Issues in launching Pentaho Kettle spoon on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS - x11

I have untared the latest kettle stable version pdi-ce-4.3.0-stable.tar.gz and then tried to start spoon by typing from the command prompt. But it fails with the following exception
**org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles [gtk_init_check() failed]**
**at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(Unknown Source)**
I have spent quite a lot of time searching for the solution and all those pointers in vain till now.
I installed the following based on the instructions on several forums:
Xorg, X11
But none of these helped. Thinking that spoon may depend on the X-Windows server, i tried to check if its running and used the command startx on Xinit to start the X server. But unfortunately, it failed with the error as follows
Fatal server error:
no screens found
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: No such file or directory
xinit: server error
I am clueless now. Can you please guide me?

Seems you are trying to start kettle spoon from a real console. this is not going to work. you need a real X session. Spoon is a GUI, so login under your X environment (usually GDM).
sudo apt-get install gdm
After that, open a gnome console and execute ./ . Maybe you are trying to exetute or those will run fine under console without graphic envionment.


Trying to set up PSQL and i get this error :

I am trying to start a Spring project using a PSQL database.
I have installed PSQL using Homebrew but,
When i run :
brew services start postgresql
I get this error:
Error: Failure while executing; /bin/launchctl bootstrap gui/501 /Users/[myusername]/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist exited with 5.
I am following this tutorial:
Using a mac which is up to date.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
So my postgres service was started apparently.
Therefore when i was trying to start it again it causes an error.
Fix was to stop it and re run.
This error is due to the fact the server is already running. We need to stop and start it.
For Mac Users:
brew services stop postgresql
brew services start postgresql
EDIT: This may be a track, but it doesn't happen for me again since I updated to Monterey and running PSQL13
A full computer restart did solve it for me.
PS: I think the problem is related to the checkbox on log off "Reopen windows when logging back in".

XAMPP Errors on Mac OS X Mojave

I am running MacOS Mojave 10.14 with XAMPP 7.2.5
Earlier today, I tried to start up XAMPP after a crash/restart. XAMPP Manager was unable to start the MYSQL Server. Apache did start correctly.
Figuring there was a potential corruption, I used my Time Machine to restore my XAMPP folder (to a 36-hour old file) in Applications.
Now when I try to run XAMPP Manager, I get a "Cannot find any readable ctl script" error message.
I've tried to run MYSQL Server directly from CLI. I receive the following message:
./mysql.server: line 200: my_print_defaults: command not found
Starting MariaDB
ERROR! Couldn't find MariaDB server (/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysqld_safe)
Any thoughts on how to resolve?
The issue has to do with a quirk with Time Machine - it does not completely regenerate all recorded folders/files. A bit of a pain.
I was able to run XAMPP from the command line:
-> cd /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles
-> sudo ./xampp start
To check on MYSQL status:
-> mysql status -u [username] -p [password]
Issue resolved
I spend a day on this and the solution in my case was:
Uninstall XAMPP
Delete all files except my databases folders from ⁨Applications/XAMPP⁩/xamppfiles/var⁩/mysql (there was some .err and log files if I remember well)
Reinstall XAMPP
Reconfigure it. If you use different user than root to access your databases you need to recreate it.
I got the "Cannot find any readable ctl script" error after a Time Machine restoration, too. I'm on 10.12.6 and XAMPP 5.6.
You are correct that it appears to be a TM issue, but I was able to resolve it by entering TM and specifically selecting the directories in XAMPP/xamppfiles/ that TM would not copy over by just selecting XAMPP/xamppfiles/. (In your case, you would not want to copy over /var/mysql, assuming you want to keep your data.)
Relief. There's nothing worse than realizing your trusty backup is not so trusty.

