Best way to write logic for pascal triangle shape in ruby? - ruby

I want output like this
0 1
0 1 0
1 0 1 0

Just add print " "*(5-i) , Like this:
for i in 1..5
print " "*(5-i)
for j in 1..i
if (i%2 == 0);
k = (j%2 == 0) ? 1:0;
k = (j%2 ==0) ? 0:1;
print k," "

The n-th line is going to have n digits plus n-1 spaces - in case of the fifth line nine chars.
Generate each line as a string and print it using puts


How can I count number of iterations/steps to find answers of a method - RUBY

How can I get the number of iterations/steps that this method takes to find an answer?
def binary_search(array, n)
min = 0
max = (array.length) - 1
while min <= max
middle = (min + max) / 2
if array[middle] == n
return middle
elsif array[middle] > n
max = middle - 1
elsif array[middle] < n
min = middle + 1
"#{n} not found in this array"
One option to use instead of a counter is the .with_index keyword. To use this you'll need to use loop instead of while, but it should work the same. Here's a basic example with output.
arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
loop.with_index do |_, index| # The underscore is to ignore the first variable as it's not used
if (arr[index] % 2).zero?
puts "even: #{arr[index]}"
puts "odd: #{arr[index]}"
break if index.eql?(arr.length - 1)
odd: 1
even: 2
odd: 3
even: 4
odd: 5
even: 6
odd: 7
even: 8
Just count the number of iterations.
Set a variable to 0 outside the loop
Add 1 to it inside the loop
When you return the index, return the count with it (return [middle, count]).
I assume the code to count numbers of interations required by binary_search is to be used for testing or optimization. If so, the method binary_search should be modified in such a way that to produce production code it is only necessary to remove (or comment out) lines of code, as opposed to modifying statements. Here is one way that might be done.
def binary_search(array, n)
# remove from production code lines marked -> #******
_bin_srch_iters = 0 #******
begin #******
min = 0
max = (array.length) - 1
loop do
_bin_srch_iters += 1 #******
middle = (min + max) / 2
break middle if array[middle] == n
break nil if min == max
if array[middle] > n
max = middle - 1
else # array[middle] < n
min = middle + 1
ensure #******
puts "binary_search reqd #{_bin_srch_iters} interations" #******
end #******
x = binary_search([1,3,6,7,9,11], 3)
# binary_search reqd 3 interations
#=> 1
binary_search([1,3,6,7,9,11], 5)
# binary_search reqd 3 interations
#=> nil

Ruby armstrong numbers in a range

puts "Enter range(starts at 1), ends at the number that you enter: "
range = gets.chomp.to_i
number = 1
while number <= range
temporary_number = number
sum_angstrom = 0
number += number
while(temporary_number != 0)
digit = temporary_number % 10
temporary_number /= 10
sum_angstrom = sum_angstrom + (digit ** 3)
if (sum_angstrom == number)
puts number
This time, I tried to make a program to show the armstrong numbers in a range that's taken from the user's input. The program just stops after I enter the number and press enter and i can't figure out why.
Keep in mind that i can't use for(each), that's why i'm using while so often.
First of all, change number += number to number += 1; otherwise you will only test the powers of 2.
Second, move the number += 1 line at the bottom of the while block it is in. Otherwise you will always test if sum_armstrong(n) == n+1.
This works:
puts "Enter range(starts at 1), ends at the number that you enter: "
range = gets.chomp.to_i
number = 1
while number <= range
temporary_number = number
sum_angstrom = 0
while(temporary_number != 0)
digit = temporary_number % 10
temporary_number /= 10
sum_angstrom = sum_angstrom + (digit ** 3)
if (sum_angstrom == number)
puts number
number += 1
Armstrong Number in Ruby one liner
n = 153
s = 0
n.to_s.split("").map{|e| s+=(e.to_i*e.to_i*e.to_i)}
puts (n==s ? "Armstrong number" : "Not Armstrong number")
You can iterate in a range to print the value based on your requirement.
Main logic lies in below line.
n.to_s.split("").map{|e| s+=(e.to_i*e.to_i*e.to_i)}
Improving my answer a little bit{|e| s+=(e**3)}

Why are these loops in Ruby not outputting the same answer?

I am currently doing Project Euler problem 1. I have no idea why these two loops are not the same.
total = 0
for i in 0..1000
if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0)
total += i
total = 0
(0...1000).each do |i|
total += i if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0)
puts total
When you use three dots in range (0...1000), the end value is not part of the range - it is equivalent to (0..999)
So, in first case 1000 is part of the loop, but in second case it is not.

how to use next on ruby for this case?

I'm learning Ruby On Rails program and I've came to a road block on one of the lessons. The assignment has me creating an odd numbers for the script to read starting from "20 to 0" using the next component. This is the example they've given me to change :
i = 20
loop do
i -= 1
print "#{i}"
break if i <= 0
This is the problem:
Add a line to your loop before your print statement. Use the next keyword so that you skip to the next iteration if the number i is odd.
How do I accomplish this?
You can just insert a next that skips the rest of the loop if the number is odd:
i = 20
loop do
i -= 1
next if i.odd?
puts "#{i}"
break if i <= 0
I would solve it this way:
i = 20
loop do
i -= 1
next if i%2 != 0
print "#{i}"
break if i <= 0
i = 20
loop do
i -= 1
next if i % 2 == 0
print "#{i}"
break if i <=1

scanning binary sequences of length n with k 1's and n-k 0's

I want to write a loop that scans all binary sequences of length n with k 1's and n-k 0's.
Actually, in each iteration an action is performed on the sequence and if a criterion is met the loop will break, otherwise it goes to next sequence. (I am not looking for nchoosek or perms since for large values of n it takes so much time to give the output).
What MATLAB code do you suggest?
You could implement something like an iterator/generator pattern:
classdef Iterator < handle
properties (SetAccess = private)
n % sequence length
counter % keeps track of current iteration
function obj = Iterator(n)
% constructor
obj.n = n;
obj.counter = 0;
function seq = next(obj)
% get next bit sequence
if (obj.counter > 2^(obj.n) - 1)
error('Iterator:StopIteration', 'Stop iteration')
seq = dec2bin(obj.counter, obj.n) - '0';
obj.counter = obj.counter + 1;
function tf = hasNext(obj)
% check if sequence still not ended
tf = (obj.counter <= 2^(obj.n) - 1);
function reset(obj)
% reset the iterator
obj.counter = 0;
Now you can use it as:
k = 2;
iter = Iterator(4);
while iter.hasNext()
seq =;
if sum(seq)~=k, continue, end
In the example above, this will iterate through all 0/1 sequences of length 4 with exactly k=2 ones:
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
