No Magento Header & Custom Navigation - coding-style

I can't seem to figure out how to disable the header as a whole. I have installed the blank theme, and have been playing in the page XML, but to no avail. I also cannot seem to switch from 2columns-right to 2columns-left, even though i've run searches for every damn file that includes the phrase and swapped it. I'm wondering if it's just not displaying to me, but I've disabled my catch, repeatedly clear it, and have even tried disabling cookies. Anyway, once all this is done, how do i add static pages and my own navigation.
Sorry I know this covers several questions, but I have been tirelessly searching and experimenting on my own to no avail.

I can answer the part about adding new static pages.
Go to Admin , Under CMS->Manage Pages ... choose add new Page

Well, I have some of the problems. I did lots of modification to default/mystore/layout/something.xml but saw nothing happen in the frontend.
Then I did the same modification in default/default/layout/something.xml and now changes where done.
For now for me it seems that I can only modify template files in default/mystore/template but not layout files in default/mystore/layout.
Maybe your issue is the same, that Magento is using the default files and not your theme files?


Cannot open a link in new tab

I am trying to fix this problem, can anyone suggest me what is occurring this ?
This website is build in wordpress, there are some links here which opens in the same page but opening in the new tab will return only these contents,
Before I answer the question, I noticed that your hierarchy is a bit out, if your using custom post types, you will probably need to do some rewrites to fix that up so your SEO isn't effected too much.
As for your problem about the links, I clicked on every link I could find and couldn't get to the page you linked to as being the problem. It might just be stored in your cache and needing to be cleared.

Magento - template displays correctly once Layouts in Cache Storage is Disabled

I have created a custom mini-header & mini-footer phtml file that I use within a Magento installation but only on the checkout pages. (These are basically very minimal header/footers with very little content)
IF (any CHECKOUT page)
Use mini-header & mini-footer
Use the default header/footer files for that theme.
I have a CMS static block called 'Footer Links' that will sometimes seem to override my own 'mini-footer.phtml' - it is inconsistent, sometimes on a checkout page I will see my mini-footer and another times it obvious that the 'Footer Links' static block is appearing (with 15+ html links).
At the moment the only I way I can force Magento to use my custom mini-footer.phtml is to DISABLE the 'Blocks HTML output' Cache Storage Management within the Magento Admin, however I want to have this option ideally turned on for a live site for extra speed performance.
Can anyone suggest what to do?
File this one under Works as Designed, although your question is a little unclear. Using stateful information within a cached block or the template of a cached block will lead to one state being added to the cache, and your conditional won't run again until the cache expires the entry.
As for a solution, it's not 100% clear from your question how you've set this up. You say you have a
Then you have some conditional logic, but you don't mention where this conditional logic is.
Then you say you have a CMS static block called Footer Links.
You don't mention how mini-header.phtml or mini-footer.phtml are added to your layout.
You don't mention how you're adding the CMS static block.
All these details will matter if you want to find a solution to your question.
I have the same issue here. After installing a theme extension, I have come to notice that things go haywire when I click on a category: Static blocks appear in random locations. To sum it up, I got better results by disabling "Blocks HTML Output" cache.
I am tempted to try to install a different cache implementation.
My theme designer mentioned to me that this is a well known bug and that patching would help solve the problem. Although I was not able to solve the problem with a patch, I was able to solve the problem by upgrading C.E. from to

Wrong URL used when accessing article through a module

I have an annoying problem and am hoping someone will be able to help.
We use quite a few extensions on our Joomla site (Roksprocket mainly but also Global News Filter for instance).
The modules themselves are working fine however when I click on an article in one of these modules the article opens but it doesn't use the nice URL that should be displayed (we have Search Engine Friendly URLs set to Yes and Use URL rewriting set to Yes). This happens for all modules that draw off a category (so I don't think its linked to a specific extension).
For instance on our Case Studies page if you click on Read More on the RSA Case Study you get this URL
but what you should get is the menu item URL associated with this article which is this
I don't think there is anything wrong with our .htaccess as I reverted back to the default Joomla one and it still occured.
Also this used to work perfectly. I first noticed it around October or November last year.
If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it, I've googled the problem many times and not found any help.
Due to a Joomla bug. Fixed by overwriting the route.php file as described in this post:

Template issue - Halogy

I have just installed Halogy on my MAMP localhost. I've followed the instructions here to set up all my folders and this is working fine. Dashboard looks good. However, my default template is empty. And, no matter what I put in it, after editing and saving - the markup is still empty. So I cannot get any editable fields in my pages whatsoever. When I edit my page content its just empty. I have also tried creating a new template and applying that to a new page. Same results. I am scratching my head here. Does anyone have any ideas as to what's gone wrong?
I could help you, since I've been working exclusively with and extending Halogy for about 8 months now. But, I need more details, since this behavior could be attributable to any number of issues. For example, what does the page source look like? Also, please note that, if you're not logged into Halogy, unpublished pages will not appear. However, your default home page should be visible. Have you searched the Halogy forum and/or posted your question there?

Joomla! 1.5 Category Blog Layout parameters update in database but not when displayed

I apologize if this is an easy question and I was just googling the wrong keywords. It's been a few years since I've used Joomla! but got handed a site to make some changes to, that someone else originally developed and can't seem to figure out what's going on. I'm running Joomla! v1.5.26.
I'm trying to add a blog section to the site, so I created a blog section and category and then I created a new "Category Blog Layout" in my menu and set the Columns value to 3:
However, whenever I view the page, it keeps showing 2 columns. So I went to phpMyAdmin and found the menu in jos_menu and confirmed that the database did in fact get updated:
So next I opened up /components/com_content/views/category/tmpl/blog.php and added this to to the top of the PHP file to see what values were being loaded:
print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';
Which produced the following results on the front end:
[num_leading_articles] => 1
[num_intro_articles] => 4
[num_columns] => 2
[num_links] => 4
So for some reason, even though I've set the values to update, and they do in fact update in the database, they are not updating on the front end. I've tried clearing the cache and all that fun stuff, without much luck. If it was just "num_columns" having an issue I could probably just override that functionality. However, it appears to be doing the same thing with all of the parameters, not just number of columns. I'm just using that as an example.
I haven't ruled out the possibility that it's a conflict with some third-party plugin yet, but am trying to see if maybe I'm missing something obvious and someone can point me in the right direction.
--UPDATE: 12/4/12--
So it appears to be a conflict with the sh404sef plugin. I'm not exactly sure what the deal is quite yet, but when I disable the plugin it works fine, but it happens again once I re-enable it. Now to see if I can figure out what's wrong with the plugin.
In Joomla! 1.5 while the parameters are being saved the implementation is effected/affected(?) by the template in use at the time.
Check your templates index.php, or if present the override for com_content's Blog layout (usually found in yourSite/templates/yourtempalte/html/com_content/category/blog.php
You will probably find the override either doesn't handle the columns or has a bug in it.
Okay so I figured out my own problem. As I stated above, I discovered the problem was with the sh404sef plugin. Apparently anytime you make changes to the menu layout settings, you have to purge your entire SEF URL list and then rebuild it. It seems quite strange that we'd have to do that every time, but I guess that was intentional for some reason. Anyway, it's working now. I just wanted to make sure I posted a solution for anybody else who may stumble across this.
