Wrong YAML sequence formatting in WebStorm [duplicate] - yaml

Intellij keeps formatting my spotbugs.yml file incorrectly, and so breaking the github action.
I cannot figure out why it's doing this:
It was working fine last week, I haven't made any changes to the formatting config, but now, every time I change focus from the file Intellij auto-formats like this, then saves it. How can I fix it?
The thing I don't get is what it's formatting to appears to be invalid yaml, right?

YAML has a syntax that makes it incompatible with indentation that is not 2 spaces. With 4 spaces, you have:
- sequence item: with indentation
this line: isn't aligned to four spaces
nor are further indented lines:
if you indent relative four spaces
- same: problem
without: indenting the sequence item
This makes it hard for code formatters to get it right. Proper alignment would mean:
- three spaces after the sequence item indicator.
that's horrible, nobody does that.
- alternatively this.
nobody does this either and it breaks
- - with nested sequences
I assume some bug in IntelliJ causes the formatter to be confused because of this. Generally it would be better to just use 2 space indentation which seems far more natural due to the problems described above. That should avoid confusing the formatter.


Intermec Printer Language - Tabulation Problem

I'm an ABAP programmer and I was asked to make a minor modification to an IPL label.
Easily done, but now I was tasked to fix a long running error within said label.
I know nothing about IPL and the lack of a online viewer makes everything worse...
The problem is that "tabulation" right in the middle of a text (I underlined it in blue on the Label's pic).
I checked the code and there's nothing there that should make that tabulation appear.
I spent a whole month reading manuals and trying to fix it, but nothing changes...
Here's the code and the resulting label:
<STX>H1;f3;o220,52;c34;b0;h2;w1;d3,300052947-FANDANGOS PRESUNTO 140GX14 LD<ETX>
Can you guys help me, please??
Edit: Just to make it clear, I did that blue line on that image to show what's the problem.
Here are some tests I did by changing the data:
The error always appear at the same point in the label, as long as there's a space in that text.
Have you looked at the raw data of the output? Is it POSSIBLE that what looks like a space is actually some special character that is making IPL choke blue? Because it is literally the 1 character between the "O" and "1". For grins, you might also try to change the character in the data to a "-" just for purposes of confirming data context. It might even just be a TAB character.
I have done IPL years ago and have actually gone to the point of defining a pre-defined label template and generating output that says to use template X (whatever # I created as),and pass the data along that fills into the respective fields.
A final option I would throw in is this. Take the sample output you have and just force sample data into each of the output areas. So, instead of your literal data, put fake data in similar context just to see if it is data specific or other. Such as
<STX>H1;f3;o220,52;c34;b0;h2;w1;d3,300052947-FANDANGOS PRESUNTO 140GX14 LD<ETX>
Notice same context of data, but no spaces and using dash "-" just for testing. Is there something special about the actual data. This is a good way I have done historically for similar strangeness early on doing IPL labels.
User decided to not spend anymore time on this issue, so now I'm unable to further test the label.
Unfortunately this problem will go unsolved for now. Hope I get another chance to fix this and learn more about IPL.
Thanks you so much for your answers!

Ruby - stop program from executing in certain way

I wrote a parser, which recognizes elements of text based on certain pattern.
My program is able to recognize paragraph, chapter etc. The problem is it shouldn't recognize elements, when there's a quote. For example:
Paragraph 1
Something here...
would be proceed as Paragraph.
Paragraph 1
"Paragraph 2"
shouldn't. But as my program is based on regexp patterns, it looks for the word "Paragraph". I'm going line by line and recognize patterns for each line. I don't know how to tell my program: if you see quotes mark, leave text alone without doing anything? My mentor told me to use raise, but I'm not sure how to do it.
OK, so I'm still a bit of a beginner, I don't know if there is a way to direct the regex to ignore things inside quotes, but if I wanted to solve this problem, I would first make a copy of the text to be parsed, run a regex over that and delete everything inside quotes, then run the parser over the remaining text.
A bit kludgy and inelegant I admit, and may have performance issues over a large enough text, but it would get the job done.
See HERE for link to documentation of ruby regex. About a third of the way down it discusses quotes:
/\p{Pi}/ - 'Punctuation: Initial Quote'
/\p{Pf}/ - 'Punctuation: Final Quote'
You may be able to bake that into the regex with the ^ to direct it to ignore items in quotes.