Installing Open Project 7 (Apache error: Service Unavailable)

Here is the original question:
I'm trying to install Open Project 7 in a brand new Ubuntu instance at Digital Ocean.
I've follow the instructions at, but it's not working.
After the complete of installation and the run of the openproject configure command, i have selected options to install both MySQL and Apache server. When it's all done, i'm unable to connect to my server.
My enviroment:
Ubuntu 16.04
At logs, i can see two strange messages.
bundler: failed to load command: unicorn (/opt/openproject/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/bin/unicorn)
Second is a warning:
WARN -- : You are setting a key that conflicts with a built-in method OmniAuth::AuthHash::InfoHash#name defined at /opt/openproject/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/bundler/gems/omniauth-8385bc0da47e/lib/omniauth/auth_hash.rb:34. This can cause unexpected behavior when accessing the key via as a property. You can still access the key via the #[] method.
W, [2017-06-13T01:01:17.860764 #25822]
I don't know if the warning is related to problem, but i think that the unicorn problem is.
Answering my own question here:
I suspected that the package had some problems so i decided to install it using manual installation. The newest documentation i found was an old Ubuntu 14 step-to-step tutorial, adapted from older versions of Open Project. I decided to follow it and after a lot of adaptations i got able to finish the installation process.
This is the tutorial:
Now I'm writing another step-to-step tutorial based on it, modifying all required steps to perform a clean installation on Ubuntu 16.

mongodb: restart after removing lock file

I'm on OS/X Macbook and recently installed mongodb to try my hands on it. I installed it using shell commands. I scrapped some data and passed into it and when I tried looking for it, the connection was getting failed. On googling the root cause, I found there was some mongodb.lock file, and I removed it using bash command.
Now, I'm trying to restart using the following command
sudo service mongodb restart
However, it is saying
sudo: service: command not found
in addition, if I start mongodb by navigating to folder and then using the command ./bin/mongo, it displays the following error:
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.7
connecting to: test
2015-11-08T14:47:56.965+0800 W NETWORK Failed to connect to, reason: errno:61 Connection refused
2015-11-08T14:47:56.967+0800 E QUERY Error: couldn't connect to server (, connection attempt failed
at connect (src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:179:14)
at (connect):1:6 at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:179
exception: connect failed
can someone please help how to resolve it.
AFAIK there is no service command on Mac. And ./bin/mongo runs a shell client, you need to run .bin/mongod with relevant --dbpath argument. You can find more info here
Like Yuri wrote, there is no service command on OS X. You need to manage MongoDB yourself by starting it with the mongod command.
An Alternative is to install MongoDB via MacPorts.
After you successfully installed MacPorts, you simply install MongoDB with
sudo port install mongodb
You can start MongoDB quite easily then with
sudo port load mongodb
and stop it with
sudo port unload mongodb
mongo is the client. You haven't had the server running, so it is only natural that you can not connect to the server.
Some side note: OS X is not very close to Linux. OS X is based on a flavor of BSD-UNIX, which in turn is based on Research UNIX. Linux started as a free implementation of Minix, based on GNU utilities. So assuming that you'd have Linux tools available on the OS X command line is pretty dangerous. Often, the tools (if present) even share the name, but are different implementations of the same functionality with some differences in usage. So, get it in your head: With OS X, you do not use the hipster version of Linux – you use BSD on steroids. Hence, I will remove the "linux" tag and add the OS X tag.

installing appflower on xampp for linux

I've been trying to figure out this problem for a while now and I thought I'd ask it here on stackexchange in case somebody out there has tried this and successfully got it to work.
I'm trying to install a RAD webapp tool called AppFlower through Xampp for Linux.
I am also experiencing issues with the command below:
symfony afs:init
symfony: command not found
This is the final command used to start up the AppFlower Studio dev environment, but this command doesn't work.
I have tried using:
./symfony afs:init
Same error as above
php ./symfony afs:init
gives a php error saying it isn't installed, but this is Xampp for Linux, so that command won't apply
/opt/lampp/etc/php.ini ./symfony afs:init
it will give a permission denied error, but even with 'sudo' in front, it says 'command not found'
The solution posted on the appflower forum is for xampp itself, but the problem I have is that they use the php.exe command to run the 'symfony afs:init' command, which xampp for linux doesn't have. The closest thing I could think of was to use the php.ini file, but (as seen above) that doesn't work.
Hopefully somebody can assist regarding this issue.
Note. The process to run appflower on a manual version of lamp (one in which php, mysql, apache are all downloaded separately) is a lot more complex and the xampp installation is supposed to be much easier (in fact it is) but at the last point of this installation, this 'symfony afs:init' command is the only problem.
If you are already using Linux, why not install AppFlower directly. It's pretty straightforward, maybe i lost something on the way, understanding why you use XAMMP for Linux.
Installation instructions for AppFlower on Ubuntu,
