How to change prestashop theme dynamically - themes

I would like to establish an alternative theme for all my website visitors except for me.
If is not possible natively or by a module I would like to know where I can add a little conditions code that will redefine the theme during the page loading.
Thankz for your help

Finally, it seem that is not possible.
Setting Maintenance mode is the only way for do this kind of thing.


Theme customization of Inkscape

How do I customize my Inkscape theme? F.e. is there a way to show a 'dark' UI theme?
There doesn't seem to be a setting anywhere for it... I've been through all the settings, views and everything else I could think of. I'm currently using version 0.92.3.
Am I just missing something?
If you're on Windows, you need to modify or exchange the gtkrc file:
For Linux, I'm not sure how to achieve usage of a specific theme for a specific application. I'd be interested to learn how that works, though.

Removing magento cms page layout update from mobile theme

I'm using cms HomePage in magento to show my block.
It reuqires some <action>, so I'm adding it on layout update tab. It works fine, but...
This layout update is applied on mobile theme too, what is wrong behaviour. How can i prevent it?
Thanks for any advice.
There is no simple solution... What you want from action? Maybe there is another way for that ;)

Custom data in pyro cms pages, such as images or other data

I'm wondering how in PyroCMS I can add a custom field to a page. Ideally I would like to have an image area at the top of the layout, and have a custom field in pyro that would allow someone to populate that image from the pages module. I realize that there are some image plugins that allow me to attach images to pages, but I would like to be able to add the images directly into the page in the admin (as well as other custom fields for the pages). Even on a separate tab would be fine with me. I'm fine building something if someone can point me in the right direction.
Currently if you want to add a custom field to a page you have to hack the module. This is obviously not ideal and im not really suggesting it, but I had to do it for to add a "Subtitle" field to each page.
2.2/develop is having its Pages and Blogs moved over to Streams, so you can add custom fields to all pages globally, meaning you can add an image in if you like, or append a US State for some reason, or add a slider. Whipee!
So right now: Hack it or wait. 2.2/develop will have your feature in a week or two.
I'm not sure you can do this directly from the pages module yet or not without some customization (possible hacking) though, I just asked and will update if possible.
In the meantime this might be helpful:
Consider looking into PyroStreams. for this though, it will require the Pro version of PyroCMS or you can purchase it from Parse19 directly.
You might find this article helpful about organization and page layouts.
Here is an article called Dynamic Pages with PyroCMS and PyroStreams though, it's a bit outdated now.
You may also make use of the gallery module, which is free though, I'm not sure this will meet your needs.

Column navigation

Is there any module available for column navigation style for eg. joomla main navigation? . I am using joomla 1.7
I think they might be using IceMegaMenu, which I've tried myself and works really well. I personally think that it should be integreted as a standar feature, as it really chenges the way menus act and is 100% compatible (you may even choose to make it work without js, and results are still great).
PS Hoping that this won't be considered spam, you can see the menu in action, as I've implemented it, at my web site. It's a very standard version, without js.
For a complete overveiw of the features you may have a look at the official Demo, it really looks like relies on IceMegaMenu...

Customizing joomla components and modules. Phoca Gallery case

Im developing a site using Joomla, and one of the requirements of the site is that it uses the Phoca Gallery Component and Module. The problems with these is tthat they have a lot of inline CSS styles, which makes them hard to customize. I've solved this removing the style attributes with jQuery, but it doesn't seem like a very good solution.
What could I do to solve this problem?
This is the site:
just update to newest Phoca Gallery, there are used mostly external CSS.
The only way to do this is to do it properly and get your hands dirty. Change the inline styles and add classes to each html element which you can later style via CSS. It's simple enough but time consuming, but if you want to customise the look and avoid jQuery then this is the way forward.
