate target for this task that is guaranteed to be build before your actual target is.
Mecki thank you for the excellent answer! I applied the same concept to set a version timestamp and the current git SHA for the build.
FYI I just ran into a small issue. It seems that, at least in Xcode 5, if you specify an output file the script step uses it as a cache, so no matter the changes I made to my actual app code the script reported that it had ran but the values were not the current ones...
I had to move the output file declaration to the script itself to solve the issue, i.e. added
to the top of my script.
Additionally the original plist should also be touched in order for the build step to copy the new values in, so I also added
after the previous output file declaration. This touch operation does not make git detect the change as commit-able.

Create archive without Xcode

I am building an Xcode project from console over ssh (I can use only xcodebuild command), but there are no schemes in the project (user forgot to make schemes shared). xcodebuild allows to pass "archive" parameter only if building scheme (-scheme), but that is not an option for me.
So the question is: is it possible to create archive using only target?
I investigated .xcarchive directory, it contains Info.plist file (which contains information about application), dSYMs directory (containing myapp.dSYM) and Products/Applications (containing directory. I also noted that the file size of binary in .xcarchive's .app is 2 times smaller than in .app that is in Release directory. I guess it is because of code signage.
Can I simply copy files from Release directory (.app and .dSYM) to .xcarchive and create Info.plist there to create archive? Or are there any other steps that I must take?
yes, archives are only folders you can make yourself.
look at ANY archive and try to replicate the folder structure. (changing the appname as required)

How do I use Mogenerator?

I installed Mogenerator. Now what do I do? How do I use it?
The first problem I have is that I have no idea where it was installed to. During the install process, it only let me select the hard drive to install it on, not the directory. The most natural location would be the Applications folder, but it isn't there.
Next, the readme (which I found online) states:
Xmo'd works by noticing when your
*.xcdatamodel is saved. If the model file's Xcode project item comment
contains xmod, an AppleScript is fired
that creates a folder based on your
model's file name and populates it
with derived source code files from
your model. It then adds the new
folder to your project as a Group
Reference and adds all the source
files to your project.
There are several issues with the above statement that aren't clear:
What does "the model file's Xcode project item comment" refer to? How can I make it contain "xmod"?
Is adding this comment and having mogenerator monitor the .xcdatamodel file the only way to use mogenerator? Is there any way I can manually run mogenerator so that it recreates the generated files?
One more caveat to be aware of: You have to already set the Class properties of your entities to something different than NSManagedObject. Otherwise Xmo'd won't do anything.
Note: Xmo'd currently doesn't work with Xcode 4/5, afaik.
What I do is just add a "MOGenerator" target in Xcode:
Go to your project and click on "Add Target..." in the "Targets" section.
Choose "iOS -> Other -> Aggregate"
Go to "Build Phases"
Select from the Menu "Editor -> Add Build Phase -> Add Run Script Build Phase"
Paste your MOGenerator command into the Run Script section, for example:
cd "${PROJECT_DIR}/MyApp"
mogenerator --human-dir Classes --machine-dir MOGenerated --model MyApp.xcdatamodeld/MyApp.xcdatamodel --template-var arc=true
Now you can update your MOGenerator-generated by simply running this target.
mogenerator is a script that is installed into your developer directory as I recall. However it might be installed into the Xcode scripts directory under your ~/Library.
What do you mean by manually triggering the application? You can trigger a build by "touching" the data model. Any save on the data model will trigger the build
In Xcode if you select the model file and hit ⌘I you will get its metadata. Click on the comments tab and add xmod there. mogenerator looks for that comment to know if it should generate files.
You can run mogenerator from the command line as well as have it monitor your files. Type mogenerator --help in the Terminal to see the options.
I searched my hard drive and found the following files:
The application is installed to: /usr/bin/mogenerator.
The /Library/Application Support/mogenerator/ directory contains some .motemplate files.
⌘I doesn't work in Xcode 4 any more. please check out the command line tool. Here is the doc
Studying line 22 of make_installer.command, I found that /Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/Xmod.pbplugin is also installed.
And then, searching mogenerator GitHub Issues for "uninstall," I found official instructions on how to uninstall mogenerator from the creator himself.
using mogenerator:
download mogenerator
run and build the mogenerator project
locate the built file in the product group
copy the built file in to /usr/bin directory
in the terminal copy this code and hit enter:
mogenerator -m /Users/hashem/Desktop/Projects/myApp/myAppModel.xcdatamodel -O /Users/hashem/Desktop/Projects/myApp/managedObjects --template-var arc=true
NOTE: here first I have entered myApp.xcdatamodel file path, and next path is the location of generated files. if the file path contains space character be sure to add \ character before space in the file path. like /desktop/xcode\ projects/myApp/....

How do I use a relative path in Xcode project settings?

How do I use a relative path in Xcode project settings?
All paths in Build Settings are assumed relative to the directory that contains the .xcodeproj file. Use the standard Unix path tokens
. project directory
.. parent directory
So if your project file is trunk/Mac/proj.xcodeproj, and your headers are in trunk/Headers/foo.h, you would add ../Headers to your Header Search Paths.
Also there are two paths: $SRCROOT and $SDKROOT.
In the upper left corner next to the build/stop buttons, click on the name of your project and Edit Scheme...
In the left column, click on Run
Click on Options
Put a check next to Working Directory: Use custom working directory.
You can then change the relative path to anywhere you want.
EDIT: This is for Xcode 4.1
For Xcode 5:
Click on Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme.
Then follow ulu5's instructions: Click "Run", Click on "Options", and check the box "Use custom working directory."
The various answers currently here which recommend setting the working directory when executing a project by editing the scheme and then choosing whatever directory you want are missing what seems like a key part of the question: Relative Path. If you just use the file navigator in the UI you'll get an absolute path, likely with your own home directory in it, which isn't so good if the project you're working on is shared with other people.
To specify a working directory relative to the project folder in there, find the "Working Directory" field in the scheme (In XCode 10.1, that's Product | Scheme | Edit Scheme, then Options, then check "Use Custom Working Directory"), and use $PROJECT_DIR to get the path relative to the project.
Using Xcode 9:
It may be intended for Xcode to always use relative file paths based on the directory that contains the xcodeproj, but sometimes this does not seem to be true, and in my case this may have been due to the fact that the project (directory and all) was copied from an earlier version. I had to do:
Target(top left)->Edit Scheme->Use Custom Working Directory
and then specify to use the directory containing my project file.
