Joomla Custom component with sample form in admin - joomla

I need a sample form in administrator having add,edit,delete options to manage "success stories" in my web app.
I searched to get sample component to install.
If i get that, i will change form according to my app & table too.
Please help me by giving link resource that suits my requirement. I am sorry to ask this, i am new to joomla.
Thanks in advance,

Take a look at the Joomla Component Creator:


Croogo - allows users to add a pictures on a blog site

I am a new user of Croogo. I need to create a website, like a blog, where users can post and add pictures.
But I don't know how can I proceed, the admin can post trough the admin panel but what about users ? Which function should I use ?
I didn't found any tutorial on the web and I don't know how it works.
Thanks you for your help.
Better try to create it in the Vendor/croogo/croogo/Nodes path in the respective controller and view folder. You can start from here. Hope this will help you.

Magento Custom Module Creation

I want to build a custom interface (See PSD) for the user to add social urls and display an icon if not empty. I did something similar in WP but no idea how to do it in Magento. I was wondering if someone can help or point to a tutorial. Thanks a lot
You can read this series by Alan Storm:
"Magento For PHP MVC Developers"

development magento form for frontend

I am developing an extension for magento. I want to add a form in frontend to add "title" and "description". I searched a lot but failed to find good magento module development tutorial
Someone please guide me how to add form and its validation for magento
See below your it is very help full to you.
Custom Module with Custom Database Table
Front-End Editor Extension for Magento Commerce
please see above the URL and let me know if not working.

Magento create landing page with registration fields

I'm having e-commerce store built in magento. As by marketing point of view we planned to create a landing page which contains all registration fields and we'll run a separate adcampaign only for that to collect user's info.
I don't have any idea to do this.
Please give me a suggestion to make it possible.
Thanks in advance.
Not exactly what you asked for but If you need to get users to login/register on your site right away when they visit, you could use this lovely extension.

Joomla (Add New Contact Parameters to Contact in Jooma1.5)

I am New to Joomla and this is my First Project I am working on in JOOMLA
Well I have Template Named News Line by Youjoomla ( Most of you Might Have heard about it)
here is my Questions
Well My Client gave me a sudden change in the requirement that he needs some additional parameters in a every contact
Which are Like
Registration Number
Company Name
and More.....
Well Can Anybudy Teach me how to add new parameters to contact in Joomla 1.5
it is a Little Bit Urgent
If you are using the default Joomla contact system then adding custom parameters is rather hard. You will be better off using a Contact Component such as aiContactSafe. You can find more here aswell. Hope this helps and good luck with your first Joomla project