SPSS: Create links/anchors in syntax

Is there a way to create links or anchors within SPSS syntax? Something like linking to a bookmark.
I am making changes and additions to a syntax file, and document these changes at the bottom of the file as comments. In these comments I would like to link to the part of the syntax that was changed. Now I just write the line number, but that changes as I add more syntax, so the reference becomes incorrect.
Bookmarks were the closest thing I found to what I want to do, but I can't turn them into a link. Moreover, I can only create a maximum of 9 bookmarks, which is not enough.
Trying to think creatively here:
instead of bookmarking all the changes, you could break up your syntax into many small syntaxes - each of which contains one of the parts where a change was made.
you can name and number the small syntaxes accordingly.
Then you create one syntax which contains a series of INSERT commands, which calls each of the small syntaxes in turn. You can add titles and remarks between the insert commands, so other users can follow the process and study the relevant small syntax that they need separately.
The Statistics Syntax Editor supports bookmarks - you can have up to 10. Generate a few in the SE and save the syntax file to see how these are represented (hint: look at the COMMENT BOOKMARK lines.

Syntax error, unexpected end-of-file

I have a script that is throwing this error.
This usually means there is a loop (like an if or do) that is not correctly ended, or there are too many end clauses. I can't find the issue. Any good tips on how to identify this kind of syntax error?
It could also be a double-quote issue. Wondering if there is a way (in ultra-edit or text editor) to detect lines of script that have un-even numbers of double quotes.
In answer to: "It could also be a double-quote issue, possibly. Wondering if there is a way to detect any lines of script (in ultra-edit or text editor) where there are an un-even number of double quotes."
Sublime is a great editor that is available for most platforms.
For the first question, comment out blocks of code using =begin ... =end and/or # ... and narrow down the error.
For the second question, use syntax highlighting on the text editor. You can easily tell how long a single string literal is continued, and find unbalanced quotes.
Never mind, I found the issue. I commented out the newest definition that I had added and it ran. That let me know it was that definition. I then took that out and went through it with a darn comb. Found that I was checking a value, but hadn't allowed for it to be nil or empty. Added that in and now I'm good.

Does a syntax highlighter in an IDE scan the whole file every time a letter is typed?

Assuming a syntax highlighter uses a lexer to do the background work: when typing in an IDE with live syntax highlighting, does the lexer have to re-tokenize the entire file (in whatever language, ex. Java, C++, Python, etc), does the lexer only have to re-read and tokenize the current line, or does it only keep itself occupied with a single character/word at a time?
I'm asking because in a lot of editors/IDEs, most code remains the same as the programmer is typing, however, in some cases there's stuff like starting a string literal, which re-highlights the rest of the line, and in other cases like starting a multi-line comment, the whole text file becomes re-highlighted from the point where I start the multi-line comment, to the end of the file.
If the lexical analysis has to be done for the entire file for every single letter typed, wouldn't that make it slow, especially for larger (100.000+ lines) text files?
There is a syntax highlight and semantic highlight.
Syntax highlight is when editor only decorates based on language syntax - e.g. identifiers are black, keywords are pink and comments are green. Syntax highlight does not necessarily reparses (or, rather, tokenizes) the whole file - it can only tokenize "damaged region" (e.g. tokens around edit location). Of course, editor developer may opt to tokenize the whole input - as it is really fast, error-proof and easier to implement.
Semantic highlight (one that, for instance, can highlight global and local identifiers differently) usually require complete reparse - e.g. in Java adding "static" to function declaration would require you to invalidate function references both above and below the cursor. In some cases caching may be implemented (e.g. cache include files parse result as user edit does not change it that much). Semantic highlight is slow so it is usually combined with syntax highligh (you may see in Eclipse that the keywords are highlighted instantly - while member variable changes the color from the black after some small delay).
I didn't look this up, but I am pretty sure that it depends what is being highlighted. That is, comparing the local area you are typing in with basic syntax; versus, say an open comment that until closed highlights from that point until the end of the file.
