How to make threaded comments work in my theme? - comments

I am trying to make the threaded/nested comments work in my theme, but wiht no success. Tried code snippets, custom js codes and other alternatives, but cant make it work. Already enqueued the scripts in child theme's functions.php. Tried do enable/disable comments options im my theme preferences, but nothing has changed. Switched to Twenty-Twenty and worked fine. Dont know what else to do. Am kind of new in wordpress development. This is the testing website:
Appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.


Magento Extension not work properly on backend

I have an issue with Ves Contentslider of VenusTheme as it dose not load properly on backend. It still works fine on front end but we cannot do any configuration as it's control panel does not load the content. This is pretty weird as we have not changed any thing in our site recently. Please have a look at the screen shot below to have better understanding. Thank you in advance.
Screen shot
I just fixed this issue and thanks to the Venus Theme team for the quick and accurate suggestion. I did compress the js&css files and it stop the website rendering the js&css codes properly. That is why the configaration panel did not load on the admin site. So, I just need to go to the back end and navigate to Configuration/Advanced/Developers/JavaScript Settings(CSS Settings) and chose No option for the Merge JavaScript Files(Merge CSS Files). Then everything work perfectly again. This is good to know when we consider compress our CSS and JavaScript files. Cheers

How properly add a custom event in a PHPBB 3.1 style?

First time working "deep" with phpbb.
I'm adapting OneAll phpbb plugin for Comboot theme, and I have a particular issue about it.
For clarity, here is the (fork of) theme i'm working, and here is the repository of the adaptation. Different for prosilver, it have more places where login can be made directly (in navbar, or in the home page). Due to this, i needed to make some extra events to call the social icons from oneall to the theme, but they arent been called.
What are missing?
Thanks in advance
Nailed my problem.
After inserting the text "IT WORKS" in the first line of both custom events html files, they're showed correctly in the right place. So both custom events works like intended.
Maybe i accidentally something very bad with the oneall code (maybe stripped too much) it doesn't show.
So, case closed. Thanks all for the help!

How to change prestashop theme dynamically

I would like to establish an alternative theme for all my website visitors except for me.
If is not possible natively or by a module I would like to know where I can add a little conditions code that will redefine the theme during the page loading.
Thankz for your help
Finally, it seem that is not possible.
Setting Maintenance mode is the only way for do this kind of thing.

Magento frontend and backend page looks different

I am a newb in magento and recently started looking at it to create a store for my client.
I am not sure but i tried installing firephp extension and soon after that I’m having my screen looks like the screenshot. ** please check the link provided!
Do I have to make any installations to get everything working as normal or what am I suppose to do to go to the normal screen. I have also changed the inline translation option to NO if thats what it requires.
Any help would be appreciated.
Cheers I have also posted this question on the magento forum
Looks like you turned on some sort of template building helper that shows what templates generate which parts of the page.
Some quick googling found this, which appears to be the one. Look for "Template Path Hints" in the settings and turn it off.

No Magento Header & Custom Navigation

I can't seem to figure out how to disable the header as a whole. I have installed the blank theme, and have been playing in the page XML, but to no avail. I also cannot seem to switch from 2columns-right to 2columns-left, even though i've run searches for every damn file that includes the phrase and swapped it. I'm wondering if it's just not displaying to me, but I've disabled my catch, repeatedly clear it, and have even tried disabling cookies. Anyway, once all this is done, how do i add static pages and my own navigation.
Sorry I know this covers several questions, but I have been tirelessly searching and experimenting on my own to no avail.
I can answer the part about adding new static pages.
Go to Admin , Under CMS->Manage Pages ... choose add new Page
Well, I have some of the problems. I did lots of modification to default/mystore/layout/something.xml but saw nothing happen in the frontend.
Then I did the same modification in default/default/layout/something.xml and now changes where done.
For now for me it seems that I can only modify template files in default/mystore/template but not layout files in default/mystore/layout.
Maybe your issue is the same, that Magento is using the default files and not your theme files?
