I wonder if there is a way to count the number of zero digit in an integer number by using only these operations: +, -, * and /
Others operations such as cast, div, mod, ... are not allowed.
Input: 16085021
Output: 2
It is a major restriction that numbers cannot be compared in a way to know that one is less than the other, and only equality checks can be done.
In my opinion that means there is nothing much else you can do than repeatedly add 1 to a variable until it hits a target (n) and derive from that what the least significant digit is of the original number n. This is of course terribly slow and not scalable, but it works in theory.
Here is a demo in Python using only ==, +, - and /:
n = 16085021
count = 0
while True:
# find out what least significant digit is
digit = 0
i = 0
while True:
if n == i:
digit = digit + 1
if digit == 10:
digit = 0
i = i + 1
# count any zero digit
if digit == 0:
count = count + 1
# shift that digit out of n
n = (n - digit) / 10
if n == 0:
print(count) # 2
Modulo can be implemented with subtractions: a % b = subtract b from a until you end up with something < b and that's the result. You say we can only use the == comparison operator, but we are only interested in modulo 10, so we can just check equality to 0, 1, ..., 9.
def modulo10WithSubtractions(a):
if a == 0 || a == 1 || ... || a == 9:
return a
while True:
a = a - b
if a == 0 || a == 1 || ... || a == 9:
return a
Integer division by 10 can be implemented in a similar fashion: a // 10 = add 10 to itself as many times as possible without exceeding a.
def div10WithAdditions(a):
if a == 0 || a == 1 || ... || a == 9:
return 0
k = 0
while True:
k += 1
if a - k*10 == 0 || a - k*10 == 1 || ... || a - k*10 == 9:
return k
Then we can basically do the classical algorithm:
count = 0
while True:
lastDigit = modulo10WithSubtractions(a)
if lastDigit == 0:
count += 1
a = div10WithAdditions(a)
if a == 0:
Asuuming / means integer division, then this snippet does the job.
int zeros = 0;
while(num > 0){
if(num / 10 == (num + 9) / 10){
num /= 10;
What I am trying to do is to change number that comes after $ sign into 0 in a string. I could do simple "find $ sign then change next thing after it into 0", but the problem is that number may have different number of digits. Another problem is that number might be non-integer like "2.5" so it has to tolerate comma, or negative numbers like "-2"
For example:
I have an equation which is string type: x^(-2) + 4x + 123 + 42.2 + 1
I write it as follows: x^($-2) + $4x + $123 + $42.2 + 1
Output that I am trying to get should be: x^(0) + 0x + 0 + 1
Do you have an idea how to do that?
For now I have came up with idea, but I don't know if such method exist in ruby.
while index('$',x+1) do
x = index('$',x+1)
#function that does translating
In the loop, there could be a function that trims every digit until it find non-numeric character (with exception of starting - and . imitating negative or floating point number) and then puts in that place "0".
r = /
\$ # match '$'
(?: # begin a non-capture group
-(?>\d) # match a hyphen followed by a digit in a positive lookahead
| # or
[\d,.]+ # match one of the characters one or more times
) # end the non-capture group
/x # free-spacing regex definition mode
which is conventionally written as follows.
r = /\$(?:-(?>\d)|[\d,.]+)/
"x^($-2) + $4,000x + $123 + $42.2 + 1".gsub(r, '0')
#=> "x^(0) + 0x + 0 + 0 + 1"
"x^($-2) + $4x + $-123- $42.2 + 1".gsub(r, '0')
#=> "x^(0) + 0x + 023- 0 + 1"
You could use regex with String#gsub like follows:
"x^($-2) + $4,000x + $123 + $42.2 + 1".gsub(/\$-?\d+(\,\d+)*(\.\d+)?/,'0')
#=> "x^(0) + 0x + 0 + 0 + 1"
I've got a question.
1.0X + 1.0Y + -7.0 = 0
How can I print an equation better?
For example, instead of +- 7.0 I'd like to print -7.0; or in a case with zero coefficients.
Prints an equation with full control of formating
a = b = 1
c = -7
puts "%0.1fX + %0.1fY %s %0.1f = %d"%[ a, b, c < 0 ? '-' : '+', c.abs, 0 ]
1.0X + 1.0Y - 7.0 = 0
Documentation: Ruby's % string operator / sprintf
With a few substitutions, you could achieve a much cleaner equation :
equation = "1.0X + 1.0Y - -0.0Z + -7.0 = 0"
new_equation = equation.gsub('+ -', '- ')
.gsub('- -', '+ ')
.gsub(/^\s*\+/, '') # Remove leading +
.gsub(/(?<=\d)\.0+(?=\D)/, '') # Remove trailing zeroes
.gsub(/\b1(?=[a-z])/i, '') # Remove 1 in 1X
.gsub(/[+-]? ?0[a-z] ?/i, '') # Remove 0Z
p new_equation
# "X + Y - 7 = 0"
By the way, as much as I love Ruby, I must say that Sympy is an awesome project. This library alone makes it worthwhile to learn the basic Python syntax.
I want output like this
0 1
0 1 0
1 0 1 0
Just add print " "*(5-i) , Like this:
for i in 1..5
print " "*(5-i)
for j in 1..i
if (i%2 == 0);
k = (j%2 == 0) ? 1:0;
k = (j%2 ==0) ? 0:1;
print k," "
The n-th line is going to have n digits plus n-1 spaces - in case of the fifth line nine chars.
Generate each line as a string and print it using puts
Given inputs 1-32 how can I generate the below output?
in. out
Edit Not Homework.. just lack of sleep.
I am working in C#, but I was looking for a language agnostic algorithm.
Edit 2 To provide a bit more background... I have an array of 32 items that represents a two dimensional checkerboard. I needed the last part of this algorithm to convert between the vector and the graph, where the index aligns on the black squares on the checkerboard.
Final Code:
int row = Index >> 2;
int col = 2 * Index - (((Index & 0x04) >> 2 == 1) ? 2 : 1);
Assuming that you can use bitwise operators you can check what the numbers with same output have in common, in this case I preferred using input 0-31 because it's simpler (you can just subtract 1 to actual values)
What you have?
0x0000 -> 1
0x0001 -> 1
0x0010 -> 1
0x0011 -> 1
0x0100 -> 2
0x0101 -> 2
0x0110 -> 2
0x0111 -> 2
0x1000 -> 1
0x1001 -> 1
0x1010 -> 1
0x1011 -> 1
0x1100 -> 2
It's quite easy if you notice that third bit is always 0 when output should be 1 and viceversa it's always 1 when output should be 2
char codify(char input)
return ((((input-1)&0x04)>>2 == 1)?(2):(1));
As suggested by comment it should work also with
char codify(char input)
return ((input-1 & 0x04)?(2):(1));
because in some languages (like C) 0 will evaluate to false and any other value to true. I'm not sure if it works in C# too because I've never programmed in that language. Of course this is not a language-agnostic answer but it's more C-elegant!
in C:
char output = "11112222"[input-1 & 7];
char output = (input-1 >> 2 & 1) + '1';
or after an idea of FogleBird:
char output = input - 1 & 4 ? '2' : '1';
or after an idea of Steve Jessop:
char output = '2' - (0x1e1e1e1e >> input & 1);
char output = "12"[input-1>>2&1];
C operator precedence is evil. Do use my code as bad examples :-)
You could use a combination of integer division and modulo 2 (even-odd): There are blocks of four, and the 1st, 3rd, 5th block and so on should result in 1, the 2nd, 4th, 6th and so on in 2.
s := ((n-1) div 4) mod 2;
return s + 1;
div is supposed to be integer division.
EDIT: Turned first mod into a div, of course
Just for laughs, here's a technique that maps inputs 1..32 to two possible outputs, in any arbitrary way known at compile time:
// binary 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000
const uint32_t lu_table = 0xF0F0F0F0;
// select 1 bit out of the table
if (((1 << (input-1)) & lu_table) == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
By changing the constant, you can handle whatever pattern of outputs you want. Obviously in your case there's a pattern which means it can probably be done faster (since no shift is needed), but everyone else already did that. Also, it's more common for a lookup table to be an array, but that's not necessary here.
The accepted answer return ((((input-1)&0x04)>>2 == 1)?(2):(1)); uses a branch while I would have just written:
return 1 + ((input-1) & 0x04 ) >> 2;
def f(x):
return int((x - 1) % 8 > 3) + 1
def f(x):
return 2 if (x - 1) & 4 else 1
def f(x):
return (((x - 1) & 4) >> 2) + 1
In Perl:
use strict; use warnings;
sub it {
return sub {
my ($n) = #_;
return 1 if 4 > ($n - 1) % 8;
return 2;
my $it = it();
for my $x (1 .. 32) {
printf "%2d:%d\n", $x, $it->($x);
sub it {
return sub {
my ($n) = #_;
use integer;
return 1 + ( (($n - 1) / 4) % 2 );
In Haskell:
vec2graph :: Int -> Char
vec2graph n = (cycle "11112222") !! (n-1)
Thats pretty straightforward:
if (input == "1") {Console.WriteLine(1)};
if (input == "2") {Console.WriteLine(1)};
if (input == "3") {Console.WriteLine(1)};
if (input == "4") {Console.WriteLine(1)};
if (input == "5") {Console.WriteLine(2)};
if (input == "6") {Console.WriteLine(2)};
if (input == "7") {Console.WriteLine(2)};
if (input == "8") {Console.WriteLine(2)};
It depends of the language you are using.
In VB.NET, you could do something like this :
for i as integer = 1 to 32
dim intAnswer as integer = 1 + (Math.Floor((i-1) / 4) mod 2)
' Do whatever you need to do with it
It might sound complicated, but it's only because I put it into a sigle line.
In Groovy:
def codify = { i ->
return (((((i-1)/4).intValue()) %2 ) + 1)
def list = 1..16
list.each {
println "${it}: ${codify(it)}"
char codify(char input)
return (((input-1) & 0x04)>>2) + 1;
Using Python:
output = 1
for i in range(1, 32+1):
print "%d. %d" % (i, output)
if i % 4 == 0:
output = output == 1 and 2 or 1
My first thought was
output = ((input - 1 & 4) >> 2) + 1;
but drhirsch's code works fine in JavaScript:
output = input - 1 & 4 ? 2 : 1;
and the ridiculous (related to FogleBird's answer):
output = -~((input - 1) % 8 > 3);
Java, using modulo operation ('%') to give the cyclic behaviour (0,1,2...7) and then a ternary if to 'round' to 1(?) or 2(:) depending on returned value.
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i=1;i<=32;i++) {
System.out.println(i+"="+ (i%8<4?1:2) );
1=1 2=1 3=1 4=2 5=2 6=2 7=2 8=1 9=1
10=1 11=1 12=2 13=2 14=2 15=2 16=1
17=1 18=1 19=1 20=2 21=2 22=2 23=2
24=1 25=1 26=1 27=1 28=2 29=2 30=2
31=2 32=1